The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 702 Doomsday

Chapter 702 Doomsday
"Boom, boom, boom..."

At the moment when Madara launched the infinite moon reading, the earth shook violently. It was originally night, but it was indeed like day. in the world of reading.

Except for those who were reincarnated from the dirt and Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi who were protected by Sasuke's Susano, everyone else was hit by Infinity Tsukiyomi. I don't know if I should say lucky or unlucky because I don't have unlimited monthly reading.

"Huh? Didn't the light penetrate that Susanoo? Is that guy's reincarnation eye actually superior to this move?"

Heijue looked at Sasuke's Susano and said.

"The Birth of the Divine Tree Realm!"


After launching the infinite monthly reading, Madara then launched the Birth of the God Tree Realm. Countless Gundam trees grew from the ground all over the world, and a lot of wrappings fell from these trees, killing all the people who fell into the infinite monthly reading. Wrapped and hung on a tree, the chakra and vitality of these people are slowly passing away. Over time, these people will slowly become puppets.

"Don't go out! If there is no Susanoo made with my eyes, you will also be trapped by that guy's illusion! If you and I are tricked, everything will be over! Wait for the opportunity!"

Sasuke stopped Naruto who wanted to go out to save everyone and said.


Naruto was very unwilling, obviously he and Sasuke had obtained the power of the Sage of the Six Paths, but they still couldn't stop Madara from launching Infinity Tsukiyomi.

"Has the infinite monthly reading been activated? So, Otsutsuki Kaguya will appear soon! It seems that I have to speed up my pace!"

Logan glanced at the Jiugou Yusamsara Sharingan that appeared on the moon, and then at Otsutsuki Zero Style who tried his best to escape from the endless hell and said.


Otsutsuki Zero Style's eyes are bloodshot at this time, and the blue Tenseigan is about to turn into red Tenseigan at this time. Logan's move of Infinity Hell is indeed very difficult, and he has to use all means to escape from it. At this time The appearance of Otsutsuki Zero Style is very wasteful, and he no longer has the chic appearance before.

"It's not easy! Although the evil spirits in the infinite hell are not real, the endless hell is real. No one can escape after falling into the endless hell. You are the first one. I will help you like!"

Rogen gritted his teeth, and stretched out his thumb to Otsutsuki Zero and said.


Otsutsuki Zero was so angry that his blood vessels almost burst. At this time, he wanted to arrest Logan no matter what the seal was, and he only wanted to kill Logan, even if they died together.

"The golden wheel is reborn!"

Apart from anything else, Otsutsuki Zero Type is a big move for Logan. You must know that in the original work, Otsutsugi Tonero once used this move to cut the moon into two.


The huge yellow chakra lightsaber slashed at Logan with lightning speed, and Zero Type Otsutsuki was already mad at this time, becoming desperate.

"Reincarnation Guardian!"


A huge purple light gate appeared in front of Logan. The light gate was hundreds of feet high and tens of feet wide. There were two reliefs of a dragon and a phoenix on each of the two doors. There were various eyes carved on the gate tower, from ordinary There are writing eyes, white eyes, reincarnation eyes and the highest form of reincarnation eyes.


Suddenly the two doors opened outwards, and inside the door was a dark vortex, leading to an unknown place.


The huge lightsaber slashed on the giant door, making the sound of metal collisions, but to Otsutsuki Zero's surprise, there was no energy fluctuation, only a crisp collision sound. After a blow, the huge light The sword disappeared, and the giant gate that Logan summoned was still standing in the void.

"how so!"

Otsutsuki Zero Style opened his mouth wide and looked at the huge portal in front of him. Logan used moves that he had never heard of before. Is this the change brought about by the highest form of Samsara Eye?

"I would like to introduce you grandly! This is the gate of the oldest place of reincarnation in the legend! Although I don't know if it is true or not, its name is indeed the gate of reincarnation! Why don't you go in and verify its authenticity!"

Logan looked terrified at this moment, making people want to kick him twice.

"By the way, I have a present for you!"

"The golden wheel is reborn!"

Suddenly the Tenseigan above the portal gatehouse shone with dazzling light, and then shot out a huge yellow chakra lightsaber from the open portal, which was the Golden Wheel Tenseiburst used by Otsutsuki Zero to attack Logan, After being absorbed by the portal, it was reappeared by Logan using the portal.


Otsutsuki Zero escaped Logan's counterattack in embarrassment.

He didn't expect Logan to use this trick. The summoned portal can not only absorb the enemy's attack, but also reflect it back. After ninjutsu, increase and counterattack back.

Although Logan's portal cannot increase the absorbed attacks, it can absorb all attacks, including ninjutsu, swordsmanship, illusion and special abilities, etc.!


Logan flew up to the gate tower from the side of the portal.

"Okay! I won't play with you anymore! This should be over! You are the most powerful enemy I have ever encountered! Thanks to you, my reincarnation eyes can evolve to the strongest form, in order to show respect to you Thank you so much, I will give you a happy one! I won’t let you feel any pain!”

Logan slowly raised his right hand and said to Otsutsuki Zero Type.

"You are so confident that you can defeat me!"

Although Otsuki Zero type was not convinced, he was very clear that he was indeed inferior to Logan. After the evolution of Logan's reincarnation eyes to the highest form, Otsutsuki Zero type understood what the elder said. Now he Even if Tenseikan and the power of ten tails are combined, it is far from Logan's opponent, and the level between the two has been pulled apart.

"This is reality! I didn't expect that after the reincarnation eye evolved to the highest form, I would have such a big change! Now I can do everything in the true sense!"

"Goodbye! Otsutsuki Zero Type!"

"Reincarnation · Heaven's Punishment!"


As soon as Logan's voice fell, there were bursts of roars in the empty void, Otsutsuki Zero type only felt that he was restrained by an irresistible force, and then there was a mysterious force that continued emerging from his body.

These two forces are constantly impacting Otsuki Zero Type from inside and outside. Otsutsuki Zero Type feels that his body is disintegrating uncontrollably, but he doesn't feel any pain, which makes him even more frightened No matter how Otsutsuki Zero Type resists, it can't stop him from going to destruction.


Otsutsuki Zero-style let out a miserable and unwilling roar, and then completely disappeared in this world without any trace.

(End of this chapter)

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