Chapter 319

"I don't know, I have to think about it! Think about it!" Zhong Qing looked up at Cheng Yibei who was lying quietly on the bed, her heart was really messed up...Ann Yi Lun looked at Zhong Qing quietly, finally sighed helplessly, turned around and walked out of the room, leaving a piece of silence for her to think calmly.

Cheng Yibei, who fell asleep all night, finally woke up the next morning. When he looked up, he saw Zhong Qing sleeping next to him with his head propped up. His heart was instantly empty, and all his worries and anxieties disappeared. All that's left is endless peace and tranquility.He slowly reached out to stroke Zhong Qing's hair, but just as he moved, Zhong Qing woke up and said, "You woke up! It's great! Is there any discomfort?" "Qing... Clear..." Cheng Yibei's throat was almost scorched, and he was so painful that he could hardly speak.Zhong Qing quickly poured him a glass of water, Cheng Yibei followed Zhong Qing's hand and finished drinking the glass of water, but his eyes never left Zhong Qing, "Qing Qing, are you lying to me? Am I joking? You didn't leave me, you were still by my side, you lied to me, right?" "Cheng Yibei... I don't know how to explain it to you! I'm really serious about drugs I'm sorry, my ignorance caused you to become what you are now, but I sincerely hope that you can stop taking drugs, it's not good for your health after all!" "So you still care about me, don't you?" Cheng Yibei She smiled happily and said, "I knew Qingqing would not leave me! I knew it, I knew it!" Cheng Yibei's childish words made Zhongqing almost burst into tears, "Cheng Yibei, you Are you still daydreaming? It’s impossible for us! I’m An Yilun’s girlfriend now! Maybe in the near future, you’re going to drink our wedding wine! How can I still miss you?” Then why did you guard me here all night?"

Zhong Qing raised her hand helplessly, "Last night you passed out and held on to my hand, that's why I'm here! Otherwise, why do you think I'm here? Do you think I'm right? Do you still have feelings? Don’t be funny! Now you’re awake too, can you let me go?” “No! That’s not the case! I remember it very clearly! You saw me dizzy, scared, and nervous Look! I remember correctly! Qingqing, don’t deny it anymore, come back! I’ll just pretend that nothing happened, we’re together, we’re married, we’ll be happy and sweet, and we’ll have many babies ...Stop joking with me, okay? I really can't live without you! Stay, stay by my side, okay?" "Oh, Cheng Yibei, are you talking crazy? I hate you too late, how could you Stay by your side"? How could I marry you? It is even more impossible for me to have children with you! Have you forgotten how our first child died? I killed it myself! I killed it myself Killed his life! I hate you so much, how could I have a baby with you? Don't say such ridiculous things! Cheng Yibei, let me tell you, I love An Yilun, I have always loved An Yi the most Lun!" "You lied to me, you lied to me, you lied to me!"

"Cheng Yibei, I have nothing to lie to you! You insisted on living in the dream and refused to come out! Let me tell you, I drugged you, but I hope you can quit the drug, because I really am not A good woman, you don’t deserve to be so degraded for me! But whether you want to quit drugs is your own business, I’m just offering my opinion! If you insist on degrading like this, I can’t do anything about it, but I hope you can cheer up, Find a girl again, get married, have children, it has nothing to do with love, and you can live an ordinary life, and I am the only choice you can't make in this life, understand?" Zhong Qing said this brutally, holding back her emotions Then he pulled out his hand mercilessly, and said, "Your body should be strong enough to support you when you go home, so I won't keep you. Be careful on the road. The next time we meet, it will be the final judgment on Mo Erlan! If If I really lose, I will not appeal, I will accept this ending and let Mo Erlan get away with it. I will not blame you!" After saying these words, Zhong Qing left heartlessly, and when the door was completely closed, At that moment, Cheng Yibei heard the sound of his heart breaking... On the other side of the door, Zhong Qing was crying silently.Cheng Yibei, we have no future, absolutely no future!

After breakfast, Cheng Yibei walked out of the room with a biting cold breath, Zhong Qing was still sitting at the dining table without looking back.Cheng Yibei didn't speak either, and left here straight away.There was the sound of a car starting outside, Zhong Qing turned her head and looked over, she seemed to hear the sound of the car driving out slowly, as if Cheng Yibei was about to leave her completely, Zhong Qing's heart ached violently !Then she dropped the things in her hand and ran out after her.

Cheng Yibei, I regret it, I don't want to leave you, you come back!you come back!you come back!
A figure ruthlessly stopped Zhong Qing back when she was almost about to rush out of the gate.Zhong Qing kicked An Yilun with both hands and feet, "Let me go! Let me go! I'm going to find him! I'm going to find him! I don't want to be separated from him! Yi Bei, Yi Bei! Come back You come back!" An Yilun suddenly threw Zhong Qing to the ground, Zhong Qing didn't care about the pain of the fall, and wanted to chase after getting up, but An Yilun had Zhong Qing Falling back on the ground, Zhong Qing climbed up again, An Yilun pushed her down again, just to prevent Zhong Qing from getting up, and finally hugged Zhong Qing tightly in her arms, imprisoning her body. limbs.

Zhong Qing burst into tears and said, "El Bei, Elbe, Elbe!"

I don't know how long she tossed and bruised An Yilun's body, and finally she calmed down, lying in An Yilun's arms and weeping weakly, as if she had lost all her strength.

An Yilun hugged her distressedly, comforted her gently, and let Zhong Qing slowly calm down, then sent her hand, looked into Zhong Qing's eyes, and said: "Have you returned to your senses now? Think clearly, whether you want to continue chasing Cheng Yibei, or become a stranger to him from now on, I won't stop you anymore." Zhong Qing cried and curled up her body and squatted on the ground, buried her head and cried silently .An Yilun sighed, he didn't know what to do at this moment, but he had to let Zhong Qing make a choice that he would not regret!Otherwise, it will be too late to regret after she wakes up!If Zhong Qing really decided to leave with Cheng Yibei, she would not be unable to make a choice in one night, so he knew that Zhong Qing's only choice was to leave Cheng Yibei!
Leave, maybe you will find a new life that suits you, maybe you will be happier from now on, instead of torturing yourself in pain like now.Even though I am very reluctant, but I hope you can give up the past and start again, even if you don't have me in your new start, I don't care anymore.

Cheng Yibei drove back to Repulse Bay Villa, everyone in the family was there, seeing Cheng Yibei returning listlessly, all the people dared not speak, just looked at Cheng Yibei quietly.Suddenly Cheng Yibei smiled, looked at all of them, and said, "Why are you all looking at me? Haven't you watched enough after watching it for so many years? Is there any program today?" "Oh, that... Yibei, There is a sorority meeting tonight, on the cruise ship, the kind that many famous young masters go to, do you want to accompany me to attend?" "Why are you looking for me? It's not like you don't know, I don't like it!" Cheng Yibei bent over and took the remote control to turn on the TV. Entertainment news was broadcasting on it. Last night, the box office of "The Heroine General" exceeded [-] million, and it is estimated that it will soar all the way in the future.But Cheng Yibei jumped to the financial channel without any interest.

Cheng Yuchen turned over the sofa and put his arms around Cheng Yibei's shoulders, and said, "But it's boring for me to go alone! I called my second brother to go, and my second brother said that she would stay at home with my second sister-in-law, so you can go with me! How about going out to sea to relax?" "Okay! Remember to call me at night!"

"OK!" Cheng Yuchen smiled happily, and gave a proud V to the other people behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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