The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 643 Looking for Logan

Chapter 643 Looking for Logan
"Can the dead be resurrected?"

Toad asked in deep shock.

"Yes, I heard from my lord that the eye of reincarnation controls life and death. It can summon the soul of a person from the world of the dead. If there is a dead body, it can be resurrected!"

Kakashi told the secret about the reincarnation eye that he learned from Logan.

"So, as long as there is the body of Master Jiraiya, Lord Logan can revive Master Jiraiya, right?"

Sakura asked.

"Well, Lord Logan told me so, but no one has seen Lord Logan use it!"

"Besides, when we met Mr. Logan before, he said that he had more important things to do, and then Mr. Fukasaku said that Mr. Logan appeared in Hidden Rain Village. I think the important thing Mr. Logan said was to save himself. Come on, my lord!"

"We all know that Mr. Logan can see through the future. Maybe Mr. Logan has seen the future of Mr. Jiraiya, so he rushed to Yuyin Village to save Mr. Bring it back, but it was stopped by Xiao's people!"

Kakashi thought about the cause and effect and said.

"As long as you find the body of the lecherous fairy, you can revive him, right!"

Naruto, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

"should be no problem!"

Kakashi said.

"Grandpa Toad, where is the body of the lecherous fairy? I'm going to find the body of the lecherous fairy! Let grandpa save the lecherous fairy!"

Naruto looked at Toad Fukasaku and said.

"Jiraiya's body sank into the sea, and there was no way to find it. Logan tried his best at that time, but was stopped by the people of the Akatsuki organization. In the end, he could only watch Jiraiya sink into the sea. It has been so long now , let alone find it!"

Toad Fukasaku shook his head and said.

"Is there really no way? Can't you think of a way?"

Naruto asked unwillingly.

"Naruto, Mr. Logan has taken action himself, but still failed. Do you think we can do it? What's more, it is in the Yuyin Village controlled by the Akatsuki organization. We can't do it at all!"

Although he couldn't bear it, Kakashi still spoke.

"If you don't believe me, then wait for Lord Logan to come back and ask. After all, you have found Lord Jiraiya's body, and in the end you have to test Lord Logan to revive Lord Jiraiya!"

After thinking for a while, Kakashi said again.

"Yes, Grandpa, I'm going to find Grandpa!"

Naruto thought of Logan, and immediately turned and left Hokage's office and ran to Logan's house.


Sakura shouted loudly at Naruto.

"Sakura, tell him to go! At least for Naruto, this is a hope! Whether it can be realized or not, don't break it!"

Tsunade blocked.

"Fifth Hokage, what should we do next?"

Kakashi looked at Tsunade and asked.

"Xiao Tsunade, Xiao Zilai also left a lot of information with me, just give it to you!"

Fukasaku said.

"Information? What kind of information?"

Tsunade's tender body was startled, and she immediately asked, after all, this is the information that Jiraiya worked hard to obtain, and it must be very important.


A few toads came out of Toad's deep psychic work.

"Little Jiraiya's information is stored in the bodies of these toads! It must be very important to you! I will leave it to you!"

Toad Fukasaku said to Tsunade.

"Mute! Immediately arrange the intelligence department to analyze the intelligence, and make Anbu be ready at any time! This is the information that guy bought with his own life, we must not let him down!"

Tsunade said to Shizune.

"Yes, Hokage-sama! I will arrange it immediately!"

Shizune replied immediately.

"We must do intelligence analysis as quickly as possible! We must find out what conspiracy the Xiao organization has!"

Tsunade suppressed the pain in his heart and ordered expressionlessly.

"Kakashi, you and Shisui arranged for people to closely monitor the border between Yuyin Village and the Land of Fire. Once you find any traces of members of the Akatsuki organization, report it immediately! After Jiraiya and Lord Logan's attack this time, the Akatsuki organization must have The vitality has been seriously injured! There is no guarantee that they will not jump the wall in a hurry and do more extreme things!"

Tsunade ordered Kakashi.

"Yes, Lord Wudai!"

After Kakashi received the order, he immediately went to Shisui. Jiraiya's sacrifice had too much impact on Konoha, and he had to make complete preparations to better understand the true purpose of Akatsuki's organization.

"Sakura, Sai, look at Naruto, don't let him leave your sight, especially don't let him leave Konoha without authorization, now the only targets of the Akatsuki organization are him and Yao from Yunyin Village, we must not let him The Xiao organization fulfills its wish!"

Tsunade continued to assign tasks. At this time, she wanted to suppress the sadness in her heart, and she must fulfill her duties as Konoha's Fifth Hokage and protect the village.

"Yes, Lord Wudai!"

After receiving the order, Sakura and Sai immediately went to find Naruto.

"Xiao Tsunade, you should pay attention to rest, Xiao Zilai certainly doesn't want to see you collapse from exhaustion, don't suppress yourself too much!"

Toad said deeply.

"I see, Fukasaku-sama!"

Tsunade frowned and said.

"I have already entrusted you with what Xiao Ziraiya entrusted to me, the rest is up to you, if you have anything to do, you can contact me, there is Xiao Ziraiya's apprentice, he knows how to contact Miaomushan !"

Toad Fukasaku looked at Tsunade and said.

"Okay, sorry for the inconvenience, Fukasaku-sama!"

Tsunade nodded and said.

At this time, Naruto was already at Logan's house, but Logan was not at home at this time.

"Naruto, you're here!"

Hiyori looked at the hurrying Naruto and said.

"Aunt Rihe, is grandpa here?"

Naruto's address has always been arbitrary, but everyone is used to it.

"Logan is not here, and he hasn't come back since he went out! What do you want from him?"

Hiyori looked at Naruto anxiously and asked.

"Then do you know when he will come back? I have something urgent to find him!"

Naruto said eagerly.

"I don't know either! Don't worry, he just said that he has something very important to leave, and he may not be able to come back when! What happened, tell Auntie!"

Hiyori said comforting Naruto.

"Aunt Rihe, the lecherous fairy, he is dead!"

Naruto said sadly.

"What! Jiraiya is dead? How is that possible!"

Hiyori covered his mouth and said in disbelief that Logan didn't tell Hiyori about his plan. He didn't want Hiyori to worry, so Hiyori Jiraiya and Itachi didn't know about the death.

"It's true, it was said by Immortal Toad of Mount Miaomu, he..."

Naruto intermittently told Hiyori the news he got from Toma Fukasaku. In the process of telling, Naruto's tears kept streaming down, and the sadness in his heart became heavier and heavier. It also meant so much to him that Naruto couldn't accept the news at all.

(End of this chapter)

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