Chapter 208

"That... I'd better go and look at other things first!" Zhong Qing glanced at the tie clip with nostalgia, then turned and walked away.It's not that she doesn't have money to buy, but that with so much money, half of her savings will go down!She hadn't taken her brother to Paris yet!

Although she couldn't buy him a tie clip, Zhong Qing still decided to sell Cheng Yibei a shirt, after all, she really did owe Cheng Yibei a shirt!I picked a pure white shirt that was relatively good, and the price was fairly reasonable. It could be regarded as an apology to Cheng Yibei!

After picking out the shirts, Zhong Yan also jumped some trivial things and came back. Zhong Qing went to pay the bill, and the two siblings walked home with the rich spoils.Passing through a park, Zhong Yan saw the kites flying in the sky, and suddenly said enviously: "Wow, I really want to run freely and fly a kite once!"

"I know, my body can't let me run freely! Can my sister show me?"

"Ah?" Zhong Qing frowned and looked up at the kite flying freely in the sky, then at the eager eyes of Chinese medicine practitioners, finally nodded and said: "Okay, then you wait here, I will Go buy a kite!"

"En!" Zhong Yan nodded obediently, and Zhong Qing ran to buy a kite, and then; the two of them left the things at the gate of the park together, and took the kite to the hillside to fly the kite together.

Zhong Qing was running on the hillside holding the thread, and Zhong Yan was standing behind her clapping her hands happily, the laughter of the two siblings filled the ground.

The two of them had been playing outside for a long time before going back. Zhong Qing bought vegetables and prepared dinner, but Cheng Yibei suddenly called and said that he would not come back for dinner tonight.Zhong Qing nodded slightly disappointed, Cheng Yibei seemed to hear the disappointment in her tone, couldn't help but smiled, and said: "What's the matter? Are you so sad and disappointed if I don't go back to eat? It's okay, okay , if it’s not because the dinner tonight can’t be moved, I will definitely go back to eat! Okay, first tell me what delicious food you made tonight?”

"There's nothing you like, they're all green! Huh, go eat your big meal! I'm dead!"

"Okay, don't be angry, I will give you a small gift when I go back!"

"Who cares about it!" Zhong Qing blamed, and hung up the phone with a smile.

Zhong Yan asked while eating, "Sister, isn't Brother Xiaobei coming back for dinner?"

"Yes! It's okay, let's eat by ourselves!" Zhong Qing filled another bowl of rice for herself, and they sat down and ate quietly.

After eating, Zhong Qing started to pack her things, and Zhong Yan went back to sleep.After packing everything, Zhong Qing looked up at the time, it was almost ten o'clock!Don't come back at this time... Forget it, if you don't come back, don't come back, she still has to sleep!

But just after Zhong Qing finished washing, she was lying on the bed and hadn't turned off the lights when she heard the door suddenly open and there were slight footsteps.Zhong Qing frowned, could it be that Cheng Yibei is back?But why didn't he come into the house?
Zhong Qing got out of bed and walked out wearing slippers, but suddenly saw that the light in the kitchen was still on, so she frowned and walked in, only to see that the door of the refrigerator was open, and Cheng Yibei was looking for something in the refrigerator!

"Cheng Yibei, what are you doing in the kitchen without sleeping when you come back late at night? Hey, why are you eating leftovers? And it's been in the refrigerator for so long, it's cold!"

Cheng Yibei looked up at Zhong Qing, smiled and said, "Aren't you very angry that I didn't come back for dinner? So I came back to eat after this meal is over! I thought there must be some food left tonight, I didn't expect I opened the refrigerator and saw that it was there! I was so hungry, so I ate it!"

"Didn't you go to eat? Why did you come back hungry? It's really strange!"

"We went to the dinner party to eat, so we went to drink! There was a big table of delicious food, but I didn't eat a few bites. You have been doubled by me. It doesn't look good if you don't drink, so I just drank it all! Now I still have a full stomach, it’s going to kill me!"

"Then you still eat cold food? Do you really think that you are not afraid of anything when you are young? The rest of the food is full of bacteria. You should heat it up anyway! How can you just eat it cold like this? You really don’t know how to take care of yourself! Come here, and I’ll warm it up for you!” Zhong Qing quickly took the lunch box and heated it up in the microwave before taking it out.

(End of this chapter)

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