Chapter 812
Although Logan tried his best to avoid it, his appearance still caused some changes in the Marvel Universe, and there were more people who should not have appeared.

For example, the Walter Group exists like this. There are many supernatural beings in the world, and the Walter Group has found a new way to package the supernatural beings into superheroes who can save the world.

Their strategy was very successful. The Super Seven formed by Walter Group attracted a large number of admirers in this world, and these seven so-called superheroes also made a lot of money and became veritable super Indians. The banknote machine has earned unimaginable wealth for the Water Group.

This also attracts a large number of people with supernatural powers who want to join the Super Seven. As the name suggests, there are only seven people in the Seven, so the competition is quite fierce. Sometimes someone will be kicked out of the Seven, but the boss of the Seven is called "Super Seven." The Homelander has never been defeated and has always stood at the top of the Super Seven.

Even the Super Seven was built around him, and he has many superpowers, super speed, super defense, supersonic flight, super hearing and vision, super strength and Cyclops, clairvoyance and so on.

The Motherlander can almost be said to be a replica of the Superman of the DC universe, and is also the most popular superhero.

These superheroes have become idols, participated in various interviews, catwalks, participated in TV shows, filmed commercials, and participated in various activities, so these superheroes are super rich.

Their behavior was too high-profile, which caused dissatisfaction among quite a few supernatural beings, so wars often took place, and those supernatural beings who were dissatisfied with the Super Seven were discredited by the Voight Group as villains and became the Super Seven Stepping stones to composition names.

As a result, the reputation of the Super Seven is even better than before. The Walter Group saw a huge business opportunity from it. They changed their strategy, actively looking for troubles from the supernatural beings, and portraying those supernatural beings as evil people who are trying to destroy the world. The group of seven reappeared as the savior, constantly eliminating the evil supernatural beings who tried to destroy the world.

The other members of the Super Seven also have different abilities. The others are Queen Maeve, Transparent Man, Locomotive, Deep Sea, and Starlight Girl.

Queen Maeve has super defense and great strength; the transparent person, as the name suggests, can be invisible; the locomotive has the speed comparable to lightning; The ability is also very strong.

The Super Seven is composed of five men and two women, and the status of women is very low. For example, Queen Maeve is regarded as a taboo by the motherland, and no one is allowed to approach.

And the transparent man is completely perverted, what he likes to do most is to hide in the women's bathroom and peep. Medicine, the locomotive killed many people by mistake because it was too high.

Shen Hai is a bullying loser who only dares to bully newcomers. In fact, he has the least status in the Super Seven.

The black color is similar to the existence of ninjas, with superb fighting skills and super recovery ability.

Except for Starlight Girl who was the last to join, the other six people have formed the Super Seven for a long time, and the six of them can become a stable group of seven, which has a lot of tricks.

In fact, except for the boss from the motherland, the abilities of the other five people are really not very good, but they have become regular personnel after a long screening.

These few people can be said to be all members of the Walter Group. They are the supernatural beings they created with the "No. [-] Compound". They succeeded after failing countless times. It can be said that they are the private property of the Walter Group. .

Under such circumstances, how could they allow other people to replace these people? The reason for the public recruitment was just to expand the influence and make the six people more famous.

Except for the newly joined Starlight Girl, when the other six people are carrying out the so-called rescue mission, if there is a live broadcast, it will be really conscientious, showing the heroic side to the fullest, but if it is done in private, it will be a disaster. What they have done is even worse than that of the superpower troops of the DC Universe!
The people of the motherland once destroyed an airplane in order to chase and kill a terrorist, and finally put the crime on the terrorist's head. Passengers on the plane passed away, and a few crocodile tears were shed symbolically. That acting skill can completely win the statuette.

And because the locomotive was too excited, it couldn't control the steering when it was speeding, and it knocked many people away. The scene was really horrible, not even a body was left, and it was completely smashed.

There are countless situations like this. Except for Queen Maeve who has a little conscience and can pay attention when she acts, the other five people can be said to be beasts, and the people from the motherland are the biggest scum. She often secretly drank the breast milk expressed by other mothers, and she looked intoxicated when she drank it, which made people extremely disgusted.

In this way, the superhero team that has always been stalwart on the surface, in fact, has been rotten to the extreme in the dark, but as long as it is not disclosed to the Water Group, it doesn't matter what these people do. The group formed an economic team, a crisis management team, a public relations team, etc., and completely regarded it as an idol group.

The opposite of this high-profile pseudo-hero team is the low-key X-Men. The X-Men are real superheroes. They are all committed to solving crises and saving mankind, never promoting themselves, and never bringing disasters to ordinary people.

Because of Professor X's low-key strategy, the world doesn't know much about the X-Men. Only some people have heard that there is a team of super sevens who are also fighting crimes, but there is no such thing as the Super Seven. high profile.

The X-Men are completely different from the hypocritical Super Seven. They serve the people sincerely, because there are many people who discriminate against mutants in this world, and they always want to use their actions to change the views of those people.

Their approach did change a lot of people at the beginning, but after the emergence of the Super Seven, this situation has changed.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Although the Super Seven usually kill criminals and witnesses when they act in private, their actions are still known to a small number of people. Professor X is one of them. He is the most powerful existence of telepathy in the world, able to feel people's desperation, which is why he discovered the crimes of the Super Seven.

After Professor X found out, he has always been entangled in whether to let the X-Men stop the Super Seven, but the Super Seven is too high-profile, and there are countless supporters. Once the war starts, public opinion will be very unfavorable to the X-Men. But when the professor was struggling, the contradiction between the X-Men and the Super Seven emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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