Chapter 291

Zhong Qing's crying was completely shocked by Cheng Yibei's words, she forgot to cry all of a sudden, she just stared blankly at Cheng Yibei, and suddenly she burst into tears again, tightly Hugging Cheng Yibei tightly, he said, "Cheng Yibei, you big villain, you can only talk sweet words to coax me!"

Cheng Yibei didn't know what to say to save himself, so he could only let Zhong Qing hug him and cry, he gently patted Zhong Qing's back to comfort her: "Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry anymore It's gone! Look at the face of a big cat! You are a big star, you should always pay attention to your image, okay?"

"Go to hell with the big star! My man is going to die and I have to keep my image! I'm not a big star!"

Cheng Yibei almost coughed up, Zhong Qing's tough scolding was indeed a woman's demeanor!He could only laugh without saying a word, but the bottom of his heart was as sweet as eating honey.

Just when the two were hugging each other tightly, there was an extremely disharmonious light coughing sound from the door, and then Cheng Yuchen appeared, and he said in embarrassment: "What, it's really uncomfortable. Sorry to interrupt the two of you who are kissing each other and reborn after the catastrophe, but I want to solemnly declare that I am only here to inform a certain gentleman that it is time for you to take medicine! If I don’t come to inform you If you should take medicine, I guess I will be blocked by the entire Cheng family!"

Cheng Yibei frowned and looked at Cheng Yuchen, and said, "You are the only one who is sick and should take medicine!"

Cheng Yuchen became anxious all of a sudden, pointed at Cheng Yibei, looked at Zhong Qing and said, "Qingqing, you heard me, it's not what I said that he needs to take medicine when he's sick, he said it himself! I really don't want to scold you Oh! It’s time for you to take your medicine!”

"You brothers are really serious! Yi Bei, since it's time to take the medicine, then hurry up and take the medicine!" Zhong Qing smiled and said, "Then trouble third brother to help him get the medicine!"

Cheng Yuchen was very helpful to Zhong Qing's words, third brother, nodded and said with a smile: "Well, Qingqing is still sensible! Fourth child, learn from your wife! For Qingqing's sake, I will give it to you Get the medicine!" With that, he turned around and walked out.

Zhong Qing held Cheng Yibei's hand with a smile, looked at his body, and said, "What's wrong with your body?"

"It's nothing, but the leg bones are a little cracked, and a few ribs are broken."

"What? How could it be so serious? Then why don't you just lie on the bed and rest?" Zhong Qing's tears suddenly fell again, "Am I born to be a bad star? Why do all the people who treat me well receive this kind of punishment?" Torture? When I was young, my parents died, and I was left with only Xiao Zong, but Xiao Zong also died, and now you are suffering such pain for me..."

"Qingqing, how can I blame you for this? I did it willingly! On the other hand, I caused you to suffer such pain for no reason! Qingqing, if it wasn't because of me, how could you be hurt?"

"I am also willing, as long as you are good..."

Zhong Qing's words were so affectionate and sweet, even if Cheng Yibei's heart was cold, it would melt away.He hugged Zhong Qing tightly and kissed her hair, enjoying the sweet tranquility of this moment.

However, at this moment, there was a collective coughing sound from the door, and the two separated quickly and awkwardly for a hug. Zhong Qing's face was almost flushed with blood, but Cheng Yibei turned around calmly. look out.

Luo Xiaoqi, Chu Qiaoxi, Cheng Lingxuan, and the returning Cheng Yuchen all walked in with smiles that I understand.Cheng Yibei said in a low voice: "Mom, Xiao Wu..." Everyone shouted, but Chu Qiaoxi was the only one who didn't call, which made Chu Qiaoxi look embarrassed.

Zhong Qing also noticed it, and immediately bumped Cheng Yibei with her elbow, and gave him a hard look.Seeing Zhong Qing's dissatisfied eyes, Cheng Yibei could only say, "Auntie."

Although it was called "Auntie", it was better than not calling her at all.Chu Qiaoxi smiled and walked to Zhong Qing's side. Seeing her ruddy complexion, she couldn't help but nodded, and said, "It seems that you are recovering very well! You don't know the days when you were unconscious these days. Not eating or drinking, staying by your bedside day and night without sleep, it's really hard for him!"

Zhong Qing glanced at Cheng Yibei, looked at Chu Qiaoxi with a smile, and said, "I know that Yibei treats me well. I will treat Yibei as well in the future! Don't worry! Although I I'm not sure if I am the perfect daughter-in-law candidate in your mind, but I will do my best to give Yi Bei a happy and warm home!"

"With your words, we are really relieved! Yi Bei's vision is really good!"

"I've said it before, sister, don't you believe my words? Qingqing, don't take offense, my sister doesn't know you very well, so I hope to know you better!"

"It's okay! My aunt of the natural way! I will visit my house more often after I am discharged from the hospital, and chat with my aunts more!"

'This is the best! "

Cheng Yuchen unceremoniously pushed Cheng Yibei back to his bed, and said, "You, now that Qingqing has finally woken up, you can finally go back to your own hospital bed! Now, give me medicine!" Cheng Yuchen prepared the medicine for him and put the water by his hand.

Cheng Yibei frowned, picked up the pill and swallowed it all in one go, then looked at Cheng Yuchen and said, "I'm done eating, don't you worry?" Cheng Yuchen smiled, turned around and left.

The family chatted in the ward for a long time before leaving, and it was already night at this time.After the nurse came to examine the bodies of the two of them, they turned off the light and left, leaving only Zhong Qing and Cheng Yibei chatting in the dark.

"Qingqing, my leg hurts!"

"Then what should we do? Or call the doctor to show you?"

"The doctor has already left work at this time! Otherwise, I'll go to sleep with you, shall I? Hmm?" Zhong Qing sneered and said, "Okay, so that's what you hit!" "But my legs It really hurts!"

"Okay then! Can you come here by yourself?"

"Yes!" Before he finished speaking, Cheng Yibei had lifted Zhong Qing's quilt and slipped in, "Look, am I here by myself?" After finishing speaking, he hugged Zhong Qing tightly and said with satisfaction, "Oh, it's comfortable to hold you to sleep!" "You will make me happy with a glib tongue! How about it, do your legs still hurt now?" "It's much better now! If you kiss me I'll be more comfortable if you don't!" "You're a hooligan! I'm going to kill you!"

"Are you willing to let me die of pain?" Cheng Yibei grinned, taking advantage of the opportunity to steal a scent on Zhong Qing's lips, and he was satisfied.

Zhong Qing didn't care about Cheng Yibei's stealing fragrance, she wrapped her arms around Cheng Yibei's waist, put her head on Cheng Yibei's chest, and asked, "Yibei, why are you so indifferent to your biological mother?" What? After all, she is also your mother, who gave you life. Although she has not raised you for a day, I believe she still loves you very much!" "You don't know, you won't understand! An abandoned The child is in pain!" "But no matter what, she is still by your side! Yi Bei, let me ask you, if your elder brother may not have children, and he has lived such a life of ups and downs, is it possible that Don't you want him to be more comfortable? Although it is really cruel to you that your parents adopted you to your current parents, have you thought about their feelings? No parent would if they could Those who are willing to give their children to others! Fortunately, they didn’t give you to someone they don’t know, but uncles and aunts who have the same blood as you, so you have two fathers and two mothers Yes! I don’t understand which hurdle you are struggling with?” “Qingqing, if your parents gave you away, would you be happy to see them? Whether they are doing it for your own good or not, such behavior will make you I am very heartbroken! Since you want to give me away, why did you choose to give birth to me? Qingqing, I will never forget the feeling of being abandoned in my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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