Chapter 840

Tony was full of praise after tasting Yamata no Orochi's cooking skills. Who would have thought that such a burly man would have such superb cooking skills? Tony has made up his mind, and he must come here often in the future, let alone with Logan To build a good relationship, the delicacies that Yaqi cooks that he has never tasted are enough to attract Tony.

After the meal, Tony left satisfied. The task assigned by the government was also completed, and he accidentally tasted a delicious meal that he had never eaten before. This trip was really worth it.

Nicholas Joseph Fury, also known as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, has been under a lot of pressure recently, and the reason is caused by Logan. The appearance of Logan has changed people's worldview and raised the definition of the strong. It also made the mutants no longer hide themselves as much as they used to, and began to appear in front of the world. For SHIELD, a department that specializes in dealing with special things, the difficulty of handling tasks has greatly increased.

The problems that could be solved by dispatching special forces are now completely unqualified. Faced with some mutants, it can no longer be solved by numbers, and needs to be suppressed in strength. This has caused Nick Fury's men to be unable to keep up with the strength. The failure rate is greatly increased.

But it is not so easy to recruit mutants. If one is not handled well, there will be a second Super Seven, which is what Nick Fury does not want to see.

After thinking about it, Nick Fury believes that it is the best choice to cooperate with the X-Men, so that he can slowly find suitable superpowers while completing the task.

Especially after Logan publicly said that the interstellar war was coming, Nick Fury became more eager to form a team to protect the earth. He once again put forward the proposal he had drafted to form the Avengers.

The proposal to form the Avengers was the idea of ​​Nick Fury after he met Carol Danvers, the captain of the surprise. Fury is also one of the very few people on earth who knows the existence of alien forces. After getting to know Carol Danvers After Adams, Fury wanted to form an alliance of superheroes to protect the earth at a critical moment.

But this proposal was rejected by the committee. The reason is that these superpowers or mutants are too powerful to control, let alone unite them, and it is easy to get out of the control of the committee, so they firmly oppose Fury's proposal. The proposal, to put it bluntly, is that the committee does not want to use a force that they cannot control.

But with the advent of "God's Fall", Nick Fury once again came up with this plan. He believes that this problem can no longer be avoided, and he will push it anyway.

"Nick, we understand your thoughts, but there are too many uncertainties in forming the Avengers Alliance. Once these people get out of control, it is likely to bring about a huge disaster!"

The committee objected.

"The formation of the Avengers Alliance is imminent. Tony Stark has received news from the hell lord that alien enemies will attack in a short time. I don't think everyone has forgotten what happened more than ten years ago!"

Nick Fury looked at the committee elders on the monitor and said.

What he said more than ten years ago was when Carol Danvers came to earth and fought against the Cree. Fortunately, Carol Danvers took the initiative to solve the crisis, otherwise the earth would be in danger .

"You can't believe everything that person said. Although he is powerful and frightening, who can predict the future? Maybe he is alarmist!"

The committee is a bunch of old stubborn people who always focus on power and don't want anything to happen beyond their control.

"It's because it didn't happen that we have to prepare in advance, otherwise it will be too late, and I don't think people of his level will alarmist. To put it bluntly, we don't deserve it!"

Nick Fury said bluntly.

"If there is such an enemy that the earth can't resist, I don't believe that one will not intervene!"

Said a senior member of the committee.

"The man's original words were 'If I'm in a bad mood, I won't intervene even if human beings are facing extinction!' It means that he doesn't care about the survival of human beings at all, he only cares about the safety of the earth, we can't take this risk , if he is in a bad mood at that time, will he let mankind go extinct like this?"

"We can't leave this kind of thing in the hands of others. We must have countermeasures and strength ourselves. The Avengers Alliance was established to deal with this situation!"

Nick Fury hates these corrupt leaders, but they must agree to form the Avengers, otherwise it will be illegal and will be banned. This is why Nick Fury hates politics, full of too much desire for power and struggle.

"The Avengers Alliance is established. Are you sure they will be under our control? There are too many uncertain factors, and we can't just make a hasty decision. We have to study before we can make a decision!"

The committee let go a little bit, they are not stupid, they just want to control the Avengers in their hands.

"Then you guys have to hurry up, no one knows when the war will come, I also need to find suitable candidates, let me know after you finish the research!"

After speaking, Nick Fury cut off the connection.


"A bunch of idiots! What time is it and they only know how to fight for power!"

Nick Fury smashed the screen in front of him with a punch and said angrily.

"Boss, what shall we do next?"

asked Phil Coulson, Nick Fury's right-hand man.

"We can't wait for these stubborn old people to make a decision. We must be prepared, otherwise it will be too late!"

Nick Fury calmed down and said angrily.

"What about the candidate?"

asked Phil Coulson.

"How was the previous mutant inspection?"

Nick Fury thought for a while and asked.

"It's not ideal. Most of them are people who are not easy to control. Only a few are suitable, but they all belong to the X-Men side. It's not easy for us to recruit!"

Phil Coulson said in embarrassment.

"Does Tony Stark go to that house often recently?"

Nick Fury asked.

"Yes, Stark has been there very frequently recently, and he is often with that weird panda, and there is also a strange strong man, and the identity of that person is not yet known."

Phil Coulson nodded and said.

"Find out when Stark will go again, and I will go with him to meet the hell lord!"

Nick Fury said with an unknown light shining in his one eye.

"Don't you need to say hello in advance? That guy is not so easy to see! So far, except for one named Lucifer, only Tony Stark can see him!"

Phil Coulson thought for a while and said.

"Always try, it's about the overall situation, we can't sit still!"

Nick Fury said firmly.

"I understand, I'll make arrangements now!"

Phil Coulson nodded and left.

(End of this chapter)

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