The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 647 Meeting old friends

Chapter 647 Meeting old friends

Like the original work, Naruto was taken to Mt. Miaomu to practice celestial arts after Jiraiya's "death". This can be said to be a turning point in Naruto's life. The road of the strong.

And Nagato's attack can be said to have caught Konoha by surprise. Although he was prepared, he did not expect that the Akatsuki organization would launch an attack on Konoha in such a short period of time, and Shisui had already led people to the fire. The country and the border guards of Yuyin Village caused Konoha to lack a large force.

"Damn! How did the leader of the Akatsuki organization bypass our defenses and attack Konoha!"

Shisui is rushing back to Konoha with his people, but he has a very bad feeling in his heart. Even if he rushes back at full speed, it may still be too late to stop Akatsuki from destroying Konoha.

"Patriarch, we may be too late! Konoha may have suffered heavy damage by now!"

The members of the Uchiha clan said to Shisui.

"No matter what! We must rush back as quickly as possible. We can only hope that the people in the village can temporarily withstand the attack of the Xiao organization! In order to prevent them from taking any action on the village, we came here to defend the village. Such a tight defense is impossible. Can be broken by them, I really can't imagine how they did it!"

Shishui said bitterly.

After guessing that the Akatsuki organization might attack Naruto, Tsunade specially arranged for Shisui to personally sit on the border to guard against the Akatsuki organization's attack, but unexpectedly, the enemy broke through the defense silently and launched an attack on Konoha.

"Speed ​​up again!"

Shisui ordered.

"Damn it, you can't use the Flying Thunder God at this distance. You should have mastered it when the adults taught you! After you go back this time, you must thoroughly master the Flying Thunder God! Otherwise, if this happens again, you can use the Flying Thunder God to rush back!"

Zhishui thought to himself.

Logan tried to teach Flying Thunder God to Shisui and Kakashi, but the two seemed to be inferior in space-time ninjutsu ability, and it was quite difficult to learn. The research has also been relaxed, so the two have only grasped a little bit of superficiality, and only at this time did they realize the importance of Flying Thunder God.

At this time, all the staff of Konoha have been mobilized. It can be said that Konoha has once again suffered a huge test except after Kyuubi attacked Konoha more than ten years ago. However, after having the experience last time, Konoha this time The response was swift, and civilians were immediately evacuated.

The ninjas started chasing and intercepting the Akatsuki organization, but it is not clear how many people attacked Konoha and who they were, because all the six puppets of Nagato were destroyed except Tiandao, so the current puppets are The five new ones have no way to know their specific abilities, and they can only be known after fighting.

However, there are only a handful of Konoha ninjas who can survive under the puppet of Six Paths. Although Nagato did not come to destroy Konoha, but in order to find Naruto's information, death is inevitable. But for Nagato, resurrecting a person and The price paid for resurrecting thousands of people is the same, so it doesn't matter whether people die or not.

"Konoha hasn't suffered this kind of loss for many years!"

Obito looked at the destroyed Konoha Village from a distance and sighed.

"The action has already begun, what are you going to do?"

Nagato looked at Obito and asked.

"I've already checked. Shisui is not in the village at the moment. He is on guard at the border. It is a very good opportunity for us. The only one left is Kakashi who threatens you, but I will stop him for you. , the rest is up to you!"

Obito turned his head and looked at Nagato who had left the auxiliary machine and said.

"This time should be my final battle! But destroying Konoha can be regarded as avenging my parents!"

Nagato put on Akatsuki's clothes and said.

"Regarding the death of your parents, the information I have found shows that they may have been plotted to death by Madara. Madara needs you to grow up, so you must be let go of your parents!"

Obito said.

"I thought about it, but it was always Konoha's ninja who killed my parents. Although it was an act this time, being able to destroy Konoha would be considered revenge for me!"

"As for Madara, there will be a day when he pays the price! Although I really want to seek revenge from him, I want Yahiko to come back to life even more!"

Nagato said.

"Leave it to me! My hatred with him is much deeper than yours! If it weren't for him, I should still be the Uchiha Obito who worked hard for the dream of Hokage, instead of aiming at destroying the world. Uchiha Madara's name is alive!"

The Sharingan under Obito's mask has hateful eyes. The real truth has been known from Logan. Although there are some speculations, after knowing the truth, Obito can't wait to drag Uchiha Madara's body out to whip the corpse .

"I'll leave it to you, Madara! Let him experience the pain of despair! Let him experience the despair of losing everything! If it wasn't for the plan, I want to destroy these eyes!"

Nagato touched his Samsara eyes, and said in a cold tone.

"Come on, you'll be free right away! Now let's finish what's in front of us first! Now that Kakashi's traces have been found, he'll be handed over to me! The last time I saw him, I haven't had a good fight with him yet. What! Let me see how much Kakashi's strength has improved after all these years!"

After speaking, Obito's figure slowly disappeared, ready to stop Kakashi from destroying the six puppets.

The current Kakashi is not as good as the original one. He is [-]-[-] against everyone. At this time, Kakashi is fierce. He stopped two six puppets by himself, and beat the puppets back. Seeing that the Six Paths Puppet was about to lose its hold, Obito felt it.

"Leave this to me! You continue to find Naruto's whereabouts! Find Naruto's whereabouts before Konoha supports you, or we will be in trouble!"

Obito said to the puppet of Tiandao.


The Heavenly Dao puppet didn't say much, and left directly with Shura Dao.

"The famous 'copy ninja' Hatake Kakashi, let me see your true strength!"

Under the mask, Obito looked at his former best friend with a complex expression. In the past, he had been living under Kakashi's light, and he was working hard to chase Kakashi's figure, but no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to see him. To catch up with Kakashi's hope.

It wasn't until he was rescued by Madara that his whole talent underwent a radical change, and he also made a great leap in strength. In this regard, Obito needs to thank Uchiha Madara.

"It's you! Who are you? Why do you have Sharingan? How did you know Mr. Logan!"

Kakashi is ready to fight, he understands the difficulty of the other party, especially the time and space ninjutsu that is elusive, which is the time and space ninjutsu above Flying Thunder God, it is very difficult to deal with.

"If you want to know who I am, it depends on whether you have the ability to take off my mask!"

Obito put away his mixed feelings and prepared to fight this old friend seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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