Chapter 248

An Yilun leaned against the door of the operating room, looking at Zhong Qing who had been kneeling on the ground with endless melancholy eyes.Time seemed to stand still, and An Yilun could only hear the sound of Zhong Qing's helpless prayer... The time ticked by, and finally the light in the operating room went out with a "snap", and An Yilun suddenly Standing up straight, Zhong Qing, who was kneeling on the ground, felt as if her heart stopped beating in an instant, and raised her head to look at the extinguished lights at that station.

The door of the operating room was slowly opened, and the doctor came out with blood on his hand, and walked out wearing a mask before taking off the sterile suit on his body.Zhong Qing was still kneeling on the ground, but she rushed to the doctor's side and said, "Doctor, how is my brother? Is he okay?" "I'm sorry, we have tried our best!"

The doctor's words, we have tried our best, instantly sent Zhong Qing into the endless hell. She froze in place, stared at the doctor dumbfounded, and said, "What do you mean you have tried your best? Since you I've tried my best, so what about my brother? Where's my brother? Where's my brother?" An Yilun walked over and hugged Zhong Qing tightly, the doctor lifted his foot and walked out, and then other people pushed a Zhang bed came out, and Zhong Qing's eyes were blurred with tears, but she still clearly saw that the person who pushed out was covered with a white cloth... "Xiao Yu! Xiao Yu!" Zhong Qing broke free An Yilun threw herself into his arms and lifted the white cloth. She didn't want to believe that her brother was just gone!But when she lifted the white cloth and saw that her younger brother was really lying under the white cloth, she broke down completely and couldn't stop crying, "Xiao Yu, wake me up! Didn't you promise that my sister would accompany you?" Me? Didn't you say that you still want to watch the birth of your sister's child, and you still want to play with your nephew? Why don't you talk about it? How can you leave so suddenly? You didn't even see your sister The last side, how can you just leave without nostalgia like this? Xiaoyu..." "Family, please let me go, please let me go, okay?"

An Yilun hurriedly helped Zhong Qing up, but at this moment Zhong Qing was completely crazy, desperately trying to grab Zhong Rong's hand to prevent him from leaving, but Zhong Qing was still pushed away by the medical staff ... "An Yilun, tell me this is not true, this is not true! How could Xiao Zong die? How could Xiao Zong die? All this is a dream, and after waking up from the dream, Xiao Zong comes back to life Right? An Yilun, you tell me this is just a dream, it’s just a dream! I promised Xiaozhang that I would take him to France, to take him to Paris, where he most wishes to go, but I haven’t done any of them yet. How can he leave me? It's not true, it's not true!" "Qingqing, you have to accept this fact! I know it's really cruel to you, but your brother has really... passed away Don't lie to yourself, okay?" "Impossible! He was fine when I left in the morning, how could he be dead when I turned around? This must not be true! This is not true! Xiao Zong, Xiao Zong will not die, Xiao Zong will not die!" Zhong Qing yelled, and suddenly her body limply fell down.

"Qingqing!" An Yilun quickly hugged her in his arms, looking at her lifeless face, An Yilun really didn't know what to do to help her... Cheng who was hiding in the corner When Lingxuan heard the news, her palms were covered with sweat.Zhong Qing's younger brother... unexpectedly died!Fourth brother, fourth brother, if you don't show up again, if Zhong Qing is the saddest and weakest when this gentle man sneaks in, you will only have to cry in the future!
Zhong Qing didn't know how long she had slept, she only knew that when she woke up it was already completely dark outside, whether it was the same day or if she had slept for a whole day, it was already the night of the second day.An Yilun stayed by Zhong Qing's side all the time. When he saw Zhong Qing woke up, he said, "Zhong Qing..." "Where's my brother?"

"Qingqing, even for the sake of the child in your belly, you have to take good care of your body! You have had a miscarriage before, and the doctor has seen it for you. As long as you are not excited, nothing will happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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