Chapter 242

Zhong Qing was walking aimlessly on the street alone, from the sun shining on her head, to the sunset, and now the night fell, when she suddenly looked up, she realized that she had actually reached the gate of Blue Water Bay.She looked up at a certain floor of Building B, where she had spent the best time with Cheng Yibei, everything was replaying in her mind one after another like a movie, and she couldn't help feeling Smiling and weeping.

But this place has nothing to do with her, she shouldn't be here anymore!But as soon as she turned around, the security guard stopped her and said, "Isn't this Ms. Zhong? It's really strange. You and Mr. Cheng haven't come back for a long time, but you both came back tonight! Are you planning to get rid of the two of you?" The world?" "Is Cheng Yibei here?"

"Yes! I came back at noon."

Cheng Yibei is actually here too. Does it mean that the two of them have a tacit understanding?She raised her hand and glanced at the test sheet and a B-ultrasound photo in her hand. Should she let Cheng Yibei know?He should know, after all, he is the father of the child!It doesn't matter even if the two of them don't get back together, the father of the child is the father of the child, and he has the right to know all this!

Thinking of this, Zhong Qing hurriedly said: "Thank you for telling me, I'll go find him right away!" After she finished speaking, she quickly ran in, pressed the elevator, and went upstairs in an extremely anxious mood.I don't know how Cheng Yibei will react when he hears the news, he probably opened his mouth in surprise, right?

Thinking of this, Zhong Qing couldn't help but smile happily.The elevator finally arrived, she walked out quickly and rang the doorbell hastily.Waiting outside happily, looking at the B-ultrasound photo in hand, thinking that it is their baby, although it is only as big as an apple seed, but after ten months, it will become a little baby that can crawl and babble. Child, Zhong Qing's gloomy mood of the day was swept away at this moment.

"Baby, do you think Dad will like you? He will definitely like you, right?" Smiling happily, the door suddenly opened behind her, Zhong Qing turned around with a smile and said, "Yi Bei, I... "But when I turned my head, I realized that the person standing behind me was not Cheng Yibei, but Mo Erlan!And Mo Erlan was still wearing Cheng Yibei's loose shirt, and her exposed skin was full of traces of love... "You..."

"Erlan, who's here?" Cheng Yibei murmured from inside, and then Cheng Yibei came out wearing only a pair of jeans.When he saw Zhong Qing standing outside, he froze for a moment, not knowing how to react.

Zhong Qing was completely stunned, and all the things in her hands fell to the ground.Looking at Cheng Yibei's naked upper body, and then looking at Mo Erlan's clothes, one doesn't need to think about how intense the affair happened here just now.

Zhongqing, Zhongqing, can you be a little more stupid?Cheng Yibei already has Mo Erlan, Mo Erlan is the woman he has loved for many years, she is just a woman bought by him, why make mistakes again and again?If Cheng Yibei wanted a child, his beloved woman would give birth to him, so why would he care about her child who is too poor and lowly to have a child with a poor and lowly woman?Why are you still being stupid?Why?
Desperately stepping back step by step, his eyes kept on Cheng Yibei's body.Cheng Yibei panicked when he saw Zhong Qing's desperate eyes. He quickly grabbed a coat and put it on, and was about to go out to hold Zhong Qing, but Zhong Qing turned around and entered the elevator, slamming the elevator The door is closed.

"Qingqing! Zhongqing!" Seeing the elevator descending layer by layer, Cheng Yibei quickly jumped down the stairs, just like this, jumping layer after layer, finally when Zhong Qing got out of the elevator down.Zhong Qing rushed out without looking back, but was hugged tightly by Cheng Yibei: "Zhong Qing, listen to me, things are not what you think! Really, me and Er Lan ...I have nothing to do with Erlan!" "Do you think my eyes are blind? If nothing happened, then why is she wearing your clothes? What about those hickey marks on her body? ? If nothing happened to you, then I want to ask you, who caught these marks on your body? Cheng Yibei, do you really think I'm a fool? "

(End of this chapter)

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