The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 649 Naruto joins the battle

Chapter 649 Naruto joins the battle
During the battle between Kakashi and Obito, the whole Konoha was caught in the flames of war, and the six puppets caused considerable damage to Konoha, especially the beast way and Shura way.

One can channel a large number of psychic beasts, and the other is simply a human bomb, destroying everywhere. From a distance, several psychic beasts can be seen wreaking havoc in the village, and missiles explode everywhere from time to time.

"Wouldn't Logan be angry for causing so much damage to Konoha?"

Xiaonan asked worriedly looking at Konoha, who was in full swing.

"It's okay! This is what Logan requested. He has a way to restore everything that was destroyed, so we don't need to worry about this. We just need to be careful not to be discovered by Hei Jue who is hiding in the dark!"

Nagato said.

"What is his purpose for doing this? Even if he has a way to recover, it will be quite laborious, right? And it will cause quite a lot of casualties in the process!"

Konan asked puzzled.

"I don't know about this either! Just do what he said! Get ready! The Son of Prophecy is coming back! The best show is about to start!"

Nagato said from a high place looking at Konoha in the distance.

"Nagato, Jiraiya-sensei has always regarded you as the child of prophecy before, how does it feel to know that the child of prophecy is Uzumaki Naruto?"

Konan looked at Nagato with interest and asked.

"How does it feel? It's like being robbed of a beloved toy. I'm very upset. Let me see what this son of prophecy is capable of!"

Nagato said with nostalgia and unwillingness in his eyes.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


Tiandao Payne played a huge game this time, and this time the whole Konoha was destroyed. A huge deep pit appeared in the center of Muye Village, and almost all the houses in the village were destroyed.

"Nagato, did you make it so exaggerated? Konoha was completely ruined! Won't Logan be angry because of this?"

Xiao Nan looked at the ruined Muye Village and said in shock.

"Don't worry! Do exactly what he said! Do your best to destroy Konoha, don't forget that the Akatsuki organization is a terrorist organization! We must do things that match our identities! Acting also has to act Be realistic!"

Nagato said.

"You boy will make me spend a lot of effort!"

Suddenly a voice came from above the two of them.

"I did exactly what you asked! You can't control the battle!"

Nagato looked up at Logan who was slowly falling in front of him and said.

"It doesn't matter! You have to get ready! The countdown to your death has officially begun!"

Logan said indifferently.

"My lord! Nagato will 'die' when the time comes, what should I do?"

Xiao Nan asked with some trepidation.

"They don't pay much attention to you, so you don't have to worry, I will arrange a hiding place for you, Nagato and Yahiko, but Nagato's reincarnation eye will be returned to Obito, and I will give it to you again. Nagato has a pair of eyes!"

Logan thought for a moment and said.

Indeed, as Logan said, both Heijue and Madara care about Nagato, because the eye of reincarnation is on him, and Konan and Yahiko are not important to them, they don't care whether they live or die, even if they disappear No one will look for it.

"In that case, I would like to thank you sir first! As long as I can be with Nagato and Yahiko, I don't care where I am! Yahiko has been away for too long, I just hope he will come back soon!"

Xiao Nan said with a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you. If it weren't for the need for Yahiko to exist as Tiandao Payne, I would have been able to resurrect him a long time ago! Now I'm waiting for Naruto to come back!"

Logan looked at the deep pit in the center of the leaf and said.

"Hey, Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, have you rushed back?"

"Nagato is up to you, teach Naruto a lesson and force out his full potential!"

Logan looked at Nagato and said.

"Don't worry! I will drive him into a corner!"

After finishing speaking, Nagato began to wholeheartedly manipulate the six puppets to fight Naruto.

"Where is this place?"

Naruto looked around and found that he didn't recognize this place.

"Where is the enemy?"

Toad Bunta looked at the surrounding smoke and asked.

Toad Shima had a great psychic this time, and summoned the three great powers of Mt. Miaogi, Naruto and Fukasaku together. After all, the enemy this time is no small matter, and he must go all out.

"What's going on here? The child's mother?"

"Why don't you channel us to Muye Village?"

Gama Fukasaku asked Gama Shima who had rushed to the battlefield.

"This is Konoha!"

Toad Shima said with a serious face.

"What's going on here? Granny Zhima!"

Hamo Wentai asked in disbelief.

"Take a good look around!"

When the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, Muye Village was revealed. It can be seen that there are ruins everywhere, and the whole village has been completely destroyed!

"Who did this kind of thing, it's clear at a glance! It's exactly the same as standing on the shoulders of that boy Jiraiya!"

Shima said.


Naruto looked at Konoha that had been completely destroyed, and fell into silence. He couldn't imagine what Konoha had gone through to be completely destroyed. What did the enemy do to catch him!

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Except for Tiandao Payne, the other five six puppets also appeared in front of Naruto, and all the six puppets that were destroyed before have been completed, but because all the puppets have been updated, Naruto does not know now specific capabilities of the opponent.

"It seems that there are six people together!"

Toad Fukasaku looked at the six puppets in front of him, and found that he didn't know anyone except the leader.


Tsunade suddenly appeared in front of Naruto and confronted Payne. She hadn't found Naruto covered in smoke yet.

"I am the fifth generation of Hokage! You have trampled on the treasures and dreams of the ancestors, and I will never allow it! Here, as Hokage, I will end it with you!"

Tsunade was furious at this time, even though the chakra in her body was almost exhausted, but as the duty of Hokage, as the granddaughter of the first Hokage, she had to stand up at this time.

"It seems that you understand the pain a little bit! But, I'm not looking for you! I'm looking for..."

While Tiandao was speaking, Shuradao transformed various weapons and rushed forward.


"It's me!"

Naruto jumped off Toad Bunta, punched Shuradao, and stared at Tiandao angrily.

Tsunade looked at Naruto who suddenly saved her in shock. At that moment, she seemed to see the figures of Minato and Jiraiya, which gave her an extremely reassuring feeling. The little boy who once clamored to become Hokage has now grown up. Now that he is a man who can stand upright, he is not far from his oath to become Hokage!

(End of this chapter)

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