Chapter 286

With Ye Gu's presence, all the streets and streets in the entire C city were immediately controlled by them. The police quickly blocked all the intersections and began to check each vehicle.

As soon as the person driving the van saw the roadblock ahead, he immediately parked the car at a corner where he couldn't see it, spat hard and said, "What the hell! The Cheng family is so powerful, so Let all the police be dispatched soon, what shall we do?"

"What else can we do? Now that we have captured him, Cheng Yibei won't let us go even if we go back! So now we are riding a tiger! Look for the right opportunity and rush over!"

"it is good!"

The two of them stared intently ahead, and the person sitting in the driver's seat tapped the steering wheel rhythmically, as if they were counting the time.

As for the two young girls whose hands and feet were bound and stuffed in the specially designed partition of the car at this moment, the female reporter was already trembling with fright, and she whispered in a crying voice: "Why? Do? What are we going to do? Are we going to die?"

"Don't think so much! I will definitely find a way! Listen, there seems to be a police siren outside. Cheng Yibei must have found out that I was missing and called the police. Don't worry, we will all be safe!" Zhong Qing Frowning and thinking of a way, she wanted to turn over, but in this narrow place, it was impossible for her to even turn over!
"What should we do? We can't hear the police even if we call for help. And if we call, those people will definitely hear it. Will they kill us?" began to cry.She has never experienced being kidnapped in all these years since she was a child!How could she not be afraid when meeting her for the first time now?

Zhong Qing didn't answer her any more, just quietly thinking of a way.Suddenly she felt that the car seemed to be moving, but the speed was very slow, as if it was preparing to pass the security check, and then the car stopped again.Zhong Qing could almost hear the voice of the police. He asked the driver for his driver's license, and then a few people came up to check, and someone opened the trunk, and then the car started driving slowly again.

She closed her eyes in despair, she had known this would be the result a long time ago!It seems that everything can only depend on her now!So she made up her mind and started kicking her feet crazily.Because she was wearing high-heeled shoes, the tip of the high-heeled shoes scratched the skin on her legs during her friction, and then the blood flowed down her legs, seeped down the partition, and dripped on the ground... The van Moving forward quickly, the policeman looked at the car in surprise, and suddenly found a string of bloodstains on the ground.They were startled, and quickly started calling: "The license plate in front is XXXXXX, please stop!"

But the more they shouted, the faster the van was going, and the police jumped into the car and started chasing it frantically.The team leader called Ye Gu and said, "Section Chief Ye, we have found it! But we are not sure if it is, and we are tracking it now!"

"Okay, follow me closely, I'll go right away!" Ye Gu hung up the phone, turned to look at Cheng Yibei, whose eyes were already red, and said, "I already have a clue, but the other party is very cunning , so I suggest to call Ah Che to help!"

"Okay, I'll call Ah Che right away!" Cheng Yibei immediately turned around and called Han Che, who was quickly picked up, and said, "Ah Che, I don't care what you are doing right now, let me put you down. Bring your long-range sniper rifle, come here quickly!"

"Okay, I got it!" Han Che hung up the phone, glanced at Cheng Lingxuan who was sitting opposite him, and said, "Fourth brother called me in a hurry, I don't know what happened! Even the long-range sniper rifle can't Ask me to take it! I'm leaving first, so I won't tell you!"

"I'll go with you!"

Han Che hesitated for a moment, nodded, and took Cheng Lingxuan into the car quickly, then rushed towards the direction Cheng Yibei said.

The van quickly got rid of the policemen, and the driver sneered and said, "You guys are too young to compete with me!" After that, he turned the steering wheel and drove the car to a hidden place. Then the two people in the car were dragged out.

One of the men saw the blood on Zhong Qing's leg as soon as he got out of the car, and kicked her right away, right on the wound, causing Zhong Qing to fall to her knees in pain: "What the hell should I say?" How did the police find out? It turned out that you, a bitch, were doing the tricks!"

"All right, all right, get rid of the car immediately, and we'll take them up!" Saying that, she pushed Zhong Qing and the female reporter up the mountain together.

Zhongqing looked at the mountain here, and it seemed that she had already left the city. This Shan Zhongqing had never been here before, so she didn't know the terrain here at all. If the two of them were brought to the mountain, then it was really only I can resign myself to fate!The target of those people should only be her, so they won't do anything to that female reporter. If something happens to her and the female reporter takes the opportunity to escape, then she will have hope... Zhong Qing bit her lip and suddenly clutched her stomach With a cry of pain, he said, "Oh, my stomach hurts so much! Brothers, can you let me go and make it easier? My stomach really hurts! I can't hold it anymore!"

"TMD, you women are really troublesome! Go, go, but don't try to play tricks under my nose, otherwise I will kill you!" The man let go of the rope that helped Zhong Qing.

Zhong Qing turned around and was about to walk into the woods. When she turned around, she made a special wink at the female reporter. The female reporter immediately understood and complained of a stomachache. Those people had no choice but to let the female reporter go too.

Zhong Qing and the female reporter went to the grass together, then squatted down, Zhong Qing said in a low voice: "The person they want is me, so I will find a way to get you out of here later, but you have to promise me , must help me bring Cheng Yibei and the others to rescue me, I don't know how long I can last, so I hope you can help me as much as possible, okay?"

The female reporter nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you!"

"The only one I can trust now is you! You will take advantage of the chaos and run away, as far as you can, and you must not be caught by them again!"

The female reporter nodded and lowered her eyes, but Zhong Qing suddenly pushed her hard. The female reporter immediately exclaimed and rolled down the mountain, then Zhong Qing immediately got up and ran to the depths of the forest go.

As soon as those people heard such a big movement, they immediately reacted, and when they turned around, they saw Zhong Qing running desperately into the woods, her shoes were all gone, and the soles of her feet were dripping with blood from the thorns all over the ground, but But he didn't care about it at all, he could only bravely run forward, running... Those people chased after Zhong Qing, and soon Zhong Qing lost all her strength and fell down on the ground. On the ground, the clothes on her body were all torn to pieces by the branches, and her clothes had been stained with blood.Just when she fell, those people quickly caught her.

One of them walked up to her, slapped her hard on the face, and said out of breath, "Run, run again! TNND, why don't you run now? Bring me Go back and take care of her!"

Zhong Qing was arrested again by those people, but when they got to the edge of the cliff, those people found that the female reporter was gone.One of them asked, "Boss, what should we do? That woman ran away!"

"Find two brothers to chase after. If you really can't find it, don't worry about it. Anyway, the person we want to arrest is this woman, and that woman is just insignificant!"

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, two people immediately went down to chase the female reporter, Zhong Qing was led forward by them, she turned her head to look at the bottom of the cliff, and said silently in her heart, "You must save me, must……"

The female reporter was running so fast that she couldn't care less about her feet, and she accidentally rolled down the hillside. As a result, she rolled down onto the road, and several high-end cars came to a sudden stop. Beside the female reporter, Cheng Yibei, Ye Gu and others in the car immediately got down and surrounded her.

Ye Gu picked up the girl and shook, "Hey, hello, miss, are you okay?"

The female reporter raised her eyes drowsily, but saw the face so familiar that she hated it, but at the moment she didn't have so many thoughts anymore, and said with all her strength: "Ye Gu Hurry up and save... hurry up and save Zhong Qing! She is...she is on the mountain..."

(End of this chapter)

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