The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 888 Tony's Request

Chapter 888 Tony's Request

Logan returned to his home after flying around New York. After a few days, Logan still misses his home very much.

"Yo, are you back?"

As soon as Logan landed on the balcony, the voice of Iron and Steel writing Tony Stark came from the house. Logan looked up and saw that Tony was competing with the fat man, but it was in a game.

When Logan came back, Tony even said hello, but the fat man didn't even look at Logan, he was engrossed in staring at the super-large TV hanging on the wall, and his fat paws were extremely flexible pressing the game controller.

"Uncle Fat, you've fallen! You've become obsessed with the game, you're just playing around! Be careful when you go back, the old guy will trouble you!"

Logan came to the house dissatisfied and said to Xiong Xiaopang.

"Tch, you brought me out, you don't take me when you go out by yourself, what's wrong with me playing a game!"

Xiong Xiaopang said confidently.

"Yes, you are the master, you are right!"

Logan said helplessly.

"whispering sound!"

Xiong Xiaopang gave Logan a blank look and ignored him.

"Old Ba, take over, I have something to discuss with Master Luo!"

Tony said to Yamata no Orochi who was staring at the TV screen without blinking.

"Okay! It's finally my turn!"

Seeing Baqi's excitement, Logan was speechless for a while, this guy was also fascinated by the game, and when he heard that it was his turn, his eyes began to light up.

"Fatty, our team will definitely chop up these zombies!"

Yamata no Orochi said excitedly while grabbing the handle.

"Xiao Ba, don't drag me down! Otherwise, you will be fined and not allowed to play games for a month!"

Xiong Xiaopan said arrogantly.

"Come on, don't worry, Fat Master, my eighth child has been practicing for a long time, and I will definitely not hold you back!"

Yamata no Orochi said hurriedly.

Looking at the excited Baqi and the calm Xiong Xiaopang, Logan really didn't know what to say. After only a few days of seeing each other, these two guys turned out to be teenagers with Internet addiction, which gave Logan a headache, but As long as you don't go out and cause trouble, just play games and save Logan from cleaning up the mess.

"You made this game, right?"

Logan glanced at the box on the table with Stark's logo on it.

"Hey, Xiaoyi, it doesn't take too long to make such a game. I'm asking Jarvis to study the panoramic virtual game. Those who still play the gamepad are a bit behind. When Jarvis develops the panoramic virtual game, you should also experience it. , absolutely cool!"

Tony said carelessly.

Logan was speechless for a while. The famous Iron Man Tony Stark actually developed games without doing his job. It's no one.

The reason why Tony is free to study games is to build a good relationship with Xiong Xiaopang. He understands that he wants to deepen the relationship with Logan. Xiong Xiaopang is the best intermediary. It is impossible to say no.

"Are you free? You are free to study games and play games with Fat Uncle!"

Logan came to the balcony and lay down on the deck chair and asked Tony who was following him.

"Studying games is just playing casually. Playing games is to relax, so that you can better devote yourself to the task. I am combining work and rest."

Tony said unceremoniously, lying on the other recliner.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Rogan asked.

"Hey, where have you been these few days? I have been here several times to ask you something, and I have been waiting for ten days."

Tony turned to look at Logan and asked.

"I went to other universes to save the world, but the flow of time in the two worlds is different. I stayed there for less than a day, and nearly ten days have passed here."

Logan said casually.

"Hey? Time flow is different? Is it a time paradox? Tell me about it!"

After hearing what Logan said, Tony immediately became excited. Tony must not doubt Logan's question of traveling to other universes.

"say what?"

Logan glanced at Tony and asked.

"A time paradox!"

Tony stared.

"Oh, that's it!"

Logan said indifferently.

"So what?"

Tony was a little confused.

"That's it, that world is slower, this world is faster!"

Logan said.

"Be more specific!"

Tony licked his face and said.

"How do I know what time paradox is? I'm not a scientist. You ask me if I have an egg. Is there anything wrong? Get out!"

Logan said irritably.

He has never heard of the nonsense time paradox or not, so let him talk about it, talk about a hammer!

"Something, something!"

Tony said hurriedly, for fear that Logan would slap him back to Stark Tower if he got annoyed.

"Do you know that Thor, Thor?"

Tony asked cautiously.

"I know you, son of Odin, the future king of Asgard, and your future partner!"

Logan glanced at Tony and nodded.

"Partner? What future partner?"

Tony asked in a daze.

"The Avengers of bald men! You are about to become partners!"

Logan said.


Tony looked like he had a headache.

"Why? Don't you want to? Are you still not satisfied as a mortal and a god as a companion?"

Logan looked at the frowning Tony and asked.

"No, I always feel that this guy is a disaster star, and there must be no good things in his place!"

Tony paused and said.

Logan looked at Tony with some surprise. He didn't expect that Tony's feeling was quite accurate, but Tony was not much better, let alone Thor. Nothing good will happen.

"You just want to ask this? Uncle Fat knows Sol better than me. He has been with Sol for more than 1000 years. He knows Sol better than me."

Logan pointed to Xiong Xiaopang who was shopping for zombies in the house and said.

"No, just ask if you think of it."

Tony shook his head and said.

"What do you want to ask, hurry up!"

Logan said angrily.

"Oh, that, you have been to countless universes, have you ever encountered an indestructible metal?"

Tony said quickly.

"Indestructible metal? What do you want?"

Logan asked in surprise.

"You also know that I, Iron Man, rely on my armor. If you want to improve your strength, you must strengthen your armor. The best way to strengthen your armor is to use the hardest metal. I asked the fat man, but he didn't know , let me ask you."

Tony looked at Logan and said.

"let me see."

Logan touched his chin and said.

"By the way, can Zhenjin not work?"

Rogan asked.

"Zhenjin? Is it the Zhenjin that my dad used to make Captain America's shield?"

Tony asked.

"Yeah! Zhenjin should meet your requirements, right? It's hard enough and can absorb attacks. It's the most suitable material for armor."

Logan nodded and said.

"It's okay, but that bit of vibration gold is used to make Captain America's armor! Maybe it's gone?"

Tony hesitated and said.

"That's fine."

After speaking, Logan raised his hand and swiped, a space crack appeared, and then Logan stretched his hand into the space crack, and after a while, Logan retracted his hand, and a huge ore came out from the crack .

(End of this chapter)

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