The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 820 Doomsday Comes

Chapter 820 Doomsday Comes

The huge sound waves generated by the collision sent many mutants on the island flying, and everyone fell into a dizzy state.

"Then, who is that?!"

After a while, everyone regained their strength and stared blankly at the scene in the sky with their mouths open.

I saw that the figure with his back to the crowd was able to resist the Chinese who was swooping down from a high altitude at a very high speed with only one hand, and the mysterious man's hand pressed the head of the Chinese to stop him. This scene was really shocking up!

And the motherlander was also a little confused at this time, from extreme speed to absolute stillness, he couldn't react, and his mind was still a little confused. If it weren't for his super defense, the motherlander at this time would have become a pair of meat sauce.


"Who are you!"

The natives who reacted immediately stayed away from Logan and stared at Logan.

"Man-made supernatural beings are really flawed! Brain congestion is easy to get out of control! If you hit me like this, the earth will be finished!"

Logan's voice was full of banter.

"Asshole! I ask who you are!"

The motherland roared angrily.


His answer was to step on his face.


The Chinese were kicked out of the air and slammed into the ice, causing the ice to shatter.

"Too arrogant will be beaten!"

Logan looked down at the motherlander embedded in the ice expressionlessly and said.

"My God, who is this person?"

"He's simply stronger than a monster!"

"I think I've seen it somewhere?"


The people in front of the TV watched the live broadcast in shock, and the sudden appearance of Logan gave them a huge shock. On the TV, there was an endless frozen sea, and the high waves up to [-] meters were frozen. People have no power to fight back in front of the opponent, which simply refreshes their cognition.

"Hiss, this monster is so powerful!"

Tony was also watching the battle. After seeing Logan stunned the audience as soon as he appeared, Tony had a toothache. This is so strong and unreasonable!

"It seems that I have to establish a good relationship with him! What kind of gifts should I bring next time I go there? I don't like things like him at all!"

Then Tony touched his chin and thought again.

Not to mention that Tony is thinking wildly, the X-Men and the Super Seven who are still on the battlefield have the most experience of Logan's strength, especially Qin, Wolverine and Magneto who are fighting against the motherland, they have the deepest experience.

The people from the motherland, who were helpless among the three of them, were easily defeated by this oriental who appeared mysteriously, completely powerless to fight back.

The Iceman looked at Logan in the air with fanatical eyes. He didn't see how Logan froze the entire sea, but with such a wide range, the Iceman couldn't do it no matter how hard he tried. !

The motherlander broke through the ice and flew out. At this time, the motherlander was in a panic, even his battle uniform was broken, but there was no injury on his body. I have to say that his defense is indeed indestructible!

If that foot stepped on someone else, it would have been broken into pieces.

The eyes of the people from the motherland were red, and the hair that was originally meticulous was messed up. The expression on the face showed that the people from the motherland were so angry that they burst.

"Yellow skin..."


Before the man from the motherland finished speaking, Logan stepped on his face and stepped on the ice hard, but unexpectedly, the ice did not crack, but the momentum caused was even stronger than before. It is much stronger. This is the reason why Logan deliberately controlled the ice to prevent it from cracking, just to let the world see the scene of people from the motherland being trampled under his feet.

"If you dare to say one more word, I will crush you!"

Logan's icy voice made the surrounding temperature drop dozens of degrees. Logan was angered by what the people of the motherland hadn't said yet. , this time completely ignited Logan's anger, and he was going to make an example of others.


The motherlander who was trampled by Logan yelled loudly, and he didn't know whether it was anger or pain, but no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't shake Logan's feet, so the picture of the motherlander being trampled by Logan passed on. all over the world.

"I'm going to kill you! You bastard! I will never let you go!"

cried the natives.

"act recklessly!"


"Ah ah ah..."

As soon as Logan kicked hard, the cry of the motherland became louder. This time, people were sure that the motherland screamed in pain, because they heard the sound of bone cracking, and at the same time they were even more terrified of Logan's strength. Others He couldn't beat the people of the motherland even if he was beaten to death. As a result, his skull was crushed by Logan's kick.

People thought that if the foot was on their own body, they would have been trampled to the ground long ago!

The motherlander shouted the name of the locomotive in pain, and he wanted the locomotive to help him.


Hearing the shouts of the motherland, the locomotive moved subconsciously. It was not that the locomotive was willing to blend in, but the brutal image of the motherland had penetrated into his heart, and he did not dare to disobey the motherland.

When he realized that he was rushing towards Logan, the locomotive gritted his teeth and went faster. What he thought was that no matter how powerful the opponent was, he would not surpass him in speed. He is known as the fastest man in the world. But the ideal is plump, and the reality is skinny, so the locomotive is a tragedy.


The locomotive that just rushed in front of Logan felt that his neck was being strangled before he could save the people of the motherland.

"What are you doing in front of me at a snail-like speed!"

Logan's icy voice made the locomotive feel that the blood in his whole body was frozen. He looked at Logan in horror. He can guarantee that his speed just exceeded the limit, almost catching up with the speed of light, and he was caught by the other party , despair filled the heart of the locomotive.


Kuaiyin swallowed hard. When the locomotive moved, he subconsciously wanted to keep up with it, but he hesitated at the last moment. As a result, the locomotive was grabbed by the man's neck and held up in the air. This scene made Kuaiyin's legs tremble. up.

"There are quite a few people who died at your hands! Go to hell and make amends to them!"


The locomotive's neck was broken by Logan, and the locomotive never thought that he would die in such a humiliating way until he died.


Logan threw the locomotive's body out like trash.

"Colonel, we're frozen and our weapons won't fire!"

Reported by Dead Girl.

"Who is this Oriental who suddenly appeared?"

Stryker stared at Logan on the screen and asked.

"There is no such person in the database, and it may have been hidden and never appeared!"

said the dead girl.

"I didn't expect to be able to catch a big fish! Immediately contact the base and let the base launch a nuclear attack! This time we must destroy them in one fell swoop!"

Stryker blushed with excitement. He was not afraid of Logan's strength, but even more excited. He believed that no one could resist a nuclear attack, and the end of mutants was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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