Chapter 904

Huaxia, a hidden mountain cave.

"My lord, our spies from the Divine Spear Bureau reported that the Divine Spear Bureau sent people to New York again to visit the strong man who is suspected to be the ancestor of the Dongfang family!"

A spy reported to a man who was sitting upright in the dark and wearing rings on his fingers, whose face and age could not be seen clearly.

"Is there any news that the other party will come? When will he come?"

The voice of the mysterious adult was full of coldness, without any emotion.

"Returning to my lord, our people are not high-level, and the specific situation is not clear. I only heard that the last remnant of the Dongfang family and the old Taoist of the Shushan faction will return after a while. As for the strong man, he doesn't know much. !"

The spy replied tremblingly.


The mysterious lord raised his left hand, and the ring worn on the little finger of his left hand emitted a blue light that hit the spy who was kneeling on the ground.

"Sir, forgive me, my lord, forgive me!"


The spy screamed miserably, and was finally frozen into an icicle.

"A bunch of trash, they can't even do this well! What use are you for!"

The mysterious adult leaned forward, revealing his true form. His hair was loose, his eyes were small but with a sinister light flashing in them from time to time, and his fingers were crossed on his chest. This person was the famous villain, the Mandarin.

Mandarin was born in the early Republic of China and was of mixed race. His mother was a British aristocrat and his father was a Mongolian. Therefore, he claimed to be a descendant of Genghis Khan. Soon after he grew up, his mother died of drug overdose. He grew up under the care of his uncle. He has received martial arts training since he was a child, and expanded his family business to the state of wealth when he was young.

But because of the changes in the current situation and the war, he lost everything he owned, so he also vowed to destroy human civilization. By chance, he found a crashed alien spacecraft in the cave of Ghost Valley in Northwest China. , and found ten rings with magic power in the wreckage. He also learned a lot of super-age science and magic knowledge in the spaceship, and built his own army with the Lord of the Rings.And because of the Lord of the Rings, he was able to live forever and stay young forever.

The kidnapping of Tony was done by the Mandarin. He wanted to control Tony to control the largest arms supplier in the United States. Stark Industries has always been the coveted target of the Mandarin, but he did not expect that Tony would become Iron Man instead. It made the man crazy, but he was even more interested in Tony's armor, and he ordered to get Tony's armor technology.

But it is a pity that several years have passed, and batches of spies have been sent to the past, but none of them can bypass Tony's security system, and have not obtained Tony's display technology, and the Mandarin has gradually lost patience. He wanted to personally take action to snatch Tony's battle armor, but the news from his subordinates made the Mandarin very afraid. Tony knew Logan very well, and would often go to Logan's house.

This made Master Mandarin cancel his plan to seize the battle armor himself, but Master Mandarin is unwilling to give up just like this. He wants to plan how to trick Tony to China, so he doesn’t have so many scruples in China. The situation is extremely troublesome, but the Mandarin is sure to be able to handle it.

But at this time, the Mandarin's spies in the Shenspear Bureau reported that the Shenspear Bureau had visited Logan again, which forced the Mandarin to postpone all plans. Once Logan really came to Huaxia, the Manchurian Adults can go to the United States to capture the armor technology.

The existence of Logan made the adults extremely afraid, especially Logan showed great power in Taiping, even the sky could not help Logan, and the legendary Three Emperors and Five Emperors were all summoned by Logan, and Logan turned into a myth in the end The legendary Shenlong, this series of events made the Mandarin even more reluctant to provoke Logan.

"My lord, do we need to take such a big risk for Tony Stark's armor?"

The Mandarin's capable man asked.

"The greater the risk, the greater the reward. If we can get Tony Stark's armor, then our strength will be greatly improved. We don't need to rely on others to face the God of Spear. We can deal with it ourselves." !"

Thinking of Tony's battle armor, the Mandarin's eyes gleamed with greed. He watched Tony wear the battle armor and show off his might in battle on TV. The Mandarin couldn't stop thinking about Tony's battle armor.

The Mandarin also let his scientists develop the armor, but the sad thing is that his scientists are far behind Tony, and there is no way to develop the armor.

"But Tony Stark is very close to the ancestor of the Dongfang family who is like that monster. It is almost impossible to catch Tony Stark unless someone can counter that person."

The Mandarin's men trembled when they thought of Logan's strength.

"Have those immortals been in touch?"

The man asked after a pause.

"No, those immortals are so high up that they don't like us at all, and they are extremely mysterious. Unless they take the initiative themselves, there is no way for outsiders to contact them!"

The subordinates reported carefully, and finally looked at the spies who had been frozen into a lump of ice in horror.

The Mandarin can be said to be a moody tyrant, it is normal to kill a murderer, if he is in a good mood, it is fine, if he is in a bad mood, he will kill if he is not happy.

"These stupid and conceited idiots! Do you still think you are a high-ranking fairy? The era of their domineering power has passed, and now who believes in their existence! No wonder a stinky monkey is playing around!"

The mandarin's face is extremely gloomy. The mandarin wants to use the immortals of the Marvel world to fight against Logan. Only in this way will Logan not focus on him, so that he can develop secretly and seize Tony's armor.

"Well, what shall we do then, my lord?"

The subordinate asked cautiously, for fear of offending the Mandarin.

"You go down first and make arrangements. Since the remnants of the Dongfang family are coming back, you must be prepared. You didn't pay attention to him before. I didn't expect an ancestor to appear. This time he comes back and finds a way Get rid of him silently, including that old Shushan sect!"

The man said viciously.

"My lord, the remnant of the Dongfang family is just a little devil, so there is no need to mobilize the crowd like this? Although the old immortal of the Shushan sect is a bit difficult to deal with, it is not difficult to get rid of him! Let those who have participated in the destruction of the Dongfang family Isn’t it enough for people to take action? Do we still need to do it ourselves?”

the subordinate asked.

"Those idiots have long been frightened by the ancestors of the Dongfang family. They all ran to the deep mountains and old forests to hide. How could they have the guts to attack the little devils of the Dongfang family! Fortunately, we were hiding behind the scenes and no one knew , this time we must cut the grass and root out the roots, and blame those idiots, and once we are sure that the ancestors of the Dongfang family will not appear, we will do it immediately!"

Manchu said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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