The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 902 Small fights?

Chapter 902 Small fights?

"How much ability bears how much responsibility, freeing from time and space allows me to see the development of the entire universe, but it also makes me bear the danger of being lost in nothingness."

"The real situation is not as simple as you imagine. I stand outside the timeline and see all kinds of life. In fact, I also have to bear the danger that you can't see."

"No matter which universe you are in, time and space are the most mysterious forces. Anyone who plays with time and space will suffer a strong backlash, just like the dark lord Dormammu, he is also an existence beyond time and space, but she cannot avoid the time and space belt One is the space-time cycle that can trap him."

"The so-called transcendence of time and space is just a way of saying. Who in this world can really transcend time and space? No, not even the true gods who created the Marvel universe. They can only continuously weaken the influence of time and space on them."

"And I am not detached from time and space, but have reached a balance with time and space, allowing me to stand on the bank of the long river of time and observe the development of the entire universe."

Logan told the three the secrets about time and space.

Time and space are one of the eternal laws of the universe. The time gems and space gems in the Marvel universe actually only contain part of the power of time and space, and they are completely vulnerable to the real laws of space and time.

Moreover, the law of time and space in the Marvel universe is not perfect, it is a branch, only one-thousandth of the upper-dimensional universe, so those ancient existences can claim to be above the power of time, if they encounter the real original law of space and time , they would be easily crushed.

"You said that the Marvel universe was created by the true god? Didn't the universe form naturally? If it was created by the true god, how strong is the true god? How does it compare to you?"

Scott's focus is different from others. He cares about the existence of the true God that Logan said.

"Don't think too much about the true God. He doesn't care what happens to the universe at all. Although he occasionally appears on the earth, you won't meet him, let alone even if he stands in front of you. You don't recognize it either."

Logan looked at Scott and said.

"It can't be you?!"

When Scott heard what Logan said and stood in front of him, he couldn't recognize him. His brain was wide open, and he guessed that Logan was talking about himself.

"Are you stupid? Don't say that I am not the so-called true god at all, even if I am, do you think I will tell you!"

Logan glared at Scott angrily and said.

"Uh, yes!"

Scott smiled awkwardly.

"About those ancient existences, don't ask too much. Knowing more is not good for you, especially if you keep repeating their words, it will attract their attention. Just forget about it after you have heard the story."

Logan thought for a moment and said.

"Understood, the Rubik's Cube and Loki's scepter have been obtained, we should go back, and bring back those who left as soon as possible!"

Tony put the Cosmic Rubik's Cube up and said.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Steve nodded.

"I can finally go back, and I don't know what happened to the others, and whether they got other gems."

Scott adjusted his time device and muttered.

"Be careful when you go back, things won't go so smoothly!"

Logan looked at the three people who were fully armed and ready to go back to the future and said.

"What do you mean? What happened in the future?"

Scott asked hastily.

"Don't ask too much!"

Tony stopped Scott from speaking.

"Why? Only by knowing what will happen in the future can we be prepared! We only have one chance. If we miss this chance, we will really not be able to bring our companions back!"

Scott asked puzzled.

"He can talk, but we can't ask. If he can talk, he will tell us without us asking. If he doesn't talk, it means that it will make us more troublesome. Remember, this is our world, we can We only rely on ourselves!"

Under the mask, Tony looked dignified. Logan's advice made Tony's bad feelings stronger. In fact, he already had bad feelings when he was preparing for time travel. As he expected, the whole process was not smooth. If It wasn't that the appearance of Logan brought them the Rubik's Cube, he and Steve had to take the risk of going back to the earlier past.

"Don't worry! Although there are some accidents, evil will prevail after all. If allowed, I will take action, but as Tony said, only you can rely on this world. After all, I am also an outsider!"

Logan nodded and said.

"Then let's go! Since we already know that there will be problems, we must be prepared when we go back. We have already failed once, and I don't want to fail again. We must bring our companions back!"

Steve said firmly.

"Let's go back!"

Tony said finally.


The three of them pressed the button of the time travel device at the same time and disappeared in place.

"Interesting, interesting, I underestimate this guy Tony! Seeing that he is usually heartless, he actually knows everything!"

Logan smiled and shook his head and disappeared in place.

"Uncle Fat didn't come back, did you go out to be cool?"

Logan returned to his home and found that Xiong Xiaopang was not at home.

Xiong Xiaopang is celebrating his first victory with the Avengers at this time, Fat Lord is very majestic this time!

"HIAHIAHIA, Fat Lord is amazing! That kid Loki dares to come to earth to make trouble, it's no wonder that Fatty can spare him!"

The Avengers were eating at a well-preserved restaurant on Manhattan Island at this time. The rest of them were not in a particularly good spirit. After all, the battle just now consumed most of their energy and strength, but only Fatty was alive and well, and the others It's very strange, this guy rushed to the front, hit the hardest, and exerted the most force, but he was able to jump up and down, which made others wonder if Xiong Xiaopang's physical strength is unlimited!

"Fatty, aren't you tired?"

Tony looked at Xiong Xiaopang with a tired face and asked.

"Tired! Haven't you already rested for a while? Don't say it, the pies here are really good!"

Xiong Xiaopang desperately stuffed the pie into his mouth and said inarticulately.


Tony looked at Xiong Xiaopang speechlessly, will he be alive after a short rest?He felt that he wanted to fully recover, and at least he needed to rest for a few days, especially since the damage caused to Tony by rushing into the transmission channel and almost never returning had been affecting him.

"Don't worry, keep calling me when something like this happens in the future, it's more exciting than playing games!"

Xiong Xiaopang said excitedly.

"Don't have any more, this time it has caused a great impact on the world, and the earth will be in danger a few more times!"

Steve said.

"You think too much, this is the beginning! Xiao Wu said that the Rocky invasion is the beginning of the interstellar war. It's just a small fight. There will be more powerful enemies in the future. So, don't think that's it. It's over!"

Xiong Xiaopang muttered.

"What did you say?!"

The others stared at Xiong Xiaopang with wide eyes, some couldn't accept Xiong Xiaopang's words, was this just a joke?What would a real war look like!
(End of this chapter)

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