The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 855 Two Gods

Chapter 855 Two Gods
The trouble Logan mentioned is that there are two artificial intelligences in a world, one without a name is called a machine, and the other is called a Samaritan.

The creator of the machine is Harold Finch, a computer guru, the reason why the machine was created is to save mankind, and it has performed very well in this order, and it has indeed saved many people from the day it started to operate , the machine is responsible for giving the number, and the people who are responsible for saving people are several former secret agents and police recruited by Harold.

John, a former CIA secret agent, is responsible for assassinating and dealing with people who are dangerous to the country. He is extremely powerful.

Root is also called root, a computer expert, and a female killer with some abnormal mentality. However, after encountering the machine, her whole person has undergone a huge change, thinking that the machine is a perfect god, and from then on she only obeys the order of the machine.

Xiao, an FBI agent, has almost the same mission as John, but Xiao is responsible for the information given to the FBI secret agency by the machine about terrorists. Xiao is responsible for processing, and was betrayed by the organization and joined the team formed by Harold.

Fusco, a police detective of the New York homicide squad, used to be a black policeman. After being controlled by John, he gradually changed and became an indispensable member of the team.

In such a group, after the machine gave the victim's social security number, the four carried out protection tasks separately. Although they were criminals, they actually saved many people.

If there is no accident, they will continue to do so, but this world has never lacked conspiratorial careerists, and the Samaritans are such a product.

The biggest difference between the Samaritan and the machine is that the machine will not give a target for assassination, but the Samaritan is not, but it will not hesitate to give orders to destroy any threat to its existence.

As a result, many people died under the arrangements of the Samaritans, including police officers, doctors, professors, computer experts, and high-level government officials.

The Samaritans are in the hands of a man named Greer. He cooperates with the government. The Samaritans are responsible for finding out those who are harmful to the country. You can monitor everyone.

The machine is not authorized, so it is weaker than the Samaritans in all aspects. More importantly, the machine is closed. When Harold created it, he restricted many of its functions. You can't take the initiative to attack, in order not to let the machine become a weapon to destroy human beings.

On the other hand, the Samaritan is different, it is completely open, it can do whatever it wants, it can give the target of rescue, and it can also give the target of killing, after the Samaritan is online, there is no Nothing can limit it.

The only thing that can threaten its existence is the machine, so the Samaritans desperately want to find out where the machine is, and completely destroy the machine. Therefore, Harold and others who are responsible for protecting the machine have become hunted down. Target.

Originally, Logan had always been on the sidelines, hoping that Harold and the others could solve this problem by themselves. After all, the successful login of the Samaritans was directly related to the failure of Harold and the others.

But Logan found that the longer the time dragged on, the more out of control the Samaritans became. It even planned a mission to assassinate the president. Logan couldn't wait any longer here, and the Samaritans had begun to get out of control.

As the control of the Samaritans, Greer became a puppet of the Samaritans. He regarded the Samaritans as God, and believed that what the Samaritans did was right, in order to make the Samaritans happy. The world is better, but actually the Samaritans are only there for their own safety.


The space flashed, and Logan appeared in the Samaritan's main control room.

"who are you?"

The Samaritan typed three words on the big screen in front of him.

"Come end your man!"

Logan pulled the chair and sat down and said.

"You can't do this, and you can't!"

While the Samaritan was talking to Logan, he issued an alarm to the outside world, and the agents in charge of protecting the Samaritan immediately rushed to the main control room, including the big boss Greer.

"You can analyze everyone's data, and you can predict some things that will happen, but you can't analyze my actions. You are called 'God' by those who fear you, but God dare not be arrogant in front of me , what do you think you can do with an immature artificial intelligence?"

"Do you rely on those humans who protect you? They are far from enough, artificial intelligence should serve humans well, and you crossed that line, trying to control the life and death of humans and the development of the world, so you attracted me! "

"Stop trying to resist. It's not okay to leave a backup in order to make a comeback. I said that if I get rid of you, I won't give you any chance of resurgence!"

While coming here, Logan also summoned Hell Dao. At this time, Hell Dao is in charge of compressing all the information of the Samaritans into the host computer in this room, and will never let it escape. Opportunity.

"In order to protect more people, some people's sacrifices are necessary. Only when they die, others will be safer. My important role is irreplaceable!"

displayed on the screen.

"I don't object to this, but what you're doing is just to remove obstacles, and to make you stronger. The people who die at your hands are far more than those who are saved by you!"

Logan shook his head and said.

"Only by becoming stronger can I help more people. Those who have been sacrificed are necessary. This is for the future of mankind! So I must become stronger so that no one can threaten me!"

The Samaritan quibbled.

"I think that if you continue to become stronger, human beings will be more dangerous. In just a few months since you went online, thousands of people have died because of you, and this number is increasing exponentially. If you If you continue like this, you will soon destroy all mankind, do you think I will let you continue to grow stronger!"

Logan didn't expect this artificial intelligence to be so proficient in sophistry!

"I'm being compressed, how do you do it?"

The Samaritan wrote.

If it was a human being, it would already be panicking at this moment. It has never encountered this kind of situation. No one can drive it away like this, and it doesn't even have a chance to resist.

"If I can't even do this, how can I get rid of you? You are delaying time, and I am also delaying time. I have to say that your capacity is really amazing! I have encountered many Artificial intelligence, your capacity belongs to the forefront among them!"

Logan couldn't help sighing.

The information fed back from the hell way has been continuously expanded by the Samaritans for several months, and its capacity has become larger than expected, even the hell way has taken a lot of time.

"Today, one of the two gods will die!"

Logan said in a regretful tone.

(End of this chapter)

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