Chapter 279

Cheng Yibei carried Zhong Qing on his back all the way back to the downstairs of the company, and Zhong Qing chattered on his back for a long time, until finally she couldn't help but fell asleep on Cheng Yibei's shoulder before she was quiet down.Cheng Yibei punched the door with some difficulty behind her back, closed the door with his foot, opened the door to the lounge, and gently placed Zhong Qing on the bed, but at this time he was already sweating from exhaustion , but he still took off Zhong Qing's clothes, trousers and shoes first, wrapped them in a soft quilt, and adjusted the temperature in the room to a suitable temperature, then went inside and began to take a bath.

It was almost twelve o'clock when he came out of the shower. He threw off the quilt and lay down on the bed. He also turned off the bedside lamp, and the room suddenly became dark.He stretched out his hand to stop Zhong Qing's soft body into his arms, absorbing her unique smell, quite at ease, but greedy for more, so he couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her forehead, and then slid down all the way... ... "Well, don't make trouble, I want to sleep!" Zhong Qing looks like a child, and Cheng Yibei really likes that coquettish look.But he was so bad-hearted, he couldn't help but wanted to continue teasing her, so he continued to kiss her all the way down, scratching Zhong Qing's neck with his chin with fine stubble, driving Zhong Qing almost crazy, In his sleep, he waved his hands randomly and slapped Cheng Yibei's handsome face, muttering angrily: "Cheng Yibei, don't make trouble..." Although Cheng Yibei was slapped by Zhong Qing for no reason Angry, but hearing Zhong Qing's subconscious Han's name in her sleep was his name, her heart was like melted sugar, sweet and soft.In the end, all the anger turned into tenderness, and she fell asleep sweetly with Zhong Qing in her arms... In the early morning of the next day, when the secretary first appeared in Cheng Yibei's office to prepare the itinerary and materials for the day To his surprise, he found that there seemed to be discordant voices coming from the lounge.The secretary frowned slightly and walked to the door of the lounge, knocked on the door politely, and said, "Mr. Cheng..." Inside, Cheng Yibei who was caught by Zhong Qing just after waking up While holding Zhong Qing in the middle of making trouble for no reason, the secretary suddenly knocked on the door, and all the passion disappeared all of a sudden, so she could only cough a few times and said, "Secretary Chen, that... help me to call and order two copies." Breakfast is served." "Yes, Mr. Cheng!" The secretary is indeed the most dedicated profession in the world, and Secretary Chen responded, then turned around and left the office immediately, and went to the secretary's room to call to order breakfast.

At the same time, Zhong Qing kicked Cheng Yibei out of the bed, and shouted shyly, "Cheng Yibei, you are a big pervert, hurry up and brush my teeth and wash my face and go to your class!" "What about you? Why don't you get up and have breakfast?"

"Got it, got it, you go first, I'll squint for a while!" Seeing Zhong Qing's lazy look, Cheng Yibei couldn't help but smile sweetly and helplessly, turned around and went inside to wash up.Not long after, Cheng Yibei came out, opened the closet, chose a suit, put it on the bed and began to wear it, and by the way called Zhong Qing to get up: "Qingqing, I have already started getting dressed, when are you going to get up?" "Sleep again After a while..."

"No, why can't I tie my tie well? Get up and help me!" Cheng Yibei yelled tirelessly, Zhong Qing had no choice but to get up, half kneeling on the bed in loose pajamas to take Cheng Yibei's tie for him Whispering, "You are so stupid! You can't even do such a simple job as tying a tie! Are you demented or stupid?" Cheng Yibei smiled triumphantly, hooked Zhong Qing's neck, and leaned over. She gagged her chattering mouth, and then launched a fierce and lingering good morning kiss.

However, at this moment, the door of the closed lounge suddenly opened, followed by Mo Erlan's happy and excited voice: "Elbe, look what I did for you..." The words stopped here Mo Erlan stared at the scene in disbelief with his eyes wide open, the box in his hand fell to the ground with a "plop", and all the breakfast inside spilled out... Cheng Yibei and Zhong Qing also At the same time, they turned their heads and saw Mo Erlan standing at the door dumbfounded, and the two of them frowned at the same time.Cheng Yibei pursed his lips and did not speak, but he did not block Zhong Qing from Mo Erlan's seeing.Zhong Qing knew that Cheng Yibei's ability to do this meant that he had let Mo Erlan go, but he just didn't know how to explain it to her.So at this moment, Zhong Qing couldn't back down anymore, she sneered contemptuously, and said, "Miss Mo, don't you know that you have to knock on the door first when you enter a room? What's more, it's a boy's room, you don't understand Do you want to avoid it? Or is it that Ms. Mo just likes some bad habits?" After Zhong Qing finished speaking, Mo Erlan still didn't recover, she just stared blankly at Cheng Yibei, and stretched out tremblingly. Pointing at Zhong Qing, she said, "Yi Bei, how can you be with her? How can you be with her? Yi Bei, are you crazy?" "I'm not crazy, I know exactly what I'm doing now! Erlan, I told you very clearly, I like Qingqing, he is my favorite woman now, and you are just my past tense, when I was young and frivolous and didn’t know how to love, I accidentally fell in love with you I mistook that feeling for love!" "Cheng Yibei, what kind of ecstasy soup did this woman give you? Now you have even vetoed your past love for me! Yibei, I don't believe it. We are true love, we are a natural couple! You said that we will get married after graduating from college... Have you forgotten what you said?" "Maybe I didn't know what love was at that time, and I didn't know that one day I will meet the woman I love. Erlan, at that time, I just thought that you were someone who could accompany me for the rest of my life, and I didn’t need to waste too much time on you. I thought it might be plain, no Passionate life, you are the best choice, but now... I really can't accept you. I know that you will think I am irresponsible, and I hate how I feel, but I met The person I really love, I'm sorry, I really can't fulfill those vows. And if you hadn't left back then and stayed by my side all the time, maybe my vows would still count, even if I met the one I love I will marry you, but now, time has changed everything, and your departure means that our destinies will never meet again. Erlan, why are you so persistent?" "Cheng Yibei, I don't believe it, I don't believe it Even if I have been away for six years, even if our past is just a period of time, but you love me, I love you too, our love has not changed!" "Miss Mo's words are really funny! Now that it has become the past After turning that page, you can only become history. I don’t understand what you are still obsessed with here... Yi Bei, you go out first, I have something to talk to Miss Mo alone Talk." "Qingqing..."

"Don't worry, Ms. Mo is a very sensible person. She knows what she can do and what she can't do!" Seeing Zhong Qing's confident appearance, Cheng Yibei had no choice but to give up, quickly got dressed, and left When he got to Mo Erlan's side, he took a deep look at her before walking out.

Seeing that Cheng Yibei had really left and the doors were closed tightly, Zhong Qing got off the bed and sat on the edge of the bed wearing slippers, looked at Mo Erlan, smiled and said: "Miss Mo, I think we have We need to have a good talk..." "I have nothing to talk to you about! Zhong Qing, I don't care what your reason for staying with Yi Bei is, I tell you, I won't let you succeed! I Knowing that you are with Yi Bei now, you don't have any good intentions! Although I don't know you well, I know that you have suffered such a serious injury, and it will be no good to return to Yi Bei's side! Tell me, what do you want from What did Elbe get from him?"

(End of this chapter)

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