Chapter 129

Not knowing how long she had been walking, Zhong Qing only knew that her feet were very tired, so she took off her high heels, walked barefoot, and unknowingly walked to the gate of Blue Water Bay.Standing at the gate, Zhong Qing stared blankly at the brightly lit buildings, and suddenly laughed at herself.After all, I am still no match for my own heart!Finally appeared here!
Zhong Qing sighed, as if lamenting her miserable life.In the end, he walked in with strides and took the elevator all the way up.

Zhong Qing took out the key and gently opened the door, the light in the living room was on, it was obvious that Cheng Yibei was back!Zhong Qing thought silently, he would come back here!She walked in slowly, but saw Cheng Yibei's buttocks just sitting on the sofa, watching TV programs in a leisurely manner.

Seeing Zhong Qing came back, she couldn't help but sneered and said, "So you know you're back! I thought you ran back again!"

"No, I promised you that I will stay by your side for three months, then I will stay by your side. This is what I owe you, and I will pay it off before leaving, regardless of the three months You can treat me as anything! Your lover, or a boat slave, or a servant, it doesn’t matter, I just hope to pay off the debt I owe you, so I won’t leave!” Zhong Qing said emphatically The cloud was calm and the wind was light, and he went straight to the bedroom after speaking.

"Since it's been said that I can treat you as anything, I'm hungry now, and I want to eat noodles, is that okay?"

Zhong Qing's figure suddenly stopped at the door of the bedroom, her hands clenched tightly.Cheng Yibei was sitting on the sofa, staring at Zhong Qing's back like a torch.Suddenly Zhong Qing turned around, walked into the kitchen without saying a word, turned on the fire and began to cook noodles for Cheng Yibei.In a few minutes, a steaming bowl of noodles was ready. Zhong Qing came out with the noodles respectfully, put them in front of Cheng Yibei, and said, "Si Shao, you can eat noodles now!"

Cheng Yibei just sat on the sofa like an old man, crossed his legs and looked at Zhong Qing, and said, "How is it? Was the fireworks feast just now good? Boss An really treated you very well, in order to sign you This big star will not hesitate to spend money! Zhong Qing, are you happy? Are you really happy to have such a man do so much for you? By my side, there are other men who are willing to spend money for you You are very proud of doing so many things with so much money, aren’t you?”

"I don't know what happened today. Everything was an accident. And the signing was agreed. I didn't say a word, so Cheng Sishao, please find out who you are when you get angry! I'll give you your face." It's done, if there's nothing wrong, I'll go into the house and sleep, I'm very sleepy!"

Saying that Zhong Qing turned around and was about to enter the room, Cheng Yibei who was behind him suddenly put his foot on the table, and the whole bowl of noodles was kicked out, and the soup and juices were scattered all over the floor. Zhong Qing worked hard Just like that, Cheng Yibei kicked his hard work away, landed behind Zhong Qing, and shattered to the ground!
Cheng Yibei stepped forward, and pulled Zhong Qing's arm fiercely into his embrace: "Zhong Qing, have you given you a place to rely on, you have a new presence, what do you do to me? Your attitude doesn’t matter anymore, does it? Let me tell you, as long as I live for a day, you don’t even think about kissing me with other men, it’s so sweet!”

"Cheng Yibei, why are you so domineering? I owe you money so I sold it to you, but what I bought for you is my body, my heart, my feelings, and my soul is still my own." , why do you ask me like this? Aren’t you also in love with others? I’m just a substitute in your eyes, you can’t strictly demand that you only love one in your life, and there is only one in your heart, so why do you ask? I can only have you as a man?"

"You are not her substitute at all!" Cheng Yibei yelled angrily. After yelling this sentence, Zhong Qing was stunned, and he was also stunned, but at the moment when both of them were stunned, Cheng Yibei Bei's limbs reacted faster than his brain, and threw Zhong Qing onto the sofa, then leaned over and pressed hard on Zhong Qing's body, "What qualifications do you have to be her substitute? You In my eyes, it's just a woman I bought back, just a woman to please me, why do you think I bought you back as her substitute? You will never be as good as her!"

One sentence cut the hearts of two people...

Blood flowed slowly from Zhong Qing's heart, like a sharp knife piercing her heart fiercely.Cheng Yibei's words completely shattered all Zhong Qing's fantasies these days, nothing left!
(End of this chapter)

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