Invincible Kai God

Chapter 360 God Fire

Chapter 360 God Fire
"Kakuto, perform another spell, hurry up."

The corners are all wearing a death mask, so you can naturally see the evil god and death.

It was because he could see it that he was shocked and froze there.

After all, people who have lived for so long have never seen any kind of characters.

But this god, it was really the first time I saw it, and it was inevitable that my heart would surge and I couldn't help myself.

Fighting with gods is like returning to the era when facing Senshou Zhujian.

Faced with Maitekai's shout, Kakuzu immediately came back to his senses.

In the era of Senshouzhuma, he was powerless, and he didn't even have the courage to face him directly.

This unwillingness is hidden in the bottom of my heart, even if I get a lot of resentment, I can't break through this line of defense.

Jiaodu was extremely annoyed at the fact that Matt Kyle used him just now to damage his own heart.

But when he thought about hiding the powerlessness in his heart, even though he was being used by others, if the power being used could deal with these gods, Jiaodu actually thought it would be worth it at this time.

The power of a mask's heart can actually help Maitkai resist this strange power, and Kakuzu's eyes radiated a hot light.


With a clap of his hands, the second heart of Yu Zhong suddenly burst.

At the same time, the power of Death God on Maitekai increased several times out of thin air.

"It turns out that you are ruining my good deeds."

The evil god saw Jiaodu, but the face of the skeleton turned into anger from embarrassment, so he wanted to turn his head and run towards Jiaodu.

It's a pity that Maitekai will not do what he wanted. Although he has prepared a backup this time, he doesn't want to use it. After all, this god of death is not so easy to invite.

So calling Jiaodu, of course using him is also within the plan.

But what Maitkai didn't expect was that this corner didn't even resist, but was willing to use it for himself, which was unexpected to Maitkai.

But if the horns can match, that's even better.

The power of the god of death is strengthened, and the power to grab the evil god from his chest is strengthened, and this claw will naturally become bigger.

Just like Wuzhi Mountain, it instantly fused the evil god's sickle into a ball.

The evil god wanted to get away and find trouble with Jiaodu, but he didn't even think about it.

"Mortal, it's simply audacious."

The evil god said with a ferocious face: "How dare you blaspheme the divine right, accept the wrath of the gods."

The nameless fire erupted from the evil god.

This flame is the same as the ordinary flame, it is red.

It's just that the flames of the evil god are more red than ordinary flames, the red ones are like blood, and they look extremely coquettish.


The arm of the god of death holding the sickle actually burned under the flames.

"It stinks."

Maitekai wrinkled his nose, because the smell from the arms of the god of death burned by the coquettish flames turned out to be the smell of corpses.

"The talent of the immortal clan, King Ming's Fury."

Maitkai Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands turned into the face of King Ming staring and angry in a blink of an eye, and at the same time the palm turned into a fist, hitting the evil god.

"With this level of qi, it is wishful thinking to want to cause harm to me."

The evil god contemptuously glanced at Maitekai, Shenhuo, but only the god of office is worthy of having it.

It is simply his honor to use this divine fire to burn this mortal.

It's just that the next moment, the fist transformed by King Ming actually knocked out his divine fire.

The flame that was full of arrogance just now was extinguished in the blink of an eye.

"The power of the god of death, you actually stole the power of the dead."

Looking at the power on that fist, although it is still human power, human power is just an introduction, and it is the power of death that really extinguishes his flame.

With the coming of this ray of consciousness, it is naturally impossible for the flame of the evil god to have much power.

But for the natives of this world, this kind of flame can definitely push down any existence in this world.

However, Maitekai actually borrowed the power of the god of death in his body to activate it with fairy art, and it succeeded.

This is simply a ridiculous joke, an ordinary person can use the power of a god.

Remember, it is to use, not to borrow equivalently, or to become a devout believer, to obtain God's mercy, and thus to obtain divine power.

"Evil God, disappear."

Maitekai tried his best to mobilize the power of the god of death, and tried every means to let the god of death grasp the consciousness of the evil god.

Because only in this way can the consciousness of the evil god be erased.

"Little ghost, relying on you as a mortal, it is impossible to destroy the consciousness of a god."

The ray of consciousness of the evil god was quickly caught by the arm of the god of death, but he said without worry: "Even if you borrow the power of the god of death to wipe out my consciousness, it is impossible, because there are rules among gods. of."


Maitekai knows what gods are not gods, and now it is hard to get off, either the evil god died, or he was swallowed by him.

"Kakuto, dedicate the remaining two hearts to the god of death, and I will make it up to you afterwards."

Maitekai said solemnly: "Whether you can kill the gods or not, it's all in one fell swoop."

Hearing that Maitekai wanted him to destroy his two hearts, Kakuzu naturally didn't want to.

But when he heard Tushen, his green bean eyes shone with a chilling light.

"Slaughter God. Slaughter God."

Jiaodu muttered a few words, and said resolutely: "Maitkai, today I will play with you to the end, don't lie to me. Ah!."

Amidst the sound, the two hearts shattered at the same time, and the power of the god of death swelled up again.

"You are crazy, you dare to sacrifice."

Seeing Jiaodu sacrifice again, the evil god said with a horrified expression: "If the consciousness of death also descends, your whole world will suffer."

"Now I can't control so much, if you don't die, how can I live."

Maitkai said with crazy eyes: "Disappear, evil god."

The God of Death's arms grew wildly, covering the sky and covering the sun, directly covering the evil god completely.

Tongue licked the Taidao, but the god of death began to draw the sword to cut the soul.

"Little brat, if you dare to plot against me, I will pay for your life."

The evil god looked at the Shinigami Taidao who was about to cut it off, and said in a cold voice: "If you want to chop off my soul, you can't even think about it, Shinigami."

A gloomy laugh sounded, accompanied by the sword of death.

A strange light rose, but it instantly enveloped everyone here.

Just like Bai Xue meeting the sun, the flesh and soul of all the people here disappeared bit by bit.

Even Maitekai and Jiao are no exception. Under this light, all existences with life and soul are nothingness.

Light comes and goes quickly.

The entire basement was empty.

Even Fei Duan, who was about to complete the ceremony, completely disappeared in the basement.

"Kakuto, are you dead?"

Maitekai's voice suddenly sounded in the empty basement: "If you are not dead, say a word."

The only strange thing is that although there is a voice, Maitekai's body is not seen.

It was as if the words came from the void.

"I'm here."

Jiaodu's voice sounded, but at the same time he said: "You are there, how can I get out."

(End of this chapter)

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