The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 705 The End

Chapter 705 The End (Two in One)


The aftermath of the impact of the collision between the two was like a typhoon of magnitude [-], sweeping across the earth, making those who have always cared about Naruto and Sasuke extremely worried.

"Why are they so ruthless? Will it be all right?"

Kushina looked worriedly at the distant battlefield that suddenly became silent and asked.

"At most, I will be injured a little, and I will be fine! The battle will be over in a while!"

Others cannot know the specific situation of Naruto and Sasuke, but Logan knows it clearly, even if he is not on the battlefield, he can still see clearly. This is also the effect of the evolution of the reincarnation eye.

"Both of them have very little Chakra left! They almost exhausted their Chakra just now!"

Senju Hashirama was also able to feel the situation of Naruto and Sasuke with his powerful senses. The huge collision caused by the blow of the two just now shocked Hashirama, and also made Hashirama worried that the two would die together. Yes, but after feeling Naruto and Sasuke's weak chakra, Hashirama breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's the valley of the end again, big brother, starting with you and Madara, and ending with Naruto and Sasuke, this can be regarded as the completion of the fateful duel!"

Qianshou Feima said to Hashirama.

"That time I couldn't stop Madara, I could only kill him, but in the end I failed. I hope that Naruto and Sasuke will end differently from us, and let this fateful battle end in the Valley of the End!"

Hashirama said with a sigh.

"Madara is also a simple person. He was influenced by Hei Ze, just like Indra, the son of the old man of six paths. At this time, Hei Ze has been sealed by Naruto and Sasuke together with Otsutsuki Kaguya, affecting Sasuke. The external factors are gone, the rest is up to Naruto, they will definitely have a different ending!"

Logan said while looking at Madara who was still heaving.

Logan is also planning to use Madara's power, but he will not completely resurrect Madara here, but wait until he returns to Konoha, and then revive Madara in the newly built inheritance place, and Madara will not be like others. He can enter and leave the inheritance place at will, but being imprisoned there is his punishment, and the inheritance place is large enough, Madara will not be idle.

"Logan, what will you do with Madara?"

Senju Zhuma looked at Logan and asked.

"Let him accept the punishment in the place of inheritance to atone for what he did! And his power is very strong, we need his power to deal with the enemy in the future."

Logan said.

"But my lord, will Madara accept this punishment so easily?"

Three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"Don't worry, I have an arrangement, he will accept it! And in essence, Madara is not a bad person. Don't forget that the idea of ​​being honest with each other was first proposed by Madara. After people who have gone astray wake up, what they do The changes are beyond your imagination."

Logan said.

"My lord, there has been no movement on the battlefield for a long time, will Naruto have an accident?"

Kushina is not in the mood to care about others at this time, and is concerned about Naruto. After the last collision between Sasuke and Naruto, there has been no movement in the Valley of the End, which makes Kushina very worried.

"It's almost there! The two have decided the winner!"

At this time, what Logan saw was the last collision between Naruto and Sasuke, and they each lost an arm.


Hearing what Logan said, Kushina no longer rushed to the Valley of the End desperately, and Mizumon followed Kushina, and the others also rushed to the Valley of the End. To witness the outcome of this fateful battle.

"I don't have much time left here!"

After everyone left, Logan didn't move, looked up at the sky and said with some emotion.

After the reincarnation eye evolved, Logan was able to leave the Two-dimensional world. For a while, Logan was still a little bit reluctant. Regarding the memory of his previous life, Logan didn't remember much, although he always felt that there were people waiting for him in that world. Go back by yourself, but Logan doesn't know who is waiting for him.

The people Logan cares about are currently in this Two-dimensional world. Thinking of leaving them soon, or even never seeing each other again, Logan is still full of reluctance.

"Although time is running out, let's hurry up and enjoy the last time! This day will come sooner or later! Just thinking of who is waiting for me makes me a little nervous!"

Logan shook his head to get rid of the messy thoughts in his head, and left the place in a flash, appearing in the Valley of the End earlier than the others.

Naruto and Sasuke are in the same condition as the original, lying on the ground, Naruto lost his right forearm, Sasuke lost his right forearm, and the two passed out.

"Two poor little fellows! We've come this far! But your fateful struggle has come to an end, and the future is in your hands!"

Logan looked down at the two and said softly.


Soon after, Kushina and Minato arrived first, and after seeing Naruto's tragic situation, they burst into tears.


Itachi looked at the unconscious Sasuke with distress, and softly called Sasuke's name.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I just passed out, I will restore the broken arm!"

Logan comforted.

"Has this fateful battle ended like this?"

Senju Bashima looked at Naruto and Sasuke and said.

"This may be the best result! Although they were seriously injured, they are still alive!"

Thousands of hands said between the doors.

"These two children have completely surpassed us!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said softly.


Jilai also looked at Naruto lying on the ground, full of pride in his heart, his choice was indeed right, Naruto is the child of destiny, and he also successfully saved the world, but it's a pity that he didn't see it.

"The Valley of the End also disappeared with the end of this fateful battle, which is the best result! It doesn't need to exist anymore, maybe it can be renamed the Valley of Hope!"

Kakashi looked at the Valley of the End that had been completely destroyed and said.

"Okay, step aside, let me treat their injuries!"

Logan let the people around the two little guys get out of the way, and Unlimited Monthly Reading is still waiting for the two to untie it. Although Logan can also untie it, it's better not to do it for you.

"Praise of life!"

Two strands of green light emitted from Logan's hands enveloped the bodies of Naruto and Sasuke, and then the injuries on the two were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the broken arms quickly grew back.


After the green light disappeared, the two slowly opened their eyes.

"Is this heaven?"

After the two opened their eyes, they looked at their parents and elder brother beside them, thinking that they were already dead.

"You are not dead!"

Logan looked at the two dazed guys and said.

"Not dead? But why..."

Naruto hesitated.

"We didn't die. We were rescued by Mr. Logan back then. It's just that we have been sleeping in another place and didn't wake up until recently. And there are many things I will tell you slowly in the future! Naruto!"

Kushina touched Naruto's face and said.

What she felt at this moment was incomparable happiness, and she was finally able to be with her son. Although there were some restrictions, it was not important, and she could still see Naruto at any time.

"Naruto, thank you for your hard work!"

Minato looked at Naruto and said proudly.

"No, I can only do it with everyone's help!"

Naruto was both excited and a little embarrassed.


Zilai also couldn't bear the excitement in his heart when he looked at the disciple he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Lustful fairy!"

Naruto excitedly ran over to save Jiraiya.

Jilai can also be said to be the most important person to Naruto besides Minato and Kushina. He grew up with Naruto and taught Naruto a lot. It can be said that Jilai is not only in Naruto's life It is the existence of the master, and also the existence like a father and a grandfather, that makes Naruto feel the feeling of family affection.

"Nagato! Obito! You're not dead either?"

Naruto saw his two senior brothers again. If Obito is counted from Minato, it can be said that they are Naruto's senior brothers. Naruto was very excited when he saw the two senior brothers who had helped him a lot before his eyes. Excited.

"Naruto, we meet again!"

Obito held Lin's hand and said with a smile.

"Naruto, glad to see you did it!"

Nagato is also very happy for Naruto, and at the same time happy for his choice to believe in Naruto.


Naruto nodded emphatically.

As for Sasuke on the other side, although Itachi is only by his side, he doesn't care, for him, only Itachi is enough.

"elder brother!"

Sasuke looked at Itachi a little excitedly and shyly. He didn't expect that he would have a chance to see Itachi again, and it was the resurrected Itachi.

"Sasuke, you've changed!"

Itachi said happily.

He could feel that the evil feeling in Sasuke disappeared, and what remained was the feeling Sasuke faced himself when he was a child.

"Yeah! I was wrong! Blinded by hatred and paranoia, thanks to Naruto, I woke up!"

Sasuke stood beside Itachi and looked at Naruto who was chatting excitedly with everyone not far away.

"Entrusting you to Naruto seems to be the best choice!"

Itachi sincerely feels that Naruto is an incredible person who really changed his younger brother.


Sakura came to Sasuke's side with tears in her eyes. Although Sasuke's injury had been cured by Logan, Sakura couldn't forget the tragedy before.

"Sakura, I'm sorry! I was wrong before!"

At this time, Sasuke can be said to have fully realized, and his mood has been greatly improved.


This apology made Sakura burst into tears. In order to stop Sasuke, Sakura has done a lot. Many fans of the original book don’t like the character of Sakura. They think she will rely on Naruto for everything and can do nothing but cry, but those people Forget, Sakura is just a girl who is constantly hurt by the person she likes, and the pain in her heart is no less than Naruto's, or even more.

That sense of powerlessness, the powerlessness of watching the person she likes walk up to leaks, devours Sakura all the time. Speaking of which, she is just a weak girl. Just a little girl of love age.

"Okay, let's stop here for reminiscing about the past! There will be opportunities in the future! Naruto, Sasuke, you still have one thing to do! The infinite monthly reading has not been lifted, and your characters have not ended yet."

Logan interrupted the warm atmosphere in front of him and said.

"Yes, Grandpa!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Naruto and Sasuke responded at the same time.

"As for the few of you, I have already let the avatar build the place of inheritance. It is not appropriate for you to show your face in front of outsiders now. You should go to the place of inheritance and wait!"


With a wave of Logan's hand, a portal appeared in front of everyone, connecting to the land of inheritance.

"Naruto, let's go first! We'll talk again after you go back!"

Minato held Kushina's hand and said to Naruto.

"Well! You wait for me, I will go back soon!"

Naruto nodded heavily.

"Naruto, it's really great to accept you as a disciple!"

Jiraiya patted Naruto on the shoulder and said.

"Lustful fairy!"

Naruto can be said to be the biggest winner today. His closest parents and most respected teachers have all been resurrected, his best friend has awakened, and the war has been won. Naruto feels an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

"Kakashi, Lin and I will go first. I know that you have a girlfriend. Let's get together after we go back!"

Obito said to Kakashi.


Kakashi got a big blush.

"Sasuke, I'm going to see my father and mother first, and wait for you to come back to reunite!"

Itachi looked at Sasuke and said.


Sasuke nodded.

"Brother, let's go and take a good look at the current Konoha!"

Thousands of hands said between the doors.

"it is good!"

Senshou Zhujian stepped into the portal first, followed by Senshou Feijian, and then everyone else followed into the portal and left, leaving behind the original seventh class, the third generation and Logan.

"let's start!"

Logan looked at Naruto and Sasuke and said.

"Unlimited monthly reading and interpretation!"

After Naruto and Sasuke glanced at each other, they formed a seal of reconciliation at the same time.


At the same time, the Birth of the God Tree World was also released, and all the bound people were liberated. The plans of Otsuki Kaguya and Madara were completely cracked, and the next ninja world will enter a long period of time. In peacetime, Naruto became the savior, but Sasuke was not regarded as the savior because of his previous blackening.

But also because he took the initiative to participate in the war, defeated and sealed Otsutsuki Kaguya and Madara, and together with Naruto lifted Infinity Tsukiyomi, so the merits and demerits were offset and he was not punished.

But these Sasukes don't care, the most beloved brother has been resurrected, and he has been redeemed, which is enough for Sasuke, and the others are not important.

Logan turned the place where his home is located into a place of inheritance, which is an important means that Logan left to this world to fight against the enemies from the starry sky.

Because of Itachi's resurrection and Sasuke's return, the Fuyue family became that warm home again, and they also moved back to live in Konoha.

Tsunade also saw Jiraiya who was resurrected and returned, and the greatest pain in his heart disappeared. He can resign from Hokage with peace of mind, accept Jiraiya, and everything is moving in a better direction.

(End of this chapter)

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