Chapter 222

"Why is the construction going to start all of a sudden? Why didn't there be any signs before? I haven't even found a house yet. I'm going to move tomorrow. Where can I find a house?" Zhong Qing asked anxiously. Beginning to feel dizzy, she hurriedly supported the door and did not go down. God, this is really a wave of unrest, and another wave!Where can she rent such a cheap house now?
The landlady also knows their difficulties, but the notice has already come down, and there is nothing they can do!There are many people who have lived here for many years, and they all have deep feelings for this place, but they want to buy it, and they are given very generous conditions, so they are naturally bewitched, and they are willing to sell the land go!So I can only feel sorry for them! "I know you're a big star now, and you have a rich boyfriend. I don't think it's a problem where you live. How can you take a remote place? It's settled? Tomorrow You must leave before ten o'clock, otherwise the house will be demolished forcibly! I have no other choice! Then you should think about where to live, and I will leave first!" After finishing speaking, the landlady left.

Zhong Qing closed the door, leaning her back on the door feeling helpless.What should I do now?Where is she going to find a house to live in?She only has so much money, and it costs thousands of dollars a month to rent a house outside. How can she live with this little money?Is this really going to kill her?
Zhong Qing clutched her painful forehead and almost fainted.But at this moment, the door was opened, and Zhong Yan walked out worriedly, squatting in front of Zhong Qing, and said: "Sister, what's the matter? Your face seems ugly! Do you want to go to the hospital? I I'm really worried about you..." "I'm fine, don't worry about me!" Zhong Qing stood up slowly holding the door, she gently hugged her brother's little head, and said, "I'm sorry, little sister, sister I can’t even give you a stable environment! We’re going to move tomorrow, but my sister doesn’t know where we’re going to live…” “It’s okay, follow my sister, wherever is the happiest home for Xiaoyu!” Listen Zhong Qing felt my heart deeply for Zhong Xing's sensible words of comfort, she hugged Zhong Xing tightly, tears streaming down her face, "Xiao Xing, thank you for still being by my side, otherwise, I really wouldn't know How on earth should I persevere in such a day..." "I'm also very glad that my sister is you!" Zhong Yan hugged Zhong Qing tightly, and said with a smile, the two siblings embraced each other in this small environment. , Give each other the greatest care.

Zhong Qing woke up early in the morning the next day and knocked on Zhong Rong's door. Unexpectedly, Zhong Rong had already woken up. Zhong Qing opened the door and let Zhong Qing walk in. There were two big suitcases on the bed. She turned her head to look at Zhong Rong, and said, "Did you get up early to pack your luggage?" "Yes, sister! So sister, hurry up and pack your luggage, we You can go--!" "Well, I got it! Then you wait for me here!" Zhong Qing smiled with red eyes, turned and returned to her room, closed the door tightly and cried softly When she got up, she opened the cabinet with tears in her eyes, and packed her clothes in one by one, as if a knife was piercing her heart bit by bit, trying to separate her heart from her body General pain.But she had no choice but to watch helplessly, helpless, there was no way to save her!
It was almost nine o'clock when she packed up her things, and when she walked out, Zhong Yan had already prepared a simple breakfast, and was sitting on the dining table upright, waiting for Zhong Qing to come to eat.Zhong Qing walked over to sit down, Zhong Qing quietly served Zhong Qing with a meal, the two of them ate a meal quietly, and then washed the dishes and chopsticks, everything was neatly arranged, Zhong Qing and Zhong Qing then Dragging the suitcase, locking the door, throwing the key in the flowerpot placed at the door, turning around and going downstairs, dragging the suitcase and walking in the bluestone alley..."Swish" came from behind The sound of the house collapsing, the two siblings clinging to each other, weeping silently.But Zhong Qing still couldn't hold back, and looked back, the house they lived in was slowly collapsing, but at this moment she suddenly saw a sign that she was too familiar with - the logo of Nanfeng International!The one who bought this land was actually Nanfeng International!Cheng Yibei, you are so ruthless, you kicked me away from you just now, and cut off all my backs so quickly... This is how you take revenge on me, isn't it?Then you win, I have nothing, not even a place to live, all thanks to you!It's all thanks to you!
(End of this chapter)

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