Invincible Kai God

Chapter 409 Divine Power

Chapter 409 Divine Power
"There are so many excuses, are you afraid that I will threaten your god position?"

Looking at the Immortal of the Six Paths sitting cross-legged in the void in front of him, Maitekai sneered and said: "For the sake of the god position, you can kill your mother and brother, but there is nothing you can't do."

"Shut up, what do you know."

The Immortal of the Six Paths said with an angry look on his face: "The white snake sealed him until he died, and the next God in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss will belong to you."

"Sure enough, wealth and wealth are sought in danger."

Immortal White Snake chuckled, and said in full agreement: "I've already used the dragon scroll, and he's sure to die."

"Really?" Immortal Law Eight Gates Dunjia·Death Gate Opens. ""

Maitkai sneered, his blood-red power shot up into the sky, and he shouted at the same time: "Jiaodu, cut off his soul."

The next moment, in front of Maitekai, Kakuzu held a Buddhist bead in his left hand and a death ring knife in his right hand, aimed at the Sage of the Six Paths, and swung the knife down.

As soon as the door of death was opened, the power was 500 times stronger than that of the normal deity. In addition to the sudden suction of the celestial art, the natural energy within a radius of tens of kilometers disappeared. Even Maitekai himself did not know what level this power reached.

I only know that the moment I opened the door of death in an instant, the surrounding space was like steam, and ripples unexpectedly appeared.

This is just the power to open the door of death and vibrate the space. If it is used together, how strong is this power?

"Divine power, you actually have divine power?"

The Immortal of Six Paths was shocked, but the next moment, the corner had already been chopped off.

It's not that he doesn't want to hide, but that Maitekai's whole body is locked on his body, and even the space is crunching, not to mention it's just a seeking jade fused into something, which can withstand this force.

"The power of the god of death, you are actually a follower of the god of death."

The Immortal of the Six Paths was slashed, and his shadow became blurred, but he didn't care.

Compared to himself, he was more shocked by the changes in Jiaodu, and at the same time turned his eyes to Maitekai and said: "The evil god didn't kill you, but you got a blessing in disguise and gained the power of the god of death.

In this world, you don't believe in me, and you actually sold your faith to the god of death. You are really rubbish in this world. "

Maitekai was shocked, and he had already unsealed the dragon scroll, looked at the Sage of the Six Paths with disdain and said: "I said, how could the evil god have such a strong will, so you put it in.

Immortal of the Six Paths, Immortal of the Six Paths, you are a majestic god, and you are so shameless to plot against someone."

"This world is mine, and you are all my lambs in captivity. I can do whatever I want."

The Immortal of the Six Paths looked at Maitekai ruthlessly and said, "And you have blasphemed the gods, and you will be punished by the gods."

"The world is yours?"

Maitekai sneered and said: "There is no god in the world, you are squeezing the power of the world to fulfill yourself."

"If you have a half-knowledge, you will talk about it here, ignorant."

The Immortal of the Six Paths slowly disappeared until he finally disappeared and said, "The Eight-door Dunjia has opened the door to death. Let's see how long you can live."

Matt Kai understands the words of the Sage of the Six Paths, and it seems that the Sage of the Six Paths is not omnipotent.

Although he knows what's going on in the Ninja World, he doesn't know everything.

Now that he uses the immortal technique, he has even opened the door of death, and his power is surging, directly reaching his so-called divine power.

However, the immortal power of the evil god contained in the body was not seen.

Moreover, the Immortal of the Six Paths became angry with his own nonsense, and it seemed that he was not honored to get the position of God.

After all, as two brothers, he became a god, but his younger brother died. If there is no trickster among them, they will believe it. After all, they all have the power of the same mother.

And for history, as a modern person, he naturally understands it.

How history is written is determined by the winners.

Especially for these disgraceful historical records, if they are the emperor's house, they will definitely find a very beautiful excuse for themselves, which is politics.

"Damn it, the Sage of the Six Paths was chopped off by me."

Jiaodu's face was full of disbelief, after all, this existed thousands of years ago.

This war spanning thousands of years is a legend longer than his seven or eighty years of living.

If you say it out, this awesomeness is enough to brag about for a lifetime.

Compared with the illusory gods in the outside world, these immortals of the Six Paths are more real.

When he defeated the White Snake Immortal, Maitekai had already broken his seal, and Jiaodu also replenished his heart, but he used the technique of Flying Thunder God to make him wait for the opportunity. Such a big role.

After all, the god of death specializes in restraining all kinds of souls.

"You cut him off now, don't worry, he will cut you back later."

Maitkai teased Jiaodu for a while, then looked at the White Snake Immortal and said, "White Snake, your backer is gone, what tricks do you have now, hurry up, or you won't have a chance."

"You can't kill me."

The White Snake Immortal said fearlessly, "Besides, as the Immortal of the Six Paths said, you have opened the door to death, how long can you hold on?"

"Well, don't worry about it."

The old god Maitkai said: "Now you still care about how to escape before I die."

Kakuzu's power of death killed the Sage of the Six Paths before he was discovered by the Sage of the Six Paths. In this way, he doesn't know what happened in the ninja world, so he must not know about his own immortal power, so he is sure of himself will die.

"Immortal Law Luotian Ten Thousand Snakes."

It is very similar to the Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes used by Orochimaru, except that Orochimaru summons countless snakes, and at this time, the White Snake Immortal turns himself into ten thousand white-scaled snakes.

"It's too late to escape now."

Looking at the white-scaled snakes running around, Maitekai clenched his fist with one hand: "Eight speed."

One to five speeds correspond to 100 to 500 times the power of the normal Kai in the original book.

Today's Maitkai has opened the door to death, which has already surpassed the original Bamenkai, and even hits 800 times the power of the eight-speed, and looks relaxed, swaying air waves between gestures.

A wave of air swept across a [-]-meter square, let alone a small white-scaled snake, not even a tree or grass on the ground.

"Wow, wow, it's so scary, so scary."

Kakuto, who was standing next to Matkai, quickly hid behind him.

Just because everything is destroyed before his eyes, even standing next to him feels terrified.

"Hey, Jiaodu, didn't you listen to what the Sage of the Six Paths said?"

Maitekai said thoughtfully: "Only when you have reached this level can you count as the so-called divine power."

Although I don't know the approximate level of divine power, Maitekai knows that at least the power must be able to shake the space.

For example, as soon as I opened the Immortal Art Eight Gates Dunjia Death Gate, it caused ripples in the space.

It was also after this scene was seen by the Immortal of the Six Paths that he disappeared directly.

(End of this chapter)

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