Chapter 713
Logan turned around several other places that were threatening to the world that had been recorded by the navy and the world government, and found nothing abnormal. Logan also destroyed these places. It is vitally important that nothing threatens to destroy the world.

After doing this, Logan came to Lovedrew again, and upgraded his power in Lovedrew again, so that even if there was another crisis and Watergate couldn't solve it, these backhands could save the world .

I am going to visit some of my old friends after that. My brother Garp is still being tortured by the power of the rules. Now go and heal his injuries first!

Logan learned from Minato that Garp is now recovering from his injuries at Mount Golpo, and Logan rushed over immediately after solving the crisis.


Logan shows up directly outside Dadan's house.

"Dogula, how is Kapusang's situation?"

I haven't seen Dadan for ten years, and his appearance hasn't changed much. He still has a strong body and a cigarette in his mouth, but there is unresolved sadness in his eyes. It can be seen that Dadan is very worried about Karp's condition. Garp came back after looking for a cure. At this time, she was hiding at the door with Dogula talking about Garp's situation.

"The situation is not very good. The fruit of life sent by the leader of the Akatsuki organization is almost used up, and its effect is getting weaker and weaker. If there is no cure, Kapusang may..."

Doggula said in a low mood.

"Damn it! If only Logan was still here! He must have a way!"

Da Dan said angrily.

"Logan once left a sacred tree in the place where Luffy and the others were. Is there no way for that sacred tree?"

Doggula raised his head and asked.

"That sacred tree doesn't have much power anymore. It was almost exhausted to protect them when Luffy and the others were young. Now even if it has power, it can't solve Garp's problem. I will find a way to find other places where Logan once lived. place! Hope to find a solution!"

Da Dan sighed.

"It seems that Dadan and the others have thought of a way! It's hard for them!"

Logan thought silently after hearing what Dadan and Dogula said.

"Dadan, Dogula, it's hard for you!"

Logan opened the door and said.

"Ro, Luo, Logan!"

Dadan and Dogula looked at Logan who suddenly appeared in shock.

"You, didn't you leave ten years ago?"

Dadan took Logan's hand and said.

"Well, I'm going to leave completely. I came back to check before I left. I didn't expect to encounter such a situation. I already know about Karp. Don't worry, I will cure him!"

Logan explained.

"Great! If you don't come back, you may not see Cap!"

Doggula said excitedly.

"Take me to see it!"

Logan said directly.

"Okay, okay, you come with me!"

Dadan took Logan to the room where Garp was resting.

As soon as Logan entered the room, he saw that Karp's face was pale, his breathing was weak, his hair was all white, and he was much older. ordeal.

"Da, Dadan, you're back? Don't worry about me anymore. My injury can't be cured. It's just a pity that I can't see Logan again before I die!"

Garp, who heard the voice, opened his eyes and said weakly.

"No, Capsan, there is a solution! Look, who is back!"

Dadan hurriedly gave way to Logan who was behind her and said.


"Ro, Logan? No, Logan has already left. Is my life at the last moment? I'm starting to hallucinate!"

Garp's expression changed, and then he became gloomy again, thinking that the Logan he saw was a hallucination.

"Karp, it's not a hallucination, I'm back! I'm sorry for making you suffer so much!"

Logan hurriedly took Garp's hand and said.

"Ro, Logan! Are you really back?"

After discovering that it was real Logan and not a hallucination, Garp wanted to get up excitedly.

"Don't move, wait for me to heal your injury, you will get up again!"

Logan hurriedly pushed Karp back.

"Okay, okay, I'm content to see you again before I die!"

There was an excited smile on Garp's face, and even his face turned rosy.

"Bastard Li Jian! Garp's situation is much more serious than Minato! If I hadn't come back, Garp would have been tortured to death by this force in at most three days!"

Logan felt Garp's situation, and his heart was full of anger. This big brother who used to protect him from the wind and rain was tortured by the power of the rules at this time, like an old man who was about to die. The tissues in his body were almost destroyed. .

"Reincarnation Deprivation!"

"Life Creation!"

Logan's hands were placed on Garp's chest and abdomen, exuding a strong green light, which made people feel a surge of majestic vitality constantly emerging.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Not long after, the sound of a violent heart beating sounded in the room. Garp's face gradually turned rosy, his white hair gradually turned black, the wrinkles on his face that looked like ravines also disappeared, and his stooped body regained Getting fit, Karp, who was frail before, is returning to his prime.

"call out!"

With a yank of Logan's right hand, a large mass of gray energy was pulled out of Garp's body. This energy was constantly twisting in Logan's hand, as if trying to escape.


As soon as Logan shook his hand, this mass of vital energy was wiped out.

"After the power of rules leaves the body, he can still affect this power! There is something weird about the power of rules!"

Logan had clearly sensed that after this power was taken away by him, someone manipulated it and wanted to take it back.


On a hidden island in the far new world, a man covered by a cloak suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn it! This is the second time! Who can strip and destroy the power of rules?"

The mysterious man wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a dark voice.

"Hmph! Even if you can destroy this bit of destructive power, you can't do me any harm! Don't let me know who you are! Otherwise, I will make you feel that life is worse than death!"

After the mysterious man finished speaking bitterly, he fell into silence again.

"How are you feeling, Garp? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Logan asked after treating Garp.


Cap let out a deep breath.

"It's extremely comfortable! It's been a long time since I've been so relaxed. I've been tossed by that damn energy for a long time, and now I feel more relaxed than ever!"

Garp slowly moved his body and said.

"Although that force caused a lot of damage to you, it also made your body resistant and flexible to the power of rules. After this time, you no longer have to worry about the power of rules. influence."

Logan looked at Garp who had recovered and said with a smile.

It is estimated that Li Jian did not expect this result, otherwise he would be mad.

(End of this chapter)

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