The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 662 Exposure

Chapter 662 Exposure
"Naruto, you will fight Sasuke sooner or later! No, I will cause you to fight! The long-lasting battle of fate! Sasuke will prove the existence of Uchiha!"

Obito said.

"Sasuke is not your toy! Don't be self-righteous!"

Naruto yelled angrily.

"Do you also want Sasuke to change his mind like Nagato? You are so self-righteous! Naruto!"

"To control people, you must first have the ability to use the darkness of people's hearts! Nagato just happens to be easy to be influenced by people!"

Obito said.

"Don't compare Nagato with you! Even if he does something wrong, he still desires peace from the bottom of his heart! But you are different!"

Naruto said angrily.


"The existence of Uchiha, if it is just to prove this, why do you collect tailed beasts? What is your purpose? What do you hope to get?"

Kakashi asked.

Compared to Naruto who only cares about Sasuke, Kakashi wants to know what the purpose of this person who claims to be Uchiha Madara is.

"That's right, if you insist, become a perfect body!"

Obito said.

"What do you mean?"

Yamato asked.

"It doesn't make much sense to tell you! I'm going to say it on a more meaningful occasion! I'm very happy to talk to you!"


Just like that, Obito disappeared in front of the eyes of the three of them, leaving no breath at all.

"Time and space ninjutsu, what a troublesome ninjutsu!"

Yamato said.

"Kakashi-sensei, what that guy said..."

"You can't trust that guy's words!"

Yamato interrupted Naruto.

"But if it's true, Sasuke him..."

"Naruto, I understand how you feel, but you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity! Listen carefully, what Madara said is kept between us as a confidential matter. The village is on the way to revival. We should avoid chaos, and You can’t believe it until you check it! The killing of the Uchiha clan was done by Konoha’s high-level officials using Itachi. There are still too many things we don’t understand, especially Naruto, do you understand what I mean?”

Kakashi had doubts about Itachi for a long time, because after Itachi killed the Uchiha rebels, Shisui showed pain, remorse and guilt, which shows that things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

Moreover, Kakashi knows Itachi very well, and understands that Itachi is not someone who will kill the people at will, not to mention that he was also investigating Uchiha's coup during that time.

As a result, Itachi made a move at this juncture, and all those who died were those who wanted to launch a coup d'etat. No one was left, and they were all killed. Kakashi had great doubts about this, so he asked Logan, Logan only said, "People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes!", which further confirmed Kakashi's guess.

Now adding Obito's statement, Kakashi understands that almost everything Obito said is true, Itachi is still the ninja who is dedicated to Konoha, and finally died in the hands of his younger brother as a traitor. He never revealed the truth until his death, presumably because of protecting Konoha!
"I see!"

Naruto said very unwillingly.

He also thought that he had met Itachi a few times before, and that Itachi had a chance to capture him, but he let him go. Now Naruto finally understands why, that is, Itachi has been protecting Muki in his own way. leaf!

At this time, Sasuke and his party have sneaked into the meeting place of Five Kages under the leadership of Bai Ze. Sasuke's primary target is Danzo. The biggest black hand in Konoha's history is now lurking nearby. He has already negotiated with Tsuchikage Onoki It's over, but Ohnoki didn't promise anything, and everything will be discussed after the Five Kage talks.

What's more, Onoki has some psychological shadows on Logan. After all, after Logan came to the ninja world, he fought against Onoki in the first battle, and defeated him easily. When there is no guarantee that Logan will not intervene, Onoki is There will be no transaction with Danzo.

As for Danzo's other target, the Fourth Raikage, Danzo hasn't had a chance to meet him yet, and now that the Five Kages have gathered for a meeting, he has no chance to meet Raikage alone, and can only wait until after the meeting is over .

"Sasuke, Danzo hasn't been found yet, but Wukage's location has been found, what should we do now?"

Kaoru told Sasuke what he perceived.

"Has Hokage arrived too?"

Sasuke asked.

"Yes, it's Konoha Five Hokage Tsunade, accompanied by Kimaro and Shiro!"

Xiangphos said.

"Kimaro and Bai?"

Sasuke's eyes shrank, and he thought he was in trouble. He knew Junmaro and Bai Sasuke very well, and they had received a lot of Logan's true biography. Just because the two are low-key, the strength of the two is not much weaker than Kakashi and Shisui in terms of timing.

Among the three subordinates around me, Xianglin is a blood bag with perception. Although Chongwu is a combatant, he will attack no matter who is crazy. Ghost Light Suigetsu is also a combatant, but compared to Wukage's guards, it may He Shuiyue can't play much role either.

So the best goal at this time is to find Danzo. After all, Danzo is also Sasuke's primary goal. I learned from Obito that a large part of the coup d'état of the Uchiha clan is because of Danzo's oppression of Uchiha. To launch a coup, it can also be said that Danzo is the chief culprit that caused Itachi's tragic life.

Others may not die, but Danzo must die!After thinking about it for a while, Sasuke made a decision.

"Look for Danzo first. We can't deal with the others for the time being. We will try our best to find Danzo's trace. He may be nearby. If he wants to join forces with Raikage and Tsuchikage to attack Konoha, it will definitely not be settled at once. Moreover, Raikage has just arrived not long ago, so they must have never seen him before, Danzo must be nearby, and he will discuss with Raikage after the Five Kage talks!"

Sasuke said.

"Got it! I..."

"Sasuke is here! Where is he? Do you want to know?"

While Xianglin was talking with Sasuke, Bai Jue sneaked into the meeting place of Five Kages without a sound, and then announced that Sasuke had invaded, which completely disrupted Sasuke's plan, and the matter was serious.

"Sasuke, Bai Jue has exposed our whereabouts! What should we do?"

Sensing what Bai Jue was doing, Xiang Lin's expression changed drastically, and he immediately told Sasuke.

"This damned Bai Jue! When did he run in front of Wuying! He even revealed our whereabouts! What is he thinking!"

Guideng Shuiyue said angrily.

"No matter what his purpose is, we are in danger now! Warriors from the Iron Kingdom have already arrived, and it seems that we can't do it secretly if we want to find Danzo's whereabouts!"

Zhongwu looked at the iron country warriors looking for himself and others everywhere below and said.

"Kill it out!"

Sasuke decided to retreat first. He didn't know the strength of the other kages very well, but he knew Junmaru and Shiro very well. There is also a fight against Bai, and he decides to retreat first, and then look for an opportunity to get rid of Danzo.

(End of this chapter)

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