Chapter 324

Chu Qiaoxi frowned: "What did you say?"

"The Cheng family is so generous. I just slept with Cheng Yibei for tens of thousands of dollars. Just give me the 1000 million. I really think this is a good deal! If the money is used to pay for these few nights I think it's more than enough! Since the Cheng family is so generous, I naturally accept all of them! I won't pester Cheng Yibei anymore, after all..." She shook the check in her hand and said with a sneer, "We've already Money and goods are settled!" "Zhongqing, you..."

"What did you say? Tell me again?" Cheng Yibei's weak voice suddenly came from behind, and then Zhong Qing's whole body was pulled into her arms forcefully by Cheng Yibei, forcing She looked at him directly, and then said word by word, "Take back what you just said!" Zhong Qing looked at Cheng Yibei's hurt eyes, bloodshot eyes could not be concealed, but she was very happy in her heart Yes, at least she knew that Cheng Yibei had woken up and he was fine.

The same liquid was shaking in the eye sockets, but Zhong Qing ruthlessly suppressed the tears from falling, and said: "Cheng Sishao, I'm telling the truth! Cheng Yibei, I seem to have told you, I I might have fallen in love with you, but you and Mo Erlan ruined my love for you with your own hands! The reason why I will appear by your side is that I will have fun under your body every night, and I will pretend to love you very much Look, it’s all just to get revenge on you! Now my task is completed, I have taken away my due reward, I don’t think it’s a loss at all! Or do you want me to admit that I love you, but our love is easy Bei was bought for 1000 million? What kind of result do you want?" "I don't believe it! You obviously saved me! I said that as long as you save me, whether you still love me or not, I will Will let you stay by my side! Even if you still poison me every day and let me die one day, as long as I die by your side, I don't care about anything! Zhong Qing, I regret it. That day, I You should put the ring firmly on your hand, so that you will never leave me! I regret it! So, I will always wear this ring!" Cheng Yibei took out the necklace around his neck, and the necklace wore It really is the ring!Cheng Yibei took off the ring with trembling hands, grabbed Zhong Qing's hand and was about to take it up.

Zhong Qing's body was trembling, she stared blankly at Cheng Yibei putting the ring on her, but at the moment when the ring was about to be put on her finger, she quickly withdrew her hand, and then He took a few steps back and shook his head desperately, not knowing whether he was denying himself or Cheng Yibei, "We have no future! We have nothing! I beg you, don't provoke me again! I really don't want to have anything to do with you anymore, not at all!" After speaking, Zhong Qing ran away.

Cheng Yibei looked at Zhong Qing's running back, shouted, and was about to chase after him, but his body hadn't recovered yet, and he fell to the ground slumped after two steps after chasing.Chu Qiaoxi was so distressed that she quickly supported Cheng Yibei's body, and said, "Yibei, what are you doing? Silly boy, don't torture yourself like this, okay?" "Why? Zhongqing is obviously not such a person Why?" "Yi Bei, Yi Bei!" Chu Qiaoxi supported Cheng Yibei who had fainted again, and made a phone call impatiently, and another person rushed over there, lifted Cheng Yibei and returned to the private room. Hospital.

Cheng Yibei entered the operating room again, but this time he came out very quickly, with the same words as before: "Let him rest well!" and left, Chu Qiaoxi looked at herself with great distress This son of mine was in tears.

On the second day of the trial, Zhong Qing arrived very early. Although she knew the result a long time ago, she still wanted to come earlier. It would be good to hear the result with her own ears.Although she knew that this result was not what she wanted, she still sat in the best condition.Mo Erlan was escorted in by the police officers, and when she passed by Zhong Qing, Mo Erlan smiled triumphantly. Zhong Qing naturally knew the meaning of that smile, it was a kind of provocation!Her meaning is obvious, see, even if I really kill your brother, so what?So what if I do sell drugs?I will live a good life, so don't try to trample me under your feet!
Zhong Qing responded with a gentle and decent smile. Having experienced so many things, he had already learned to cover up his truest emotions, and this time, she didn't need to cover up anything, because she never felt that she had lost, So there is nothing to be unhappy about.

A few minutes later, the trial was about to officially start. Zhong Qing turned her head and looked across from her. Cheng Yibei was there, but Cheng Yibei didn't show up today.It doesn't matter if you don't show up, so even the final farewell doesn't matter!
Letting go of the knot in her heart, Zhong Qing smiled calmly and quietly waited for the judge's sentence. The entire hall was extremely quiet.An Yilun held Zhong Qing's hand to give her the greatest comfort, and Zhong Qing just looked at him and smiled calmly, without much emotional fluctuation.An Yilun knew that she didn't really care, but it was Cheng Yibei's decision. Since she had already decided to leave, she wouldn't let Cheng Yibei feel any more unhappiness, even if she didn't happy!
The judge opened the file bag in front of him and began to read: "After the unanimous vote of all the jurors, Mo Erlan was convicted of murder and drug trafficking! Sentenced to death!" Zhong Qing suddenly raised her head when she heard the final trial. Belief looked at the judge on the stage, and Mo Erlan also looked at the judge at the same time, and exclaimed in disbelief: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! It's impossible! It's impossible!" "How could it change?" In this way? Didn't Cheng Yibei say..." Before Zhong Qing finished speaking, her whole body softened completely. If it wasn't for An Yilun's support, Zhong Qing might fall to the ground directly, "Why should You did this? Why did you do this? Cheng Yibei..." The judge announced that the verdict was valid, and Mo Erlan almost fell into a state of madness. She was taken away only under the strong coercion of the police officers.And Zhong Qing also walked out with An Yilun, the sunshine outside was really good, Zhong Qing raised her eyes to look at the sunlight in the sky, the stimulating straight light made Zhong Qing's eyes unbearable and shed tears.At this moment, the police car escorting Mo Erlan drove out slowly, and Mo Erlan, who was sitting in the police car, seemed to see Zhong Qing, threw herself on the glass window like crazy, and shouted at Zhong Qing: " Zhong Qing, you bitch! I won’t let you go! Even if I’m a ghost, I won’t let you go! You bitch! Bitch!” Zhong Qing’s body shook slightly, and An Yilun quickly helped her Stopping her, said: "Are you okay?" Zhong Qing shook her head, straightened up and said: "I want to go for a walk alone, you go back first." Although An Yilun was a little worried, he still sighed Tone away.

Zhong Qing was walking aimlessly by herself, not knowing where she was going at the next stop, nor where she wanted to go, just walking aimlessly with her latent consciousness, walking, walking, walking Tired, she "plopped" the doctor and fell to the ground, buried her head between her knees and began to suffer silently.

Finally, she came to Zhongxie's grave, squatted in front of Zhongxie's grave and looked at Zhongxie's immature face on the tombstone. She smiled and said with tears: "Xiaoyu, my sister is really happy today! That The woman who killed you finally got what she deserved. It was my sister who sent her to prison! Are you happy? In fact, my sister knows that the person who really killed you is not someone else, but me! If I I didn’t know Cheng Yibei, if I hadn’t fallen in love with him, nothing would have happened! The person who killed you was my sister, not anyone else! But my sister cowardly took all the blame Focus on Mo Erlan, in fact, the elder sister is the real coward, isn't she? Xiao Yan, do you still hate your elder sister? After today, my elder sister may not come back again in the future. My elder sister is going to Paris, to the place where you most loved Longing for the place to go, to fulfill our common wish! My sister will work hard to help you fulfill your wish. Believe me, even if you can’t see it, my sister will make your dream come true! Xiaoyu, do you know My sister doesn't hate Cheng Yibei at all, really! But I know that we really have no future. But I am also very grateful to him, after I was left alone, he gave me a god-given relative... ..." Zhong Qing's hand slowly attached to her abdomen, "Sister will be fine, for you and for the child..."

(End of this chapter)

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