The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 898 Logan is angry, the congressman pissed!

Chapter 898 Logan is angry, the congressman pissed!
Iron Man VS nuclear bomb is indeed a big gimmick, but the people of Manhattan Island do not know that there is a missile loaded with a nuclear bomb flying towards Manhattan Island, which is even worse for the people of Manhattan Island!

We have been beaten up by aliens, you damn politicians are going to drop nuclear bombs on our heads, you damn white pigs are more hateful than aliens.

If the people of Manhattan Island knew the decision made by the parliament, they would definitely scold them like this, but now they don't know anything, and they are all running for their lives in a panic, trying to save their lives under the indiscriminate attacks of aliens.

Tony had already met the missile at this time, he turned around and caught up with the missile at a very fast speed, and hugged the nuclear bomb.

"Anyone hear me? I can close the portal!"

With the help of Dr. Silvig, Natasha discovered that the portal can be closed with Loki's scepter.

"Shut it up!"

Steve yelled.

"No, wait!"

Tony stopped.

"Stark, there are more and more enemies!"

Now Xiong Xiaopang, Thor and Yaqi Orochi, one man and two beasts, can't stop the Chitauri from passing through the portal. The three of them have held out against the entire Chitauri army for long enough.

"I've got a nuke here, it's going to go off in a minute! I know where to let it go!"

Tony carried the missile, struggling to change the flight trajectory of the missile.

"Stark, you know this could never come back!"

Steve said seriously.

"Use your energy to turn, Jarvis!"

Tony knew very well that this mission was very dangerous, but if he didn't do so, millions of people would die because of it. This was unacceptable to Tony. It was worth it to exchange his own life for millions of people!

"Boss, do you need to contact Miss Potts?"

Jarvis is getting more and more human now.

"Get in touch!"

Now the most important thing for Dotoni is Potts.

"Beep beep..."

"The streets of New York City have become battlegrounds, the military has arrived and is trying to control the situation, but they are clearly no match, and I have to say, I have never seen anything like this in my career. Not much is known about this response team, but we recognize millionaire Iron Man, Tony Stark..."

When Jarvis contacted Potts, Potts was watching the report on the Battle of New York on the plane. She didn't notice that her mobile phone was ringing, and watched the picture of Iron Man flashing on the screen with worry.

"call out!"

A not strong figure flew over Manhattan Island carrying a missile, and people looked at Iron Man carrying the missile and flying towards the portal with respectful eyes.

"I'll go! What the hell?"

When Tony carried the missile and flew past Xiong Xiaopang, he gave Xiong Xiaopang a jump.

"You can't die! You haven't played my game yet!"

Xiong Xiaopang saw that it was Tony who rushed into the portal carrying the missile, and immediately followed.

"Call to Potts failed!"

This sentence was displayed in front of Tony's eyes, and the energy of Tony's armor was also used up at this time. The missile escaped from Tony's control and flew straight to the Chitauri battleship in the starry sky. Tony began to fall like a ruined petal .


Xiong Xiaopang hugged the fainted Tony.


Xiong Xiaopang immediately flew to the portal with Tony in his arms.

"You kid is really kind!"

Xiong Xiaopang said in admiration.

Tony is just an ordinary person, and he is also a world-renowned rich man, but most people can't do this kind of self-sacrificing thing.


The missile hit the Chitauri's mothership, and the entire mothership was blown to pieces. The Chitauri and mechanical beasts on the ground lost power instantly and all fell down.

"Come on, Stark!"

Natasha looked nervously at the portal.


At this moment, Xiong Xiaopang flew out of the portal with Tony in his arms.


People cheered excitedly.

"Close it!"

Steve said immediately.


Natasha stabbed Loki's scepter forcefully, using the power of the mind gem in the scepter to close the Rubik's Cube.

"Tony is still the savior once!"

Logan, who was also on Manhattan Island, was lying on the balcony on the top floor, quietly watching Tony, who was hugged by Xiong Xiaopang in the distance, and said with a smile.

"However, some bastards are too ignorant of my existence! How dare they drop a nuclear bomb!"

Logan was a little annoyed. Those brainless politicians dared to drop nuclear bombs where he was, which Logan hated the most.

"Such a crisis was lifted by them. The Avengers have proved its value, but it must be in our hands!"

The congressmen who have been following the battle in Manhattan said looking at the screen.

"These people are not easy to control!"

said the congresswoman.

"How do you know if you don't try! If we control the Avengers, no one will dare to defy us! The United States will become the most powerful existence in the universe!"

said the MP in the middle.

"You bedbugs, all you think about in your mind are desires for power, and you dare to drop a nuclear bomb on the place where I live, do you think your life is too long!"

Just as the congressmen were discussing about the Avengers, a cold voice interrupted the conversation of the congressmen.


The MPs were outraged that anyone dared to break into their meeting place.


"Who do you say I am!"

Logan's figure appeared on the table in front of the congressmen, and he looked down at several parliamentarians with cold eyes.


The congressmen were terrified, and they found out that it was the oriental man who dared to split the sky.

"Knowing that I am in Manhattan, you dare to drop a nuclear bomb. Do you want to destroy me together? Then I can tell you that the nuclear bomb is useless to me. It will not cause me any harm other than angering me." hurt, and now you've angered me!"

Logan's icy voice made the congressmen tremble constantly, and they felt that the chill seemed to freeze them.

"I, I, we didn't, didn't think about it, just, just want to destroy the enemy, for example, if Manhattan is occupied by aliens, then, then the earth will be in danger."

The leading member of parliament stumbled and explained.

"Do you think I believe it!"

Logan looked at the head of the congressman and said.

"I am clear about your plans. This is the first time, I let you go! But it is also the last time. I will not talk to you so peacefully next time. By then, you will all be reduced to ashes and obliterated honestly. Your ambitions, trying to control what you can't control, will only bring disaster to you!"


After Logan finished speaking, he disappeared from the venue, scaring all the members of the House of Representatives to say a word, and one of the members was scared to urinate by Logan's cold gaze, and there was a smell of urine in the venue.

(End of this chapter)

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