The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 660 Trading

Chapter 660 Trading
"Sir, why are you here?"

Kakashi and Yamato asked in surprise, but they knew that Logan was almost exhausted in order to restore Konoha, which was completely destroyed by Payne, and he should still be recuperating.

"That's the legendary Logan? Have you seen it?"

The grumpy Karui didn't dare to speak loudly at this time.

"No, it's the first time I saw him. I didn't expect to feel no breath of him at all, as if he didn't exist in this world! What kind of state is that!"

Darui said in surprise.

"Don't worry about Naruto, although this kid can speak well, he may not be of any use on Raikage's side. You don't understand the relationship between Eight-Tails Jinchuriki and Raikage, and it is impossible for him to let go of his hatred with a few simple conversations. !"

Logan said with a smile.

"How about it? Lei Ying, let's make a deal!"

Logan looked at Raikage and said again.

"What is your purpose? Like Uzumaki Naruto, let me give up the execution of Sasuke Uchiha?"

Lei Ying looked at Logan and asked.

"Sasuke was misled and took a wrong path, but there is still help, and Kirabi is fine, he just escaped from Yun Yin with the help of Sasuke's attack, and now he is playing around!"

Logan said.

"What! Is it okay?"

Lei Ying asked in surprise.

"It's all right! He's just tired of staying in Yunyin, and he just took this opportunity to run out to play! Let me see where he is now!"

After Logan finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a picture appeared in front of him. It was Kirabi who was learning to sing with a little man with a raccoon and psychic beast. It could be seen that Kirabi was in perfect condition.

"This song is really not flattering!"

Logan complained.

"Better than this bastard!"

Lei Ying was furious, he was worried about him, but he was learning to sing from others leisurely.

"The facts are clear. Although Sasuke attacked him, Kirabi was fine at all, so it can't be regarded as any hatred, but Sasuke did attack Yun Yin. This cannot be denied. This is some secret technique about Thunder Dun. It's your compensation!"

Logan took out a scroll and threw it to Raikage and said.


Lei Ying took the scroll and asked.

"what why?"

Rogan asked.

"Your strength is much higher than ours. You can obviously force us to agree to your request. Even if I don't agree, you should be able to kill us easily. Why do you use this method?"

Lei Ying asked.

"I don't like to make things difficult for others, not to mention the fact that I am much stronger than you, but I am not a bossy person, let alone suppressing you with strength, it seems too bullying. This is not what I do. The scroll is There is nothing wrong with Sasuke's compensation for attacking Yunyin!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Okay, I will revoke the order to execute Uchiha Sasuke, but is he really worth it? A ninja who betrayed his village will bring a lot of trouble to the village!"

Lei Ying said.

"In the future you will look at him with admiration. Now he is just on a crooked path. This is what he must go through to grow up. However, Sasuke will appear at the Five Kages meeting this time. I have no other requirements, as long as I don't kill him." If you kill him, you can deal with him whatever you want, as long as you keep him alive!"

Logan said.

"Will he attack the Five Kages talks?"

Lei Ying asked in surprise.

"Well, almost! This meeting will not be peaceful, you have to be prepared, the big battle is coming soon!"

Logan nodded and said.

"Since you know everything, why don't you stop it? With your strength, it should be easy to stop it!"

Lei Ying asked puzzled.

"Sometimes, problems can only be solved after they are exposed. What's more, this is a test that you have to face. It is a test that concerns the survival of the entire ninja world. Outsiders cannot interfere. Well, that's all I can say. What to do, you understand, enjoy the last peace!"

After Logan and Raikage finished speaking, they came to Naruto's side again.

"Naruto, it's time to grow up! Everyone has a different path, you can't force him to change, you have to let him realize that he did something wrong, otherwise everything is just your beautiful vision, remember what I told you Everything, think about what you should do!"

Logan left after speaking.

Logan also did this on a whim, and gave Raikage the scroll to enable Raikage to better face the upcoming war. The stronger the strength of the ninja world, the smaller the loss at that time, Logan also It's easier.

"You have also heard that I will cancel the execution of Uchiha Sasuke, but this time, if it is true as Logan said, Uchiha Sasuke will attack the Five Kages Conference, and I will give him a hard lesson, but I will not I will kill him, this is my promise to Logan, you can rest assured!"

Raikage looked at Kakashi and the three of them and said.

"Thank you!"

Naruto thanked him with a sigh of relief, Raikage canceled the execution order, and Sasuke's situation eased a lot, which finally made Naruto feel at ease.

"You don't need to thank me, if you want to thank Logan, please thank Logan! And it's better than living, otherwise, even Logan came to me, and I won't let Sasuke Uchiha go! However, I'm here to remind you that it's better to solve the rebellion as soon as possible. , otherwise it will bring you a lot of trouble! That’s all for now! Let’s go!”

After speaking, Raikage took the lead to leave this place and continued to the Iron Country. After knowing that Kirabi was fine, the fourth generation of Raikage was also much more relaxed, and he also got a scroll about Lei Dun from Logan. He opened it to read However, it is very mysterious. If he can learn all the things on the scroll, his strength will be greatly improved, and it will have a great effect on the next big battle that Logan said. Raikage also wants to learn quickly. Occult.

"Naruto, you can rest assured now!"

Kakashi looked at Naruto and said.

"Mr. Kakashi, I'm going to the meeting place of the five shadows meeting! I'm going to stop Sasuke!"

Naruto looked at Kakashi and said.

"Naruto, this is not what you should do! You also heard what Mr. Logan said, a big war is coming, we must be prepared!"

Kakashi said.


"Naruto, Kakashi-senpai is right, Sasuke's problem is not the most urgent problem to be solved now, and Raikage also said that he will not kill Sasuke, and Shisui-senpai is secretly protecting Hokage-sama, I I think Sasuke will be caught by then, so you can watch him again then!"

Yamato interrupted Naruto's argument.

"Okay! Let's find an inn to rest first! Then go back to Konoha!"

Naruto had no choice, it was obvious that Kakashi and Yamato would not let him get involved, and he couldn't do anything with them, he had to give in, but Naruto didn't give up, he wanted to find a chance to go to the Five Kages for a meeting place, stop Sasuke, now we can only compromise first.

(End of this chapter)

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