The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 645 The Secret of "Wedge"!

Chapter 645 The Secret of "Wedge"!

"My lord, can you tell us how much do you know about the Otsutsuki clan and the so-called 'Wedge'?"

itachi asked.

"I actually don't know much about them. I even feel that the real Otsutsuki is very different from the information I got before. After I really got in touch with them, I discovered their real horror!"

Logan said with a serious face.

"The real horror? What is it?"

Jiraiya was also the first time to see Logan looking so solemn. Before, no matter what time, Logan had always looked like he was sure of winning, and there was never a time when he was not sure.

"Judging from the people of the Otsutsuki clan I have contacted and some information I have obtained, each clansman of the Otsutsuki clan has their own unique abilities! There are even some incredible places!"

"Otsuki Ichishi can parasitize in other people's bodies, absorb the vitality of others to maintain their own survival, and finally slowly control this person's thoughts!"

In order to find out what Otsutsuki went through, Logan took the risk of using the ability to go back in time to check the past, but Logan only saw a part, but it was this part that made Logan pay more attention to Otsutsuki.

"Parasite in someone else's body? It's like a parasite!"

Minato said in surprise.


"In order to find out the past of Otsuki Ichishiki, I specially used the ability of time, but unfortunately I only saw part of it, and didn't fully understand what happened!"

Logan said regretfully.

"My lord, can you tell us what you saw?"

itachi asked.

"What I saw was intermittent images, Otsuki Ichishiki and Otsuki Kaguya came to the earth together, but for some unknown reason, Otsuki Kaguya attacked Otsuki Ichishiki and almost killed Otsuki Ichishiki! "

"But Otsutsuki Ichishiki used a secret technique 'Shaoming Viguna' when he was dying!"

Logan said solemnly.

"Young name Viguna? What kind of secret technique is this?"

also asked.

"This is a secret technique that can shrink one's body. Otsutsuki Yishi made one's body smaller and penetrated into Cixian's ear. While absorbing nutrients, he can survive in Cixian's body!"

"I speculated before that Otsutsuki Ichishi arranged Cixian as a survival device in recent years. It seems that my guess was wrong. In fact, Cixian was controlled by Otsutsuki Ichishi thousands of years ago!"

Logan said.

"If so, who is fighting you?"

Minato asked.

"It's also Otsuki Ichishiki, but I don't know how he did it! I can feel that it's not a puppet, but a real Otsutsuki Ichishiki's body, but what kind of method is Otsuki Ichishiki using? Haven't figured it out yet!"

"If Otsuki Ichishiki has such strength, then Cixian will have no effect on him at all! The actual combat power of Otsutsuki Ichishiki that I fought with has surpassed Otsutsuki Kaguya in my opinion. I speculate It was Otsutsuki Ichishi who fought with me in order to take my body!"

"But what his purpose is, I don't know!"

Logan was a little confused at this time. If Logan used time to go back and saw the truth, then what happened to the Otsutsuki Ichishi who fought him?

Obviously that Otsutsuki Ichishi didn't need Cixian's body at all, and Logan couldn't figure out what the power that was expelled from his body was at the beginning.

"My lord, will someone pretend to be Ichishiki Otsutsuki?"

Kushina asked.

"I don't know either. The Otsutsuki Ichishi I was fighting against looks exactly the same as the Otsutsuki Ichishiki I saw back in time, but it seems to be stronger in terms of strength. No matter who this Otsuki Ichishiki is, Jirai and I have also confirmed the existence of shell tissue!"

Logan said.

"Yes, when I was investigating Xiao's organization, I found a news in some small villages, that is, some people will pay a lot of money to buy some children. I have seen that person occasionally, and I showed the portrait of that person to the adults. It is certain that it is Ci Xian!"

He also nodded and said.

"Children? What does he want children for?"

Minato asked.

"In order to cultivate a container that can hold Otsuki Ichishiki's power! Cixian's body is not enough to accommodate the huge chakra of Otsutsuki Ichishiki, so for so many years, Otsuki Ichishiki has not used Cixian to be reborn! Because once he is reborn, Cixian Xian's body will collapse because he can't bear his huge strength, and he will die in a short time!"

Logan said.

"If it's according to what your lord said, then you can be sure that the Otsutsuki tribe who fought with your lord a few years ago is definitely not Otsuki Ichishiki, or not Otsuki Ichishiki himself!"

Itachi said.

"Well, it's very possible, but it doesn't matter anymore, anyway, he is dead, and I tried to read his memory back then, but the restriction in his brain was too strong, and I couldn't undo it, and I didn't find any useful information at all. clues!"

"Our current main threat is the future shell tissue and Otsutsuki Momo and Otsutsuki Kim who came to harvest chakra. Although Momo and Kim are troublesome, Naruto and the others are enough to deal with them. The key is this Otsuki Ichishi and His shell tissue, they are the tricky part!"

Logan said.

"My lord, you once said that Momo Otsutsuki would leave a 'wedge' on Naruto's son Boruto. What is this wedge?"

Minato asked.

"The 'Wedge' I learned is a very troublesome existence. During the most intense battle, Tao copied all of himself, digitized himself, and then entered Boruto's body! In a word, Wedge It is the backup file of the compressed Otsutsuki!"

"The compressed files of Momo Otsutsu that exist in Boruto's body will be unfrozen little by little after a long time. If all these data are unfrozen, Boruto's body will be replaced by Momo Otsutsu's data. Boren The existence will completely disappear, and Datong Mumoshi will be completely resurrected, and may further evolve!"

"This is what I learned. I'm not sure how accurate the information is, but I think most of it is true!"

Logan told all the information he had learned about 'Wedge'. After hearing this, several people present fell into silence. They couldn't have imagined such a situation.

It is unbelievable that everything about a person can be turned into data and then penetrated into another person's body, and finally can completely occupy that person's body and resurrected. People can't understand what kind of existence this is .

(End of this chapter)

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