Chapter 259

When Cheng Yibei was in grief and pain, a large group of people hurried in from the hospital. Luo Xiaoqi, the leader, tightly held Cheng Yibei's hand as soon as he arrived, and glanced at him anxiously. With the closed door of the operating room, he said, "Xiao Bei, how is Zhong Qing doing now? The child will be fine, right?" "I don't know, I'm still trying to rescue her, I don't know..."

"Why did you say that the good pillar suddenly fell down? And it happened to fall on Zhong Qing by such a coincidence? Didn't anyone from AN International stand up and say something fair?" Chu Qiaoxi Frustrated, he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. While making the call, he said, "I must ask what is going on with this Ansizer! I didn't have any objections to him when he expanded the company to China, and he did his best. How can he be like this?" "Okay, my wife, what's the use of talking so much now? Can Ansizer predict that such a thing will happen? Don't worry, I believe AN International will definitely give our company a very good I'll explain it to you, why are you in a hurry?" Cheng Muyuan said as he snatched her phone, preventing her from calling.Chu Qiaoxi was anxious and was about to go up to grab the phone, but at this moment the door of the operating room opened suddenly, and everyone surrounded her.

Cheng Yibei walked in with a big stride, Luo Xiaoqi and Chu Qiaoxi hurriedly asked: "Doctor, are the people inside okay? Is the child okay?" "I'm really sorry, because the pregnant woman suffered a huge The impact, plus the falling of the heavy object, = just hit the back of the pregnant woman, so we are really sorry, the child is gone..." "What?" Chu Qiaoxi suddenly looked like a deflated ball Standing in the same place in a daze, only the words that the doctor said echoed in his ears, the child is gone, gone, gone... Everyone is very sad in their hearts, thinking of the long-awaited Son, they have only just known about it for a few days, before they had time to celebrate happily, they just disappeared like this, coming quietly, going quietly... Cheng Yibei squatted in front of Zhong Qing's hospital bed, looking at Zhong Qing's pale face With a bloodless face, his heart was so painful that it was almost bleeding.His child, he just found out that he has a child. If there is no accident, he will be a father in a few months. By this time next year, the child may already call him father. He is looking forward to it. The dearest and dearest relatives of my family just left all of a sudden.Unexpectedly came, unexpectedly left... Cheng Yibei slowly put his hand on Zhongqing's flat abdomen, imagining that there is still his child in Zhongqing's stomach, thinking about the child's slight pulsation His heartbeat, imagining the feeling that he might kick his palms with his little feet, imagining what he might look like, whether he is more like his mother, or a little more like his father... Tears fell without warning, Then came the surging silent tears.An imposing seven-foot man just felt the pain of his child slipping away silently in front of his eyes, and burst into tears uncontrollably.

After all, she cared, how could she not care?If you really didn't care, you wouldn't pretend to accompany Mo Erlan to attend the event, but in fact it was to get a better look at her, and you wouldn't let so many people monitor her every move.Because of love, he committed an unforgivable crime. If he hadn't let go at the beginning, the child would not have died like this. He would have existed in Zhong Qing's stomach in a very healthy state, and would have grown into a very strong man. child's.But now everything can only be a fantasy. After the fantasy, there will be endless grief, endless heartache, so painful that this strong man can't help crying.

A group of people walked in slowly, seeing Cheng Yibei squatting beside Zhong Qing crying, Luo Xiaoqi walked over first, and gently put his hands on Cheng Yibei's shoulders.Cheng Yibei wept and said: "Mom, I killed him, I killed my child! If I hadn't insisted on keeping Zhong Qing because of my own face problem, if I don't have so much self-blame in my heart, if I don't get so close to Mo Erlan, Zhong Qing will not leave me in anger, and she will not have such a thing now. I killed her, I killed her killed my child..." "Xiao Bei, I don't blame you, I really don't blame you."

"Zhong Qing hates me this time, she must hate me! She will never forgive me, she will never forgive me." Cheng Yibei hid helplessly in Luo Xiaoqi's arms Weeping bitterly.Looking at their mother and child from a distance, Chu Qiaoxi couldn't help but feel a little sour in her heart. If possible, she hoped that the person who is called Cheng Yibei now is her, and she hoped that Cheng Yibei's embrace was hers. Hug, she hopes that Cheng Yibei can tell her all the sadness and sadness, and get closer to her...

(End of this chapter)

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