Chapter 254

"Thank you for being open! Otherwise, I really don't know how to face you!" "It's okay! But Yi Bei..." Mo Erlan suddenly turned around and stood in front of Cheng Yibei, stretching his arms forward Pulling his collar and leaning in front of him, looking at him very earnestly and passionately, he said, "I just want you to know that my heart is always in love with you no matter when and where! I know that maybe when I come back It's late, but Yi Bei, tell me, I still have a chance to stand by your side, don't you?" Cheng Yi Bei put his hands on both sides of Mo Erlan's waist unconsciously, but it was only a virtual ring, not really hold her.Seeing the gleam in Mo Erlan's eyes, he suddenly didn't know how to answer, Zhong Qing's face suddenly appeared in his mind, but it just passed by.Although he understands his heart now, he knows that he likes Zhong Qing, but it is too late for him to know now, because Zhong Qing is no longer his, or Zhong Qing has never been his !
Cheng Yibei's personality is like this, he will try his best to get what is his own, and if it is not his own, he will let her go no matter how much he likes it.So Zhong Qing might really not belong to him, otherwise it wouldn’t be the situation they are in now... "Er Lan, what I want to tell you is that no matter who is standing next to me in the future, your affairs I will always be obliged! Because this is what our family owes you, and I will pay you back!" Mo Erlan's body was almost crumbling, but he still looked at him with a smile and said: "It's okay, I I know that if I miss it, I can never go back, but Yi Bei, can you not sentence me to death? I will let you know whether I am worth standing by your side and spending every day of my life with you !" Looking at Mo Erlan's serious eyes, Cheng Yibei really couldn't bear to break the enthusiasm in her eyes, and finally he could only nod silently... It was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening when he returned to the hotel. Yi Bei and Mo Erlan went after dinner and went around, but Zhong Qing didn't have the energy to follow.She took a shower, changed her clothes, went out and sat in front of the computer, flipping through the photos she had taken during the day one by one. In fact, she didn't know what she wanted to see. Those two people looked so close, she really wanted to stab them to death!But she knew it couldn't be done, if they were allowed to die like this, it would be too cheap for them!She and her younger brother have suffered, she will definitely make them pay back twice as much!

Zhong Qing flipped through the photos, and suddenly took out a small chip from her pocket and put it in, then put on the earphones and listened.This is a bug she bought in a high-tech store. As long as it is connected to someone's electronic items, she can easily eavesdrop on their conversation.And she already knew Mo Erlan's communication method, so this kind of eavesdropping is really too convenient!
She knew that the breakup between Mo Erlan and Cheng Yibei was caused by something, but no one knew what it was.So what is it?Cheng Yibei has searched for so many years but couldn't find it. What did Mo Erlan do to make Cheng Yibei's beauty so angry?
The reason why she was sure that Mo Erlan did something was because she knew Cheng Yibei's parents well. They were not a pair of parents who valued family status, otherwise they wouldn't try to match her up over and over again. With Cheng Yibei.It can be seen that what they want is a girl who loves Cheng Yibei very much and has a kind heart. If Mo Erlan hadn't done something extraordinary, the Cheng family would not have driven them all to death!But what is it?

She knew that even Cheng Yibei couldn't find out, and it was even more impossible for her to find out, so she had to wait, waiting for the best time!If she can master this fatal weakness of Mo Erlan, then she will be one step closer to the moment when Mo Erlan can completely be given a chance!

After packing up these instruments, Zhong Qing breathed a sigh of relief, turned off the light and lay down on the bed, but she couldn't fall asleep looking at the ceiling no matter what.I don't know what they are doing at this moment?Will Cheng Yibei sleep curled up with her body like he did when he was with her before?Or will they also have a crazy love before falling asleep in a deep and sweet embrace?Can't figure it out, don't!

(End of this chapter)

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