Chapter 236

After yelling at the top of her lungs, Zhong Qing turned around and was about to jump to the side of the boat, but this time she started to run, she suddenly felt a pain in her abdomen, she clenched her teeth and ran over with a wobbly figure , but before I could jump, I felt dizzy, my whole body fell down, turned over the ship's side, and fell into the sea with a "plop"... "Someone fell into the water! Help!"

Because the plot that was first arranged was that Zhong Qing wanted to swim back slowly by herself, and the sea water here was not deep, so there was no rescue plan at all. Zhong Qing fainted and fell off the boat for a while, and everyone panicked. panicked.The director hurriedly shouted with a loudspeaker: "Go and call the fleet for rescue!" Cheng Yibei, who had just returned from dinner with Mo Erlan, felt like being shocked by an electric shock when he heard the news that Zhong Qing had fallen into the water In the same way, he shook Mo Erlan away, and before he even had time to take off his coat, he jumped into the icy sea water and swam desperately towards Zhong Qing's direction.

"Yi Bei! Yi Bei, come back!" Mo Erlan was so frightened that she hurriedly shouted loudly on the shore, but no matter how much she shouted, Cheng Yibei swam towards Zhong Qing as if she hadn't heard her. .Mo Erlan was so anxious that tears were about to fall, so she could only shout for help.

At this moment, Cheng Yibei didn't seem to feel the coldness at all, he only knew that Zhong Qing was still in the sea, Zhong Qing was still in the sea!
He finally swam to Zhong Qing's side, hugged Zhong Qing tightly in his arms, and shouted: "Zhong Qing, Zhong Qing, wake up! Wake up!" But no matter how he called her, Zhong Qing couldn't even wake up.Now that Zhong Qing had fainted, Cheng Yibei had to drag her back to the shore.But swimming all the way here, his physical energy has been exhausted a lot, and now with a fainted Zhong Qing, he knows that he may not be able to swim at all, but he can't give up, can't give up!

Cheng Yibei hugged Zhong Qing's waist tightly, paddling water with one hand and slowly swam towards the shore.Seeing that the rescue yacht has been lowered into the sea, he must persevere, must persevere!
"Zhongqing, hang on, we'll be fine! We'll be fine!" Cheng Yibei completely lost his strength and could only try to keep their bodies from sinking.Seeing that Zhong Qing's face was black and blue from the cold, he held Zhong Qing's face lightly. Although his limbs were already stiff from the cold, he still held Zhong Qing firmly and kissed her gently. Pressing his loving lips, he put the warm air into Zhong Qing's mouth... The yacht gradually approached, and the rescuers quickly rescued them, but when they came up, the two of them were already frozen to death, but Cheng Yibei Still somewhat conscious, he held Zhong Qing's hand tightly, and stared at her motionlessly.

Seeing this scene, Mo Erlan on the shore felt a sudden pain in his heart. He no longer had the strength to speak, and could only cry helplessly.Cheng Yibei, do you really love her that much?Love so much that he could die for her?Cheng Yibei, you are so cruel, so cruel!
The yacht quickly returned to the shore, and the ambulance was already waiting on the shore, and the two of them were carried into the ambulance by the rescuers as soon as they came up.The ambulance roared and left the beach quickly, heading for the hospital... Zhong Qing woke up soon, and when she woke up, only An Yilun was by her side.Seeing that Zhong Qing had woken up, An Yilun quickly asked, "How are you? Do you feel uncomfortable? Is your stomach still hurting?" "What's wrong with me? Why are you in the hospital?" After soaking in sea water for so long, my memory is a little short-circuited.She supported her body and sat up. An Yilun quickly convinced her and said, "You forgot? You suddenly fainted, fell off the boat, and fell into the sea, almost freezing into a popsicle." !" "Really? It seems to be true! Who saved me then?"

An Yilun frowned, not knowing whether he should say it or not, but finally he said, "It's Cheng Yibei!" Upon hearing this answer, Zhong Qing froze instantly.An Yilun said: "He was very cold to save you, and he is still in the ward. Do you see him?" "No!" Zhong Qing's reaction was too excited, but she I really don't want to see Cheng Yibei again, "I'm going to be discharged from the hospital, I don't want to live here anymore! An Yilun, help me transfer me, I don't want to live here anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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