Chapter 289

The operation lasted for three or four hours before it was over. Cheng Yuchen walked out of the operating room first, took off the blood-stained gloves and handed them to the nurse beside him. It's optimistic, except for the multiple fractures on the body, there are only skin injuries, so there is nothing wrong."

"Huh..." Upon hearing Cheng Nianen's words, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.Immediately afterwards, Cheng Yibei was pushed out and transferred to the VIP ward.But at this time, Zhong Qing's handwriting is still in progress.Cheng Nianen sent Cheng Yibei back to the ward and said, "I'll go and see Zhong Qing, her injury is not serious!"


Cheng Nianen turned around and walked out quickly, changed into another set of surgical clothes and went in, stood beside the chief surgeon, and asked, "How is she?"

"Excessive blood loss, severe infection of the wound, the dagger pierced the heart. It's tricky!"

"I'll do it!" Cheng Nianen said that he switched places with the doctor, and he started to operate on Zhong Qing.Because Zhong Qing used all her strength when she hit the dagger, the dagger penetrated relatively deep, and it hit the heart in an unbiased manner, which is really tricky!

Sweat rolled down Cheng Nianen's forehead, and the little nurse beside him couldn't wipe it off. Fortunately, Cheng Nianen had been active in the Battlefield Mountain in the Middle East before, and he was able to deal with such things with ease. Although the sweat was dripping, it still did not hinder his judgment .

The operation lasted for a long time before it finally ended with Cheng Nianen's breath of relief.The operation was a success!

Zhong Qing was pushed to the ward next to Cheng Yibei, and only Cheng Lingxuan and Cheng Yuchen were left here to take care of them that night.

Cheng Yibei woke up early in the morning the next day. As soon as he woke up, he started waving his arms wildly, but when he sat up and saw that Zhong Qing was no longer in his arms, he was a little panicked. I wanted to get out of bed to look for it, but I fell to the ground all of a sudden.

Fortunately, Cheng Yuchen came back at this time. As soon as he saw Cheng Yibei lying on the ground, he ran over and lifted him up and sat him on the bed. He roared angrily: "Cheng Yibei, do you know What's your situation now? You think you're a superman, don't you? Your legs are broken and you want to jump on the ground. Do you also want to use a wheelchair?"

"Where is Qingqing? Where did Qingqing go?"

Cheng Yuchen rolled his eyes at him angrily, and said, "Qingqingqingqing, I think you only have her in your heart now!" Cheng Yuchen brought the basin over, wrung out the towel, wiped Cheng Yibei's face, and said, "Don't worry , she's fine, she's in the room next to yours, but she hasn't woken up yet."

"How did this happen? I'm going to find her!" Cheng Yibei pushed Cheng Yuchen's hand away and was about to walk out, but he fell down again. Fortunately, Cheng Yuchen's sharp eyes quickly supported him, so he didn't go out again fall.

"Cheng Yibei, can you take good care of yourself? You have multiple fractures on your body, can you heal your injuries first before moving around? If you get hurt a second time, Mom will definitely cut me to death !" Cheng Yuchen was really speechless to this younger brother, "Wait for me, I'll get you a wheelchair!" As he spoke, he rang the internal line and asked the nurse to bring a wheelchair, which made Cheng Yi Bei sat on the wheelchair, and he pushed the wheelchair to the next ward.

Cheng Lingxuan was taking care of Zhong Qing carefully, when she saw Cheng Yuchen pushing Cheng Yibei in, she hurried over and said, "Fourth brother, your injury is not healed yet, how can you walk around freely? Do you want to be like Dad too?"

"Good sister, don't talk about me anymore, I just want to see Qingqing!"

Seeing that Cheng Yibei cared so much about Zhong Qing, Cheng Lingxuan could only let him go with a sigh.

Cheng Yibei was pushed to Zhong Qing's bed, he couldn't help but feel heartache when he saw Zhong Qing's pale face lying on the hospital bed.He hugged Zhong Qing's hand tightly, and kissed fiercely: "Qingqing, you must wake up quickly, otherwise I will really worry to death!"

"Fourth brother, don't worry too much, Qingqing has passed the dangerous period."

"Then why hasn't she woke up yet?"

Cheng Yuchen said: "Do you think she is you? Your body is so strong, and you have been specially trained since childhood. Even if you are poisoned, you can stand up to it. But Zhong Qing is different. Where did she suffer from such torture?" Ah, so the recovery has to be slower. Look at your worthless appearance, you will definitely be the stuff of your wife's hands in the future!" Cheng Yuchen couldn't help but sneer.

Cheng Yibei didn't react too much when he heard Cheng Yuchen's words, and said, "Xiao Wu, go and help me move my things here. From now on, Qingqing and I will live in the same room."


"You just listen to me, otherwise I'm worried about Qingqing's injury every day, and it's inconvenient to run around every day, and if I'm not careful, I might hurt my body, isn't it worth the candle?"

"Alright then! I'll find someone to arrange it!" Cheng Lingxuan turned and walked out.

As soon as Cheng Lingxuan left, Cheng Yibei said, "Third brother, have those people been caught?"

"That house exploded inexplicably, and everyone died in it, and even the ashes couldn't be found!"

"But I don't think it's that simple! That person was just a gangster. Even if I really drove them into a corner, they wouldn't have the guts to provoke me! So I think there must be something in it. Things! We don't know who is behind the scenes!"

"I think so too! If no one instigates them, those people would not dare to mess with us. This shows that the man behind the scenes is also a powerful character! Yi Bei, what do you want to do?"

"Check! No matter who that person is, if he dares to hurt my most important woman in Cheng Yibei today, I will let him know what the price is! The pain he inflicted on me and Qingqing today, when I catch him , will definitely repay it ten times and a hundred times!" Cheng Yibei clenched his fists fiercely while gritting his teeth.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoqi's voice suddenly came from the door: "Miss Mo, why are you standing outside the door and not going in?"

Cheng Yibei and Cheng Yuchen hurriedly turned around to look, and sure enough, they saw Mo Erlan standing in the crack of the door.After being told by Luo Xiaoqi, Mo Erlan pushed the door open, and said with a smile, "I just arrived, and I was about to knock on the door!" Mo Erlan walked to Cheng Yibei's side pretending to be relaxed, and put He handed him the bouquet from inside, and said, "Yi Bei, I heard that you were seriously injured, how are you doing now?"

"It's nothing serious. How do you know?"

"Oh, Zhongda Star was kidnapped on the night of the star ceremony, and his fiancé rescued him bravely, and some clips have been posted on the Internet, so of course I know about it! And now everyone in C City is discussing this matter, Yi Bei, you are now the Prince Charming in the hearts of all the girls, for saving Zhong Qing so heroically."

"I don't need to be Prince Charming in other people's minds, I just need to be the one and only in Qingqing's heart!" Cheng Yibei held Zhongqing's hand tightly, he really only had Zhongqing in his eyes ... Mo Erlan stood beside Cheng Yibei, seeing him so affectionate, couldn't help but bleed from the bottom of his heart.But she concealed it very well, and asked again: "Yi Bei, who are those people? What did Miss Zhong do to offend them before she was arrested? It also caused you to be injured...: "

"It wasn't Qingqing who offended, it was me who made Qingqing hurt! And if it wasn't for Qingqing, I'm afraid I'd be hurt even worse! Sooner or later, I'll have to find those people one by one, and I won't let them have any trouble with me just now. Good end! Now I just want Qingqing to wake up quickly..."

Luo Xiaoqi put the thermos bucket on the bedside table, and said with a smile: "Yes, I really hope Qingqing wakes up quickly! Through this incident, we can also see that Qingqing is really a good girl, and she can die for Elbe's sake." No, it’s not like some people who only do it for their own selfish desires! Yi Bei, I discussed it with your mother, anyway, you also proposed marriage, and our family also likes Qingqing very much, so you are considered a fiancé couple! Through This incident also let us see Qingqing's character. We are very relieved that she will marry you, so when Qingqing recovers from her injury and is discharged from the hospital, we will take her to have a meal at home and discuss the marriage. Arrange your marriage as soon as possible Now, we can all feel relieved!"

(End of this chapter)

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