Chapter 230

"You don't have to thank me. What I did was just what friends should do. Now that the house has been found and the biggest problem has been solved, I think you should calm down and think about work. Something happened. The shooting of our advertisement will start in three days. Tomorrow I will ask my assistant to send you the advertisement case. You can take a good look and think about how to play it. Then I will ask all the staff to do their best. It may be possible to reduce the difficulty of work." "Thank you! If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do this time..." When she was in trouble last time, she had no money to pay her brother's medical expenses, so she ran to The Charming Bar sold herself to Cheng Yibei. If she had known that she would become what she is now if she met Cheng Yibei, she would definitely not have chosen to meet him!This time, when she met An Yilun, she helped her unconditionally. In contrast, her hatred for Cheng Yibei became heavier!
"Okay, stop saying thank you, I feel awkward listening to it! Let's go back first, take your brother over, and get used to the environment here first." "Yeah!" The two walked out, An Yilun After handing over the key to Zhong Qing, the two drove back to An Yilun's villa together.

Seeing that An Yilun's car came back, Zhong Yan kept lying on the window sill and watched until he saw Zhong Qing got out of the car, so he ran down quickly and said with a smile: "Sister, Mr. An, Why did you come back so early?" "Xiao Wei, my sister found a house!" Zhong Qing glanced at An Yilun beside her, and said, "It's Mr. An's other house, and he said it's vacant even if it's vacant. , why not rent it to us, and we can charge some rent." Zhong Yan looked at An Yilun with some curiosity, and said with a smile: "Mr. An seems to be a big boss too! How could he care about the money my sister gave me?" How about paying rent? I think Mr. An must be a very good person to help my sister and me like this! Thank you, Mr. An!" "Okay, okay, I heard you two say thank you today. It’s all calloused! Alright, let’s clean it up, let’s go to the new house and have a look!” An Yilun said with a smile.In fact, he also knew that their luggage hadn't been unpacked, so they could leave with them.

An Yilun's car drove Zhong Qing and Zhong Yan back to the apartment building together.As soon as Zhong Yan entered, he was shocked by the high-end decoration, and ran around the room happily: "Wow, sister, this room is so big! There is such a big balcony! The bedroom is so big! You can do somersaults in it!" "Okay, Xiaoyu, don't be so excited! Be careful of your body!" "You guys pack your things at home, I'll come up after I go downstairs to do some shopping!" An Yilun explained and turned around Just go out.Zhong Qing glanced at the several big boxes at her feet, breathed a sigh of relief, and started to tidy up the house.

In the president's office of Nanfeng International, Cheng Yibei sat at his desk and frowned, listening to the phone: "President, I have already found Miss Zhong. After the house was demolished, she left with her younger brother. We followed After a long time, they have been running from the south of the city to the north of the city, and they have been running all day! It seems that yesterday was Miss Zhong’s younger brother’s birthday, and the two of them had a very simple birthday on the side of the road..." Cheng Yibei looked at the computer In the photos posted on the Internet, when he saw Zhong Qing looking disappointed, hopeless and sad, and seeing the two siblings sitting on the ground and making wishes to a small cheap birthday cake, he felt that he was really happy. What a jerk!Originally, the construction of Nanyuan should have started a long time ago, but when he knew that Zhong Qing lived there, he put the plan on hold all the time, but when he knew that Zhong Qing was going to leave him and was still with An Yilun, He was really sad, but after a night of hangover, he signed the document when he was dizzy, and Zhong Qing was now living on the street with her brother... Zhong Qing must hate him to death, right?She is so sad and desperate, it should be completely disappointed in him, right?

"But then Mr. An from AN International appeared, and they went to have a meal together, and then Mr. An took them...back to his villa in City C. The matter in the villa, because the equipment there It's more rigorous, so we couldn't take pictures at all. However, the two of them came out together this morning. They went to the Tianxi Bieyuan in the city center to look at the house, and then went back, and then took Miss Zhong's younger brother and After returning to Tianxi Bieyuan, I haven’t come out again. It seems that Mr. An arranged for Miss Zhong.”

(End of this chapter)

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