The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 900 Discovery

Chapter 900 Discovery
"'Crimson Lord' Cytorak? 'Beholder' Shuma Gorath?"

"I've never heard of it, who are they? Can this kind of unknown person stop you?"

Tony was a little unbelievable. If these two people were really that powerful, everyone would have known them for a long time. Moreover, when Logan named them, Tony had already asked Jarvis to search for them, but The result is that there is no such person.

"Nonsense, you'll be damned if you've heard them, 'Crimson Master' Saitorak and 'Beholder' Shuma Golas Beholder are both dimension lords!"

Logan said angrily.

"Dimensional Lord? What is that?"

This was the first time Tony had heard of a dimension lord.

"Dimension Lords are equivalent to the most powerful overlords in the Marvel Universe. In their dimensions, they are invincible and unkillable. Even if Thanos gathers all six infinite gems, they cannot be hurt. They are all alive. Hundreds of millions of years of existence!"

"The beholder is a powerful existence born in chaos. It is evil and ancient. After forming self-awareness, it traveled through time and space, and finally came to the ancient earth. The beholder ruled the ancient earth and was the king of the Jurassic period!"

Logan explained.

"Jurassic? Isn't that the age of dinosaurs! This is really an immortal! After living so long, even a pig can become a god!"

Scott couldn't help but click his tongue.

"Since he ruled the earth in the Jurassic era, why is there no record of him? What happened after that?"

Steve frowned.

"The beholder is also a sad guy. The rule of the beholder on the earth was ended by the magician Hissnaig from the 31st century. Hissnaig is a powerful mage who travels through time and space. When he explored the ancient times, he encountered the beholder. The attack was forced to fight, but he was carelessly exiled to a distant dimension by Hissnaig!"

Logan explained.

"A magician in the 31st century? A magician can defeat a dimensional lord, so this dimensional lord is not that strong!"

Scott grumbled.

"You know a hammer, Heathnaig didn't defeat the beholder head-on, but he barely exiled the beholder by using the beholder's carelessness and a special magic artifact. If you really want to fight head-on with the beholder, Hisnagg can get the shit out of it!"

Logan gave Scott an angry look and said.

"Heh, heh, I'm joking!"

Scott smiled awkwardly.

"Then 'Crimson Lord' Cytorak is the same existence as the beholder?"

Steve asked.

"I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker between the two of them, but judging from my fight with the Crimson Lord, he is at least not weaker than the existence of the beholder. The Red Tank itself is not a mutant, the reason why it possesses mutant-like powers is because of a deep ruby, as long as you have this gem, you can become a 'Red Tank'!"

"A red tank that only relies on a trace of the power of the Crimson Lord is almost invincible to mutants. You can already know something about the power of the Crimson Lord."

"The abilities of these dimensional lords are not particularly strong, but their vitality is amazingly tenacious, otherwise the beholder would not have been expelled several times and no one would have been able to kill him."

Logan said.

"You can't either? Your strength can already threaten the universe, can't you even kill them?"

Tony asked.

"Yes, but I won't do it for now!"

Logan was silent for a while and said.

"Since you can, why don't you kill them! Aren't they already threatening the earth!"

Tony asked in confusion.

"Things are not as simple as you think. I can kill them, that is, the strongest existence 'True God' who created everything in the Marvel universe. If I want to, I can kill him at some price!"

"But killing them is easy, the trouble is dealing with the troubles caused after killing them! I am not like the destroyers of the traversers. My first task is to protect the earth, not to destroy it."

"There are several existences in this universe like the Crimson Lord and the Beholder, and there are even more powerful existences than them. Although they are enemies among themselves, once someone can really kill them, they will unite to fight against each other. That person, when the time comes, not only the earth will be in danger, but the entire universe may be destroyed!"

"That's why I let the Crimson Master and the Beholder leave. I also let them pass on the news. As long as I'm here, no one on earth can persecute them!"

What Logan said was half true and half false. Those ancient beings would indeed unite because some of them were killed. Although it was troublesome, Logan was not really afraid.

As Logan once said, these ancient existences can't actually threaten him. Without the power system, Logan can suppress their abilities by nature. What's more, although those ancient existences are like dimension lords, Logan is responsible for them. The earth is boundless, and this is where Logan's confidence lies.

Logan is not invincible, but hell is invincible, as long as he is in charge of hell for a day, no one can destroy him.

The reason why Logan really let the Crimson Master and the Beholder to leave is that Logan was afraid of trouble, and Logan didn't come to be the savior, he only needed to protect the earth, and he didn't want to participate too much in other things.

Otherwise, like Thanos, Logan can easily destroy him, and let him use the infinite gems to wipe out half of the population of the Marvel universe, but he is unwilling to intervene too much, otherwise when will these superheroes grow up? get up!
"How are you going to help us?"

Tony was silent for a moment, looked at Logan and asked.

He didn't completely believe what Logan said. Tony learned a lot about Logan from Xiong Xiaopang, and knew that Logan had his own calculations no matter what he did. Although he didn't know what Logan's purpose was, but He knew Logan would never let anything happen to Earth.


With a swipe of Logan's hand, a space crack appeared beside him.

"I brought you the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, go back and solve the crisis brought by Thanos! This is just the beginning, there may be more troublesome things waiting for you in the future, let's become stronger!"

Logan reached into the space crack, and then he took the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from nowhere and handed it to Tony and said.

"Where are we going to send the Rubik's Cube back?"

Tony asked looking at the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in his hand.

"After you're done using it, just hand it over to me in the future, and you don't have to worry about the rest!"

Logan said.

"Give it to your future self?"

Tony frowned, looking down at the Rubik's Cube.

"and many more!"

Tony suddenly looked up at Logan, his eyes were full of shock, puzzlement, and a hint of anger, Tony thought of an amazing possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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