The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 711 Undercurrent Surge

Chapter 711 The Undercurrent Surges (Two in One)

"It seems that a lot of things happened when I was away!"

Logan said with a serious face.

"Well, after you left, the world government was successfully wiped out by us, leaving only some remnants of forces lingering, but they couldn't cause a big storm. The coalition government and the new navy, including the Pirate Alliance, have been We wiped out these remnants, but two years later, something happened suddenly!"

Watergate said.

"What happened?"

Rogan asked.

"Several strong men suddenly appeared on the sea, helping the remnants of the World Government escape from hunting, and the Big Mom Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates rebelled!"

Minato said angrily.

"I am not surprised that Big Mom and Kaido rebelled. These two people are not easy to get along with. If there is no intertwined interests, their rebellion is as simple as drinking water. What I am interested in are those mysterious people. Who is the strong man?"

Logan had expected Big Mom and Kaido's betrayal for a long time. These two people are moody, and they have no loyalty in their hearts. If the benefits for them are large enough, they can even abandon the Pirates.

Before Logan was there, he suppressed them with absolute strength, so that Kaido and Big Mom didn't dare to have any abnormalities, but after Logan left, there were people who defeated them, but it was almost impossible to suppress them , Therefore, their mutiny is reasonable.

"In the beginning, I didn't know where so many strong men suddenly appeared. Everyone's strength is very strong, not necessarily weaker than the Four Emperors, and even their leader is about the same strength as me. Later we found out that several The most powerful among men is Li Feng's son!"

"After Li Feng cultivated him, he sealed him together with a few capable men, in order to prevent his son from any danger before he successfully controlled the world, but I didn't expect Li Feng to be killed by you , their seal was lifted, and after knowing what you did to the world government, they launched revenge on the people around you!"

Logan didn't expect that Li Feng still had his son alive. Presumably, he wanted his son to sit on the throne of the world king. important chess pieces.

"This Li Feng! After so many years of death, he still wants to bring troubles to this world! You won't wait to kill his son, and then his grandson will appear again? Wouldn't that mean that there would be no end of children and grandchildren!"

Logan complained.

"Then what happened to your injury?"

Logan asked, looking at the injuries on Minato's body.

"Some time ago, I had a fight with Li Feng's son, Li Jian, and was attacked by the aunt. Li Feng left a lot of good things for his son. If it weren't for the existence of the Six Paths mode, you might not have seen me! "

Watergate said.

"Why didn't you pick the fruit of life to heal the injury? There is the tree of life, as long as it is there, it can be saved. The three of you can find the tree of life!"

Logan looked at Minato and asked.

"Use it. Although it can slow down the injury, it can't completely heal it. The opponent seems to have mastered a strange ability that can compete with the healing ability of the fruit of life!"

Watergate said.

"Really? Let me check!"

After speaking, Logan put his hand on Minato's shoulder, and Logan's hand emitted a faint green light, covering Minato's whole body, to check the specific situation of Minato.

"I see!"

Luo Geng suddenly realized.

"I didn't expect this kind of fruit to exist! I used to have doubts, but I haven't seen anyone use it. I thought there was no fruit of this ability!"

Logan said with a serious face.

"What ability?"

Hiyori asked.

"It's the power of rules! This is a very powerful power! It can change the rules of all things, and even invalidate the fruit ability of the capable person! If it wasn't for the huge life energy of the fruit of life, the power of rules in your body could even slow you down. Slowly turn you into nothingness!"

"Fortunately, the fruit of life prevents the power of rules from destroying your body, but it is not a long-term solution. After a long time, the ability of the fruit of life will be gradually dispelled. That is to say, you can only keep taking the fruit of life. Resist this force of rules!"

"However, it can be seen from the power of rules in your body that this Li Jian has not fully grasped the power of rules, otherwise your situation will be even more troublesome!"

Logan said.

"Is there a way to resolve it?"

Hiyori asked.

"Well, if it was quite difficult for me to resolve it in the past, now it's just a matter of effort!"

Logan nodded and said.

"Don't move!"

Logan said to Minato.


The green light in Logan's hand flourished, and Minato's face showed a painful expression. After a few seconds, Logan withdrew his hand, and a cloud of gray energy floated in his palm.

"This is the power of rules?"

Minato looked at the energy in Logan's hand and asked.

"Well, the power of rules is at the same level as my fruit of life ability and Li Feng's ability to destroy fruits, but the power of rules is more changeable. There are many ways to use it. I have searched for it before, but I have found nothing. Never seen anyone use it, I thought it didn't exist!"

"I didn't expect it to be handed over to his son by Li Feng! But the use of the power of rules is very demanding on the body, I don't think he can use it all the time!"

Logan said.

"Well, during the battle between me and the opponent, only when the aunt attacked me, the opponent took the opportunity to use the ability, and did not use it at other times!"

Minato nodded.

"Sure enough! In this way, his threat will not be so great. If he keeps using the power of rules in the battle, his body may collapse first! Although this ability is powerful, it is not everyone can use it Yes, at least there are almost no people who can use it in this world!"

Logan said.

"By the way, what do you mean the treasure I left behind brought disaster?"

Logan looked at Minato and asked.

"You won't forget the role of the Ultimate Eternal Essence, right?"

Minato looked at Logan and asked.

"No, it can completely change a person's physique, his abilities will be greatly improved in all aspects, and his life will be greatly extended, making him a god-like existence!"

Logan said.

"Li Jian is for the ultimate longevity liquid!"

Watergate said.

"So it turns out that he wants to use the Ultimate Eternal Essence to change his body so that he can use the power of rules as he pleases. In this way, almost no one in this world can stop him!"

Logan said suddenly.

"Can the ultimate immortality liquid make him ignore the damage caused by the power of rules?"

Hiyori asked.

"It shouldn't be a big problem! The Ultimate Immortality Liquid will break the shackles of the human body and complete the transformation. People who take the Ultimate Immortality Liquid, even if they don't know anything, can become top-notch existences by relying solely on physical strength!"

Logan nodded and said.

"However, the Ultimate Immortality Essence I left in Ralph Drew is just a diluted version! It's not a complete Ultimate Eternal Eternal Essence. Even if Li Jian takes it, it will not completely transform his body. Adapt to the power of the rules!"

This point is unknown to outsiders. The effect of the ultimate immortality liquid is too powerful. It is impossible for Logan to leave the perfect ultimate immortality liquid there casually. If the wicked get it, who knows what will happen to the world What a disaster, so although Logan left the ultimate immortality liquid as a reward, it is only a diluted version. Although it can increase the limit of the human body, it will not make the body a existence beyond human beings.

"But others don't know, Li Jian doesn't know! For him, even if there is only a slight possibility, he will not let it go. He keeps his eyes on those enemies, and he can do anything for revenge! "

Watergate said.

"Is someone gone already?"

Rogan asked.

"Well, the golden lion was killed by Kaido and Big Mom, and Whitebeard was injured. Shanks' situation is not dangerous. Garp was seriously injured by Big Mom and Li Jian. If it wasn't for the fruit of life Hanging on my life, I may not be able to wait for you to come back! Luffy, this kid is now fighting with the Big Mom Pirates, and the Big Mom Pirates will never be destroyed, and he will not even be the One Piece King!"

Watergate said.

No wonder Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates always fight with the Big Mom Pirates, that's why!
"Is Garp's condition serious?"

Logan frowned and asked.

"It's much more serious than me, and I've tried every means. If it weren't for the fruit of life and the ultimate longevity liquid you left behind, Karp would have been tortured to death by the power of this rule! But the current situation is not very good! "

Minato said with a bitter face.

"What about Wano Country?"

Hiyori asked eagerly.

"Kaido is playing Wano Country's idea, but with Kozuki Oden and Roger here, Wano Country is not in too much danger for a while!"

Watergate said.


"Hiyori, now is not the time to go back to Wano Country. You will stay here until I fully understand the situation. Don't worry, it won't be too long!"

Logan interrupted Hiyori's words.

"Is there any problem with the coalition government?"

Logan asked again.

"Because you left, some countries are worried that the power of the world government will revive, so there are some shakers, but when the situation is uncertain, no one will be the first bird!"

Watergate said.

"This is inevitable. There is never a lack of grass on the wall. However, it is inevitable that no country has reached an agreement with Li Jian and the others and secretly wants to disintegrate the coalition government. This issue cannot be delayed for too long, otherwise today's achievements will be achieved with difficulty. It was torn apart overnight!"

Logan said.

"The trouble is with this Li Jian. Although the others are strong, our people are not weak. Before you came back, we didn't know what ability he used! Even if we knew, we couldn't compete. !"

Watergate said.

"Although the power of rules is powerful, it is not without countermeasures. If a single devil fruit can reach the highest level, it can barely resist Li Jian's power of rules. After all, his use of power of rules is still very rudimentary. As long as someone can resist the power of his rules, it will not be difficult to kill him!"

Logan said.

"What is the highest level of devil fruit ability?"

Minato has never eaten a devil fruit. Although he has some understanding of the fruit's ability, it is not as deep as Logan.

"We all know that the next state after getting familiar with the devil fruit's ability is awakening, which can affect the things around us. After awakening, it is detachment. At that time, the use of the fruit's ability is no longer limited to oneself. You can apply the fruit ability to your opponent and create the best attack opportunities for yourself!"

"For example, Aokiji's ability to freeze fruit, if he can achieve transcendence, he can freeze the opponent in a single thought, instead of using the ability to freeze the opponent himself!"

"Of course, it is much more difficult to achieve this state than to achieve awakening. No one has done it so far. Going long can only barely affect the opponent's actions, but even this is enough for Li Jian. As long as you can If he can't use the power of the rules, then Li Jian's danger will be at its lowest! Defeating him will not be a problem!"

Logan explained.

"Detachment? According to what you said, no one has been able to do it for countless years. It is too difficult! Can you do it?"

Minato asked.

"If I can't do it, will I know what the next realm is?"

"At that time, I will tell Jiraiya how to practice. His puppet fruit is the best to control the enemy. As long as Jiraiya can interrupt the opponent's actions, your chances of winning will be greater!"

Logan said with a smile.

"Aren't you going to get rid of Li Jian?"

Hiyori asked.

"It depends on the situation! After all, we will leave soon. If we can take as few shots as we can, we will deal with this enemy. What if there is another enemy? You have to understand that this world is never short of careerists and conspirators. , but the power of this rule is really troublesome, I will consider taking it away or sealing it up!"

Logan thought for a moment and said.

"I see! What are you going to do next?"

Minato asked.

"Let's go see old friends first! You are here with Hiyori, I feel that the world seems to have changed a little bit, and I always have a feeling of unease in my heart, I'm going to check it out!"

Logan said.

"You have to be careful!"

Hiyori said worriedly.

"Don't worry! No one can do anything to me before, let alone now, I just don't want to interfere too much in this world, otherwise their enemies can be easily solved, they are much worse than the Otsutsuki clan! "

Logan comforted.

"You have to come back early! Don't forget that we are running out of time!"

Hiyori rubbed his stomach and said.

"I see, soon!"

Logan nodded and said.

"Are you really not going to intervene?"

Minato asked before Logan left.

"Traitors have to pay the price! This world is where I grew up, and I will not watch it be destroyed! But before doing things, I have to check some things first! It will depend on the situation!"

After speaking, Logan left the island.

Not many people know about Logan's return, what kind of changes will happen to Pirate World because of Logan's return?

(End of this chapter)

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