The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 700 Inheritance

Chapter 700 Inheritance
"Before me and Sasuke, there were other reincarnations, right? What happened to them?" Naruto asked.

"The reincarnators of the previous generation were Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, Hashirama was Asura, and Madara was Indra. You should know what happened to them afterwards!"

"But Madara created a problem before ending his reincarnation life! Madara, who was overly obsessed with power, took away Hashirama's power! That is, a part of brother Ashura and brother Indra's chakra fused into Together, I finally guided my own Chakra and opened the eyes of reincarnation!"

Naruto and Sasuke understood how Madara's reincarnation eyes came about, and Madara is indeed very capable!

"I have long expected that among the reincarnations of Indra and Asura, such a person will appear one day, so I left a stone tablet and words to persuade him to change his mind! But it seems that it didn't work! It should be Some of the words were tampered with by the hackers and turned into other meanings!"

In the original work, the old man Liu Dao didn't know the identity of Hei Jue and what he did, but now because of Logan's relationship, the old man Liu Dao also knew the true identity of Hei Jue and what he was planning, but now he has no way to stop it, only Can rely on Naruto and Sasuke.

"Then Grandpa Immortal, have you been watching your son's brother fight?"

Naruto asked.

"Ah, it counts!"

"Ninja's definition of Chakra is the power to connect individuals, and I firmly believe that Chakra cannot be used to just increase the power of a single individual!"

"Once the power is concentrated in the hands of one person, it will go berserk, and that person will also be addicted to the power! This is how Madara is now, he is just like his mother Kaguya!"

"At present, his career as Indra's reincarnator has come to an end. He has obtained the power of ten tails, and his power is already close to mine. He even tries to get closer to the power of his mother Kaguya. Unlimited monthly reading is not just an illusion! Staying in the dreamland of illusion, in order to make use of the power of each individual in a living way, it is an illusion that connects everyone to the root of the sacred tree and turns them into living slaves!"

"In addition to the white eyes, my mother also has sharing eyes. She also used the power of the pupils to cast spells on the people. It was a miserable technique! If the chakras merge into one, new chakra fruits will appear! No matter what Let this happen!"

"The Logan you are familiar with has always been against the people of the mother's clan. At this time, he is also an enemy outside the earth, and also the mother's clan. If Logan fails, then the earth will not only face the conquest of Madara, but also face There is really no way to destroy the mother's family!"

Sage of Six Paths said.

"Grandpa Logan? Does Grandpa Immortal know Grandpa Logan?"

Naruto asked in surprise.

"Well, there was only one contact. He showed me some things I didn't know before, and made me understand that the danger is far more than what I see now. In the future, you need to work harder!"

The old man of six paths nodded and said.

The contact that the Sage of the Six Paths mentioned was that before Logan fought with Otsutsuki Zero, Logan specifically communicated with the Sage of the Six Paths. After all, Logan will eventually leave this world, and the Sage of the Six Paths has been guarding this world. So Logan told the Sage of the Six Paths about some things in the future and about the Otsutsuki clan, so that he would not stop him from making some changes to the world.

"Naruto (Sasuke), what do you want? What do you want from the end of this war? I want your most honest answer!"

Sage of the Six Paths asked seriously.

After all, this is related to the inheritance and use of power. Although Logan told the Sage of the Six Paths that although the process was tortuous, the final result was still good, but the Sage of the Six Paths still wanted to hear their answers in person.

After some thinking, Naruto and Sasuke gave their own answers. The situation is similar to what Logan said. The Sage of the Six Paths only hopes that the final result will be like what Logan said.

"Is that your answer?"

Sage of the Six Paths looked at Sasuke and asked.


Sasuke responded.

"I once entrusted everything to my younger brother Asura, but I failed to face my elder brother Indra, and this planted the root of disaster! Reach out your useful hand! This time I will also entrust my strength to you, brother, because The reincarnation of Toro!"

"And from now on, Naruto and Sasuke, what you want to do and what the ending will be depends on you!"

Sage of Six Paths said.

"bring it on!"

The Sage of the Six Paths stretched out his hands to Naruto and Sasuke, carrying out the final inheritance of power. This is the last step.


After accepting the power inheritance of the Sage of the Six Paths, Naruto and Sasuke woke up in the outside world at the same time.


A figure rose slowly in front of the Sage of the Six Paths.

"Is there any problem with you? Logan!"

Sage of the Six Paths looked at the person in front of him and asked.

"Ah! It's going well! Naruto and Sasuke's power inheritance is okay, right?"

Logan nodded and asked.

"Well, I did as you said! After the war is over, I will leave as much power as possible to them! But you have to know, they are not me after all, and some power will return!"

Sage of Six Paths said.

"Well, I know, I already have arrangements! In order to completely solve the problem of Datongmu, some things must be discarded!"

Logan said.

"Hope you're right!"

Sage of Six Paths said.

"Okay, Otsutsuki Zero is about to break free, I'll get rid of him first, it's up to you in the ninja world!"

After finishing speaking, Logan disappeared in front of the Sage of the Six Paths.

"Things are unpredictable, there will always be unexpected enemies appearing! I hope that everything that Logan arranges will be successful!"

Sage of the Six Paths sighed and said.

In fact, the Sage of the Six Paths did not fully understand the origin of his mother Otsutsuki Kaguya before. He only knew that his mother came from another world and did not know the purpose of coming. If Logan hadn’t told him, the Sage of the Six Paths would not have known My own mother came from such a terrifying family.

The inheritance of Naruto and Sasuke is over, they both got half of the power of Sage of the Six Paths, and Maitekai finally sent out the most powerful blow in his life at this time!


Kai is gaining momentum at this time, and a huge red dragon head is forming around him.

"This Chakra, I approve of you! In terms of physical skills, no one I have ever fought against is better than you! I would like to call you the strongest!"

Bud said excitedly.



Kai rushed towards Madara explosively, the space where he passed was distorted, and Madara couldn't defend even if he wanted to defend.

"Night Kai!"


Kai kicked Madara with unstoppable momentum, and the kick exploded half of Madara's body, but Kai's fire of life was about to burn out.

(End of this chapter)

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