The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 664 Destiny

Chapter 664 Destiny
"Akatsuki's plan or something, there must be nothing good! I can't understand! Call Sasuke out!"

Fourth Raikage said as he watched Obito draw Sasuke into the Kamui space.

"Then listen to my explanation carefully! See your answers before deciding!"

Obito looked at Raikage and said.

"Calm down a little bit, Raikage! There is nothing to lose by listening!"

Tu Ying came to Lei Ying and said.

"Heal Sasuke well!"

Obito came to Xianglin and sucked her into the Shenwei space.

"That's Madara's ability! Space-time ninjutsu!"

Kankuro said as he watched Obito use his strange ability to suck Sasuke and Karin into the Kamui space.

"So, are you all more or less willing to listen?"

Obito looked at Gokage and asked.


"You can't be Uchiha Madara, who are you? Why do you have Sharingan!"

At this time, Zhishui, who had been hiding in the dark, appeared and asked.

"Oh? Uchiha Shisui! I've heard about the daimyo for a long time! This is the first time we've met!"

Obito looked at Shisui with some surprise, and at the same time was secretly on guard. Once he found Shisui using the kaleidoscope Sharingan, he ran away immediately, because Obito couldn't guarantee that he would be able to resist Shisui's ultimate illusion.

"Say, who are you!"

Shisui stared at Obito closely and asked.

"I told you, I am Uchiha Madara! Listen to my plan and you will understand!"

Obito looked at Shisui and said.

"Oh, that's right! Don't even think about using your kaleidoscope to control me. I've cast Izanagi on myself, and other gods may not work on me!"

Obito added.

"Zhishui, step back and see what he wants to say!"

Tsunade ordered.

"Don't try to play tricks, I've been watching you!"

Waterstop warned.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to tell you my plan and listen to your choices!"

Obito shrugged and said, but he still didn't dare to relax.

"Why did you tame Sasuke!"

Gaara looked at Obito and asked.

"Sharingan that can open its eyes to Susano is very rare. Good eyes must be well managed! I want him to exercise his pupil power in the actual battle with the five shadows! The person who sent Sasuke here is Me! I want him to weaken Five Kages and take him hostage!"

"It seems that it is still too difficult for others!"

Obito said.

"Hostage? Why?"

Mizukage Terumi Mei asked.

"In order for the Moon Eye project mentioned just now to proceed smoothly!"

Obito said.

"I didn't expect that Uchiha Madara is really alive! You are such a powerful person, there is no need to use these oblique methods! With your ability, any plan can be carried out!"

As the only person on the field who has had fighting experience with Uchiha Madara, or it can be said that he has been abused unilaterally, there is only the third generation of Tsuchikage, and I still think of the time when he and the second generation of Tsuchikage faced Uchiha Madara. This kind of terror made Onoki feel a sense of fear.

"In the battle with the original Hokage Pillar, I was seriously injured! Now I have no strength! To put it bluntly, it's just a shell!"

Obito made up nonsense and made up reasons, and most of the people present believed it, but they were a little surprised that Madara could live for so long.

"Is that the plan to get yourself back up?"

Mizukage Terumi Mei asked.

"Well, you can say that too! But it's not limited to that!"

Obito nodded and said.

"What is your plan? What is the Moon's Eye Project?"

Mifune, the leader of the Iron Country, asked.

"I want to speak slowly, so I just sit down first!"

Obito sat down and said unhurriedly.

"I'm asking you something!"

Kankuro growled impatiently.

"Everything is merged with me, the perfect body that unifies everything!"

Everyone present found the Sharingan in the single hole of Obito's mask, which further confirmed Obito's statement that he is Uchiha Madara.

"Two into one? Unify everything? What's going on?"

Tsuchikage had an ominous premonition, if the man opposite was really Uchiha Madara, it might mean that a catastrophe sweeping the entire ninja world was coming.

"Uchiha has a stone tablet that has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is still underground in Konoha! There is a secret written by the Sage of the Six Paths on it! If you don't have pupil power, you can't even read it!"

"Writing Sharingan, Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and Samsarayan, the content of interpretation will increase in turn!"

Obito first talked about history, which seems to be a practice in the Naruto world, everything has to be traced back to the source, and even more shocking secrets will be discovered.

"Your words are getting more and more bizarre! Sage of the Six Paths or something!"

Tsuchikage Ohnoki said.

"It's a fact. He existed and left behind a stele! Zhishui, you should have seen it too!"

Obito looked at Shisui and said.

"Stop the water?"

Tsunade looked at Shisui, and everyone else looked at Shisui one after another. Since it is talking about the history of Uchiha, it is perfect for Shisui to verify.

"Yes! I've seen it! But Lord Logan said that the stele has been altered!"

Shishui said.

"How did you change it?"

Gaara asked.

"I don't know! My lord didn't say anything, he just said, 'Fate is irresistible, and all deviated tracks will eventually be corrected!'"

Obito shook his head and said.

"What do you mean?"

Tu Ying asked.

"I don't know either. My understanding is that you must do what the stele says. This is inevitable. If you change it rashly, it may cause even greater disasters!"

Zhishui shook his head and said.

"You see, even Logan, who you regard as a god, said so. For you, the only destiny is to accept it!"

Obito spread his hands and said.

"But Lord Logan said another word afterwards!"

Shisui looked at Obito and said.


Tsunade asked.

"'Under the blood-red eyes, two children of destiny will bring light to the world again!'"

Zhishui said solemnly.

"What do you mean?"

Lei Ying was stunned.

"I don't know, my lord hasn't said anything anymore, but I can't see any worry on my face, maybe it's because my lord's level is too high, and I don't belong to the same world as us!"

Zhishui shook his head and said.

"Going off topic! What does your plan have to do with the Sages of the Six Paths!"

Lei Ying asked impatiently.

"Why did he become a legend? Do you know why he was enshrined as a ninja god?"

"This is the relationship between my purpose and this man!"

Obito said.

"Uchiha Madara, you have the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and Akatsuki also has the Samsara eye, you should know everything!"

Mizukage Terumi Mei asked.

"tell me the story!"

Tuying said.

"He saved the world once, from some monster!"

Obito said.


Gaara was the only one present who was most sensitive to this word, and he was also called a monster in the past.

"Gaara, you were just a part of that monster that was sealed before! It's a collection of all tailed beasts! The one with the strongest chakra! Ten tails!"

Obito began to reveal the secrets that Heijue had modified little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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