The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 736 Secret Action

Chapter 736 Secret Action
"Please rest assured, sir, we will never be disrespectful to him again, and we haven't asked him for his name! Where did he come from!"

Zhang Jianfeng didn't feel any dissatisfaction with Logan's threat, after all, it was his side who crossed the line first.

"My name is Logan, and the place I came from is also Earth, but it's not a universe."

Logan spoke.

"Isn't it a universe? Could it be a parallel universe? I knew that the theory of multiverses exists, and my research is not wrong, great!"

Before Zhang Jianfeng could speak, one of the scientists shouted excitedly.

"How far away the universe exists, and there are higher universes, but this is not what you should consider now. Your task is to survive first, and talk about other things later!"

Logan said.

"I just knew that my theory is correct. If so, can we find a way to migrate to a parallel universe? Then..."

The scientist was a little excited at this time, and began to mutter in his mouth.

"I don't know what Mr. Logan said to help us?"

Zhang Jianfeng ignored the mad scientist's question.

"Although the radiation on the ground is a bit troublesome, it is not impossible to eliminate it. I will find a way to do this later, but before that, you still tell me what happened here!"

Logan looked at Zhang Jianfeng and said.

"I see. If this is the case, sir, please come to our meeting room first. I put some secret information about the end of the world in the safe, and I will explain to you when I get it."

"Fang Jing, take your husband to the meeting room and wait, don't neglect your husband!"

Zhang Jianfeng said to his assistant.

"Okay, leader!"

"Mr. Luo, this way please!"

Fang Jing walked out from the crowd and said.

"It's work!"

Logan nodded and followed Fang Jing's pace.

"Boss, this opportunity cannot be missed! This Logan must have a big secret. If we can get his blood, maybe we can analyze the secret of his ability to pass through the mountain and the gate of the base, and even obtain his secrets. ability, then the radiation on the ground will not be able to cause any harm to us, and we will be able to destroy the Red Queen!"

After Liu Bokang saw Logan leaving, he proposed to Zhang Jianfeng again.

"That's right! Chief, instead of relying on others for help, why don't we do it ourselves? Who knows how much of what Logan said is true, and it's safest to control everything in our own hands!"

"I also agree with Dr. Liu's suggestion!"

"I object. We don't know the details of the other party at all, and we don't even know what other abilities the other party has. What if the other party is angered and he completely destroys the base?"

"I'm also against it. There can't be any behavior that endangers the base now. Our mission is to ensure the continuation of humankind!"


After Logan left, the scientists and high-level officials in the monitoring room began to argue. One side insisted on controlling Logan, while the other resolutely opposed it. No one could convince the other.

"Enough! No one is allowed to take any action! This Logan is very difficult, and any behavior that provokes him may bring a devastating blow to the base! Since the other party has already said that he is here to help us, let's see Let's see what he will do!"

"Dr. Liu, especially you, are not allowed to do anything! For your research and the survival of human beings, the most important thing now is to survive!"

Zhang Jianfeng stopped the quarrel and said.

"Now I'm going to see how this Logan is going to help us, you all go back to your respective posts!"

After Zhang Jianfeng finished speaking, he left. He still wanted to get relevant information about the end of the world. In his heart, he was more inclined to if Logan could solve the problem of human survival, then there was no need to have an unpleasant fight with Logan.

"Hmph, the benevolence of a woman! You are truly powerful when you are strong, and it is extremely stupid to rely on others for help!"

A sinister look flashed in Liu Bokang's eyes. The occurrence of Mieshi caused him to lose all his relatives, and his state of mind also underwent a huge change, and he began to go astray.

"Since you don't have the courage, let me do it! I will let you know that all of you are wrong, and I will become a hero who changes mankind!"

Liu Bokang left without saying a word, but obviously he would not give up just because of Zhang Jianfeng's few words, but he was not stupid, and he would not act easily without complete preparation.

He also has a hole card in his hand that others don't understand. It is the existence of this hole card that gives him the confidence to snatch Logan's blood. Of course, he still needs to prepare well, and he also needs to find some allies. Rebellion, he can't do it by himself, but everything must be done secretly, so that no one can find any abnormalities.

After Zhang Jianfeng got the information, he quickly came to the meeting room.

"Sorry, Mr. Luo, to keep you waiting, this is some information I got about Mieshi!"

Zhang Jianfeng handed the information in his hand to Logan.

"Leader Zhang, tell me roughly what's going on!"

Logan said after the results.


"From the information we got, the artificial intelligence developed by the largest arms manufacturing company in the United States launched the destruction of the world. This artificial intelligence is called the Red Queen. It was developed to protect human beings and end wars, but after it came out , after a comprehensive analysis of all the data, the conclusion is that as long as there are human beings, the war will not end!"

"So the Red Queen launched a nuclear war to destroy the world. After wanting to destroy human beings, she used the genes retained in the human gene pool to create new human beings. It is really ironic. The brain created to protect human beings destroyed human beings instead! "

Zhang Jianfeng said with a wry smile.

"Sure enough, it's about the same as I expected. Is there any information about the location of the red queen?"

Luo Genfa looked at the information and asked.

"No, that's a secret underground test base that hasn't been marked. It hasn't been recorded at all. We've been looking for it for a long time. Only a few suspected places are marked on this map!"

Zhang Jianfeng found a map in the data and pointed to the places indicated on it.

"No specific location? But it's okay. Although it's a bit troublesome to find, it's not impossible. We found a few invisible drones on the way here. The red queen still holds a weapon that hasn't been destroyed. Bar?"

Logan asked.

"Well, except for a weapon manufacturing base controlled by the Red Queen, all other weapon bases in the world have been destroyed. Now we have no way to resist the Red Queen's attack, and it is constantly destroying the only remaining human resources. There are several underground refuge bases, and there are not many human beings left in the world."

Zhang Jianfeng said bitterly.

"I did some research before I came here. Now including your base, there are still seven bases in total. These should be all human beings!"

Logan said with a sigh.

There are more than 70 billion people in the world, and now there are only more than 1 people left. Human beings are almost extinct!
(End of this chapter)

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