Chapter 182

He took out the mobile phone from his pocket with his left hand, and quickly turned off the light of the mobile phone to the minimum. In the dark room, only the dim light emitted from the mobile phone screen remained.Accidentally clicked on WeChat, but saw that Zhong Qing had already logged in, so she couldn't help but send a message: "Hey, it's strange, I've been there for so long, it's hard to come across such a good signal !"

After posting, Cheng Yibei couldn't help browsing Weibo. He opened Weibo, and the name of Weibo was Shadow of the Night.It's just that his Weibo fans are far less than those of Beijing Si Shao, because he is very low-key and has not verified his identity, so only people he knows well will know.But he is confident that if he has identity verification, the number of fans should not be less than that of Beijing Four.

But just after he logged into his Weibo account, the signal light on his phone flickered.He hurriedly went back to look at it, and it was Zhongqing's net name called Liulei Xingxing who sent it: "Yeah, it's really good tonight. Have you eaten yet? Why don't you go to bed so late?"

"Of course I did, and it was a big meal, with fresh scallops and oysters!"

"Don't seduce my appetite! Because it's useless! Actually, what I want to eat most is Malatang! Oh, I haven't tasted it for a long time, I really miss it!"

"Okay, I'll make it for you when you come back!"

"But the ones outside are the most authentic!"

"How can the outside ones be as clean as the ones I made by myself? You, you always want to eat delicious food, and you don't even want to think about whether the outside ones are clean or not, and whether you will get food poisoning if you eat them. "

"I'm just a grassroots. When I was young, I even picked up the garbage in the trash can because I didn't have anything to eat. Now it's very good to be able to eat a bowl of steaming Malatang. How can I compare with young masters like you?" ! But you, the young master, are willing to make it for me, I am very honored!"

"By the way, have you seen my brother? How is he?"

Before Cheng Yibei's text message was sent, Zhong Qing sent another text message. Cheng Yibei smiled and said: "You know that I am a rich man who cooks for you, just know how to be grateful!"

"Your brother is fine, don't worry. On the contrary, you, living in such a simple place and filming such intense scenes, must be careful. Your brother has me here, so don't worry."

"Well. I know, don't worry. You should go to bed early, and don't go to bed so late."

"I know, sleep right away!"

"Then I'll rest first, bye."


The two said their goodbyes, and the face of the weeping Xing Xing suddenly went dark.Cheng Yibei smiled, then logged out of WeChat, and then entered Weibo.He swiped Weibo for a while, but suddenly saw a Weibo posted a few seconds ago, which belonged to Zhong Qing.

"It's rare to see such a clear and clear starry sky. This night is very quiet, but I have no sleep. I miss it in my mind, but I will persist." Below is a clear photo of the starry sky at night on the mountain. The stars twinkle and twinkle, really beautiful.

"The night view of the city is also very beautiful, but there are fewer stars that can cry." Cheng Yibei replied with a comment, and sent a picture of the night view outside the window by the way, then smiled, turned off the phone, and focused on it The head fell asleep.

Mo Erlan rested in the hospital for a few days before being discharged. After Cheng Yibei settled Mo Erlan, he would go to the villa in the middle of the mountain.He thought that when he left, the relationship between Xiao Wu and his father was still very rigid, and his mother had also left. If they were arguing, he really didn't know what would happen.So he was still going to go back and have a look.

The car slowly drove into the villa, but Cheng Yibei saw Han Che's military off-road vehicle parked in the garage with sharp eyes.He parked the car, threw the car keys to the driver, Lao Jiang, and asked, "Ah Che is here?"

"Yes, Young Master Han came very early and has been chatting upstairs with my husband."

"Oh." Cheng Yibei frowned, Han Che came here, Xiao Wu didn't make a scene?Did something happen during the days he left?

(End of this chapter)

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