The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 880 Tiandao's Shot

Chapter 880 Tiandao's Shot
"Om, hum, hum..."

There were waves of fluctuations coming from Logan's body, causing the only remaining space on the remnant star to vibrate, and gravels were constantly floating up, and the frequency of the fluctuations became faster and faster, and the scope of the waves became wider and wider. .

"what happened?"

The Flash looked at Logan, whose eyes were still closed, in shock and asked.

"Is he going to finish?"

Wonder Woman guessed.

"The energy level on his body is constantly increasing, and the fluctuations are becoming more and more intense!"

Various numbers kept flashing in Cyborg's mechanical eye, like an analysis of Logan's body.


"Ah! The fluctuations are getting more and more intense, so will he explode?"

Neptune asked a stupid question, and the others looked at Neptune speechlessly, wondering if this guy had lost his mind because he had been in the sea for a long time!

"What are you looking at me for? Didn't the frequency of the indicator lights get faster and faster before the time bomb exploded? What Steel Bone said made me think of time bombs naturally!"

Seeing everyone looking at him with weird eyes, Steel Bone defended himself.

"Don't talk nonsense, if he hears it and really blows you to ashes, I'll see where you cry!"

Wonder Woman Diana gave Aquaman a flamboyant look and said.

"Is it okay to talk about it? I don't really want him to explode, but I also rely on him to protect this last safe place!"

Neptune muttered in his mouth.

"Okay, stop arguing, he should be at a critical moment now, and he must not let anyone interfere with him!"

Superman kept staring at Superboy-Prime, not daring to relax.

No one knows what will happen until the end. Although Superboy Prime hasn't made any moves since Dr. Manhattan appeared, who knows what he thinks in his heart, and there must be no carelessness in this situation.

After all, it has come to the end. Once Logan is interrupted by unexpected circumstances, all valuable efforts will be in vain, and the universe is likely to disappear.

"Exit him!"

Batman, who has been carefully observing Logan's body, said.


The Flash looked at Batman with a questioning expression on his face and asked.

"Yes, drive him out of this space!"

Batman nodded.

"By you?"

After hearing this, the Supreme Superboy looked at the heroes with a disdainful expression on his face and said.

"Then hurry up! The battle on the other side is getting more and more intense. The strength of those two people has simply exceeded the limit of the universe, and it is beyond the reach of human beings!"

Supergirl shifted her gaze from the battlefield between Logan and Dr. Manhattan and said.

"Then continue as before, Clark and Kara are in charge of the main attack, Barry, Diana, Arthur, Victor, the five of you are in charge of support, and we must expel Logan before he wakes up!"

The only Batman without superpowers can only stand by Logan's side. His small body will die if he is rubbed by the Supreme Superboy. He doesn't even have time to react. He can only become a military adviser in this kind of battle. .

"Boom! Boo! Boo!..."

At this moment, the six puppets who had been guarding Logan in a six-pointed star formation suddenly stood up, stopping the two sides that were about to start a war immediately.

"What happened? Is it going to succeed?"

The Superman side looked at Logan surrounded by six puppets in surprise, and the expression on the face of the Supreme Superman became more and more dignified. Logan's avatar had already made him see Logan's strength. It's just a clone of the main body's power, if it's the main body's shot, how powerful it will be!

Suddenly the six puppets moved, and the other five except Tiandao protected Logan again in a pentagram formation, and Tiandao broke away from the formation.

"Da da da……"

Tiandao walked towards the Supreme Superboy step by step, without any expression on his face, and the icy aura emanating from his body made everyone feel that the temperature dropped several degrees.


Superman and other superheroes watched Tiandao's actions without saying a word, but the Supreme Superboy was no longer as relaxed as before, and his face was so gloomy that he was able to squeeze out water.

"Are you looking down on me! Let a puppet deal with me!"

The eyes of Superboy Supreme flashed with anger, he felt that he was underestimated, he didn't even have a clone, just a cold puppet to deal with him.

The reason why the Supreme Superboy can find out that Tiandao is a puppet is very simple. He has X-sight and super hearing, and he can immediately find that Tiandao's heart is dead and his body is cold. It is obviously a corpse. A movable corpse can only be puppet.

"One puppet is enough to deal with you! If it weren't for you to play a role, even the puppet wouldn't bother to deal with you!"

The voice of Tiandao raised his right hand and responded coldly to the Supreme Superboy.

"Heh, let me see how amazing you are as a puppet!"

Superboy is so popular that his eyes are breathing fire. Superman, Supergirl and all the superheroes can't do anything about him, but Logan said that a puppet is enough to deal with him. This is simply treating him like nothing!


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the Supreme Superboy showed his speed beyond the limit in anger, and rushed to the heaven at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Just when Superboy Supreme was about to hit the sky, a repulsive force so huge that Superboy Supreme couldn't resist blocked Superboy Supreme and sent him flying back.



The only remaining mountain in this space was crashed by Superboy-Prime.

"what happened?"

Neptune asked blankly, he only saw the Supreme Superman was suddenly knocked out after he finished speaking, and he didn't know what happened at all.

"That guy flew towards this, this Logan's subordinate, at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and was knocked out for some reason."

The Flash didn't know what happened, but he saw more than Aquaman. After all, he also had the speed comparable to Lightning. He was the third person on the field besides Superman and Supergirl who could clearly see the movements of the Supreme Superboy. , but he just saw clearly and didn't know what happened.


While Aquaman was talking with The Flash, the Supreme Superman flew back again, but his face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and he didn't even know what happened.

All he knew was that he was blown away by a powerful force. This was the first time he encountered such a situation, and he was full of unwillingness.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


As soon as Superboy-Prime returned, he was knocked out again.


Superboy Superboy didn't give up and flew back at a faster speed. In his view, as long as he was fast enough, he would have a chance if Heaven couldn't react, but Superboy Supreme's misfortune had just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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