Chapter 210

Cheng Yibei hugged Zhong Qing tightly, and said: "You have really worked hard these years." "Why did you say this? It has nothing to do with you! If it weren't for you, I think my brother would have to Until the timely treatment, maybe now... It is precisely because my brother has not had a good day since he was a child, and he has to suffer from illness every day, so I feel very sorry for him. As long as it is her request, no matter it is I will agree to anything! I just hope that he can marry and fulfill her dream wholeheartedly, but I didn't think of him... I know he loves me, but why don't I love him? When he grows up, he will know how to take care of me Yes, I am really happy." "Since you are happy, don't think about the bad things in the past, because they have passed. In the days to come, I believe that you and your brother will be very happy, I promise you!" Seeing Cheng Yibei's swearing, Zhongqing suddenly smiled and said, "What does our happiness have to do with you? You still promise?" Cheng Yibei opened his mouth, wanting to say What, Zhong Qing suddenly jumped up and said: "I bought you a gift today, you just wait for me!" After saying that, Zhong Qing went to the closet and handed the bought shirt box to Cheng Yibei .

"What is this?" Cheng Yibei raised the box in his hand and asked.

Zhong Qing went to bed, changed the quilt and said, "You can take it apart and have a look yourself!" Cheng Yibei smiled, and opened the box to see, it turned out to be a shirt!Cheng Yibei laughed softly, and said: "You really bought me a shirt! But this shirt doesn't seem to be the kind I usually wear!" Zhong Qing said angrily: "You I don’t even know where I can sell the clothes I’m wearing! And this one is already very expensive, okay? It cost me more than 1000 yuan! I’m so distressed! How long will it take me to earn 1000 yuan? ""Hey, you're an A-list star now, why are you still so stingy? You're paid tens of millions for a movie, okay? You only bought a 1000 yuan dress to compensate me! You It's really stingy enough!" "Hey, although my salary is tens of millions, but after deducting layer by layer from within the company, I only have hundreds of thousands left in my hands! That's what I earned through hard work, okay?" "Is the company's internal commission so powerful? How come I never knew?" "You are the big boss, how could you not know?"

"Okay, I'll ask tomorrow. If it's true that the internal commission is so high, I'll transfer the money directly to your card without going through the internal!" "Really? That would be great! "

"Look at how happy you are! By the way, I have a present to give you today. It's an apology for not coming back for dinner tonight." "What do you want to give me?"

"Close your eyes!" Cheng Yibei said mysteriously, Zhong Qing closed her eyes with a helpless smile, and said, "Okay, I've already closed my eyes, what are you going to give me? Still so mysterious !" "You'll find out after a while!" Cheng Yibei deliberately observed Zhong Qing's expression, and then quietly hung a necklace pendant on Zhong Qing's neck.

Zhong Qing only felt a chill on her neck, and quickly stretched out her hand to cover the thing. As soon as she felt it, she said in surprise, "It's a necklace! I've never worn this thing before!" "Open your eyes and see Isn't it beautiful! This necklace is the latest product in the mall, which means deep blue memory. Look, there is a blue gemstone in it. Although I don't know how the designer designed it, but I am I really like this blue gem, so I bought it back for you!" "Wow, you are too stingy, this gem is too small! You are the president of a big company anyway, why are you so stingy? If you want to buy it, you should buy a pigeon egg for me, right? If I take it out and ask me who bought it, I am ashamed to say that President Cheng Da bought it for me!" "Okay, take my words and return it Are you back? By the way, I bought the shirt, but it seems like you haven’t given me my gift yet!”

(End of this chapter)

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