The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 922 Monkey Meets Chi You

Chapter 922 Monkey Meets Chi You
Master Mandarin understands that he has to speed up his pace. He knows that Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi came back with such fanfare just for revenge. turned on.

Dongfang Wu and Ling Yunzi hid in the deep mountains and old forests to plan revenge. The super performance of the two made people dare not provoke them easily, so the two of them got a short training time temporarily, but this time will not be very long. People would like their enemies to grow up safely.

After Chi You fought the Eight Immortals, he disappeared with Hell Dao. There are not many people in the world who know about Chi You's resurrection, but all of them are top-level existences.

"Pain, what are you going to do next?"

After Hell Dao merged with the other five Dao, it still continued to use the name of Payne.

"Don't worry, the Immortal Realm must have already taken action. I have already arranged for people to investigate the situation. Our first phase of the task is to hurt the Immortal Realm and remove the nails that the Immortal Realm has placed in the Human Realm."

Hell Road looked at Chi You, who was full of joy, and said.

"Don't tell me, thousands of years have passed, the delicious food in this world makes people appetite!"

Chi You praised Haisai while eating nonsense.

"As long as you like it."

Hell Dao said in a flat voice.

Although Hell Dao has completed the final evolution, it will take some time to get used to it, but it will no longer be very stiff, but the expression changes less.

"Seriously, don't you eat? What kind of system do you have? You didn't eat, drink, sleep, or sleep along the way. If it wasn't for watching you panting and your heart beating, I would have thought you were not human!"

Chi You looked suspiciously at Hell Road and asked.

"I don't eat, and I'm human, just different from you. I don't need to rely on food for energy, so I don't need to excrete. You don't need to know too much about other things, as long as you know that I am here Just help you."

Hell Dao said expressionlessly.

Hell Dao does not need food, he only needs to rely on natural energy to maintain his own consumption, which makes Hell Dao far surpass others in the continuation of the battle.

"Your clothes are nice, get me one too!"

Chi You ignored the coldness of the realm of hell, he has been in contact with it for a while, he knows that the character of the realm of hell is like this, other than that, he is quite satisfied with the realm of hell.

The clothes Chi You mentioned are the red cloud and black-bottomed windbreaker that Hell Dao wears, Xiao’s exclusive clothing, the windbreaker that Hell Dao always wears, although it looks a little eye-catching, but it’s nothing compared to those superhero costumes , other people will only look at him twice after seeing him, and regard him as another maverick.

"Okay, after you finish your meal, just find someone to make one according to your size."

Hell Road nodded and said.

"Hey, then it's done! Let's do it after dinner!"

Chi You said happily.

Chi You in real life is relatively naive, and he is more reckless in battle, but if you think he has no wisdom, then you are completely wrong. It is impossible for a person without wisdom to become the existence that suppressed the Yellow Emperor for a time, but Chi You will His own wisdom is well hidden, especially after thousands of years in hell, Chi You has undergone even greater changes.


Hell Dao was just about to speak when his expressionless face suddenly froze.

"You also found out? I just discovered that that little guy seems to have extraordinary power!"

Chi You said with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hell Dao was startled, and he found that Chi You's spiritual consciousness was slightly stronger than his. Although this had something to do with Hell Dao still adapting to his new body, it was enough to show that Chi You was extraordinary.

"Don't worry about it, the other party is not necessarily coming for us, maybe just passing by."

Hell Road said calmly.

"If you match up, leave this person to me. It's been a long time since I had a good fight. I didn't enjoy fighting with those eight little guys at all. I have to put my hands back and fight, so happy!"

Chi You glanced at Hell Road and said.

"Okay, as you like."

Hell Road nodded in agreement.

On the other side, a man with a strong body and a stern face who just entered the small shop also discovered Chi You's strength, but he didn't find the extraordinaryness of Hell Dao. people.

"Who is that big guy? There is such a powerful aura on his body, and the more powerful the person feels it, the more ordinary people don't feel it at all. There is no information about such a powerful person in the bureau. I must not miss it! "

This person is the second-generation rebellious monkey. He is looking for chess pieces in the fairy world all over the world. He knows very little about the major events that happened in China during this period. Recognize Chi You's true identity.

When the monkey guessed Chi You's identity, Hell Dao and Chi You got up and left the shop. Seeing this, the monkey followed immediately without eating.

In fact, the monkeys here are severely weakened. A somersault cloud is only a thousand miles away, which is far worse than a hundred and eight thousand miles. There is a change technique, but there is no 72 changes. It can be said that all aspects have been weakened, but in a crowd of super Among the heroes, there are also top-level existences, and there are very few who can compete with him.

But it's also true, if a somersault cloud is thousands of miles away, it would have pulled out of the earth long ago.

"That kid really caught up, teach him a lesson?"

Chi You's expression changed, and when he noticed that the monkey was following him, he asked hell.

"Don't act rashly. There are ordinary people everywhere here. Once you fight, you will cause unimaginable casualties. Wait until you leave here and go to a place where there are no people."

Hell Dao shook his head and said insignificantly.

"You are right, I am in a hurry, then let's leave quickly!"

Chi You nodded, and then he and Hell Road quickened their pace, and the monkey immediately followed after seeing this. He didn't even think about hiding himself, and the monkey also knew that the moment he stepped into the small shop, the other party had already found him.

"It seems that they want to lead me to a place where no one is around, so as to save innocent people from being hurt, let me see who you are!"

The monkey master is bold, so he followed up blatantly.

The three of them walked towards the no-man's land outside the city like this. They seemed to be walking slowly, but in fact they were quite fast. With one step, they appeared a hundred meters away, as if shrinking into an inch. The strange behavior did not attract the attention of ordinary people, which was due to the use of cover-ups.

Soon the three of them appeared on the edge of the city, and then flew up without any scruples, rushing to the distant mountains, so as not to affect ordinary people as much as possible.

At this time, Chi You's eyes were shining, looking forward to the upcoming battle, and the monkey's blood was also boiling with enthusiasm, completely arousing the aggressiveness in Monkey King's heart, and the following battle would be exciting and fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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