The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 853 Thor is Coming

Chapter 853 Thor is Coming
"If you want to solve the problem of world fusion, these human beings can solve it by themselves. The key is to deal with these observers. Their existence is the biggest threat. They even want to control the whole world!"

"Such behavior shows that they have not been reformed thoroughly! Even reformed people whose emotions and emotions have been wiped out can end up on such a path. I have to say that their selfish desires are really powerful and terrifying!"

By observing the development of the world, Hell Road has clearly seen the future trajectory. The problem of the fusion of the two worlds has actually been solved. As long as the machine made by Walter in the future runs successfully, the destroyed world will be slowed down. Slow to fix.

The key is that the observers who will be transformed in the future will have the biggest problem. They are the biggest threat. In 20 years, they will rule the world, enslave the current human beings, and transform the atmosphere so that it is not suitable for human survival. It can be said that it will lead human beings to destroyed.

Therefore, Walter of the two worlds will solve the problem of world collision in Hell Road. He only needs to get rid of the observer, and the solution to the problem of the observer is very simple. Get rid of the few creatures who will study genetic modification in the future. Scholars will do.

So Hell Dao sent Human Dao to the future and received the souls of those Danish biologists. All the observers from the future disappeared completely, and the future human crisis was resolved, and the rest is up to human beings. , but before the crisis of the two worlds is completely resolved, the hell realm cannot be left, and unexpected situations must be prevented.

In the Marvel world, after the appearance of the superhero Iron Man, the second superhero Thor also appeared on the earth.

However, he did not come voluntarily, but was banished by Odin. The reason is very simple. After Xiong Xiaopang left, no one among his peers could suppress him. Although Thor is a good god in his bones, he His arrogance and arrogance are also born in the womb.

It also caused a lot of troubles, especially when there was a Loki with a ulterior motive, Thor was completely led astray by Loki. In one battle, although Asgard won, he suffered heavy losses. The main reason is Thor's aggressiveness.

"The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they feared you back then!"

Thor struggled.

"It's your pride and weakness that's at work, not your leadership! You've completely forgotten the patience I gave you as a brave man!"

Odin said.

"While you waited patiently, the countries of the Nine Realms were laughing at us loudly! The old ways have long since failed! Even though the domain of God is crumbling, you are still talking freely."

Thor said angrily.

"You are a vain, greedy, cruel child!"

Odin said angrily.

"Then you're a stupid old thing!"

Thor is a violent temper, belonging to the kind of character that explodes at a point.

"Yes, I was really stupid, I thought you were qualified!"

Odin said disappointedly.


Loki popped up again to fan the flames.

"Hey! Shut up!"

Odin yelled angrily.

When Loki saw this, he immediately shut up. He knew best if it was too much.

"Saul Odinson, you disobeyed the king's clear decree, your arrogance and ignorance brought the fear and destruction of war to the innocent people in a peaceful country! You are not worthy of your land, you are not worthy of your title, You do not deserve!"

"Those relatives you have betrayed, I will deprive you of your divine power at this moment, and in the name of my father's family and ancestors, I, Odin, the father of the gods, will drive you out of the door!"


Odin deprived Thor of his armor and weapons, sealed Thor's divine power, and demoted Thor to the human world.

"Whoever holds this hammer, and deserves it, will have the power of Thor!"

After Odin cast a spell on Thor's Hammer, he threw Thor's Hammer into the space channel, and fell into the world with Thor.

Although Loki had a sad expression, he was filled with pride. His biggest competitor was eliminated, and God's Domain was his own. It was the first time that the God of Trickster really showed his might.

Thor who fell into the world has completely become an ordinary person. The most ridiculous thing is that the majestic Thor was stunned by the assistant of his future girlfriend with a stun gun. This is the shame of Thor's life!
"Pfft hahaha..."

"The majestic Thor was stunned, hahaha, it's so funny!"

Xiong Xiaopang hugged his stomach and rolled in the sky laughing.

Xiong Xiaopang knew from Logan that Thor was about to be demoted to the human world, so he ran to the place where Thor fell and waited early. He saw this funny scene not long after he arrived.

"Fat Master, this is the little brother you mentioned? How could he become your little brother like this? It's too bad!"

Yamata no Orochi looked at Thor who fell to the ground and twitched speechlessly.

"Hehehe, he was sealed by the old man Odin, so he has become an ordinary person now. In fact, his strength is very strong, and it is about the same as yours!"

Xiong Xiaopang smiled and lost his eyes.

"Odin is the so-called father of the Western gods?"

Yamata no Orochi asked.

"Yes, that old man is very powerful, I can't beat him!"

Xiong Xiaopang finally stopped laughing and said.

"How does that compare to Luo Daxian?"

Yamata no Orochi asked.

"Xiao Wu is stronger, but that old guy has a lot of weird methods, for example, his spells are very powerful. I think it will take a lot of effort for Xiao Wu to undo it."

Xiong Xiaopang said.

"Fatty, they are gone, shall we follow?"

Yamata no Orochi pointed to the car that drove away and asked.

"It's a must! The show is still to come! You must not miss it!"

Xiong Xiaopang said with bright eyes.



Just when the two beasts were about to leave, Thor's Hammer fell from the sky and landed in the valley not far from where Thor landed.

"Wait, that's Thor's hammer. I've wanted to play with it for a long time, but Thor is too stingy and never gave it to me. I just took this opportunity to play with it!"

Xiong Xiaopang quickly flew to the place where Thor's Hammer fell, and was about to take Thor's Hammer away.

"Little Fatty, this is a test for Thor, so don't interfere!"

Just when Xiaopang was about to grab Thor's Hammer, Odin's voice rang in Xiong Xiaopang's ears.

"Cut, old man, don't play if you don't play, who cares! I'll go and see your son's jokes!"

Xiong Xiaopang muttered dissatisfied.

Then a bear and a snake followed Thor's future girlfriend Jane's car in the air.

"Pfft hahaha..."

"Thor was given an injection with his trousers taken off. Interesting, interesting, so interesting!"

Thor was sent to the hospital. After waking up, he made a big fuss in the emergency room. As a result, he was held down by a group of doctors and nurses, and then a nurse took off his pants and stabbed him unconscious.

Fortunately, Thor passed out, otherwise he would have wanted to commit suicide in embarrassment, which would be too shameful, especially for his most troublesome Xiong Xiaopang, who watched all this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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