Chapter 326

Cheng Yibei gently entered Zhong Qing's body, moving slowly, this excruciating speed almost drove Zhong Qing crazy, but it was so exciting!Stimulating every sense organ of Zhong Qing, she felt extremely excited, and the hands holding Cheng Yibei involuntarily and fiercely embedded into Cheng Yibei's back.

This night, the wind and rain were so strong outside, but the temperature inside the house was always boiling.The woman's suppressed moans and the man's comfortable growls were intertwined, weaving into the most beautiful movement.

But after a certain amount of passion, both of them gradually became clear, but the indifference on Zhong Qing's face returned to the original one.He picked up the clothes scattered on the ground and put them on one by one, then stood up and turned his back to Cheng Yibei.Cheng Yibei sat on the bench and looked at her frowning, his naked upper body was covered with scratches that Zhong Qing couldn't restrain when he was in love.

"Yi Bei, I called you out this time just to tell you that I'm leaving here, and I may never come back again! From now on, take care of yourself and don't ruin your body anymore! Because in this world you Believe that, except yourself, no one will love you more than yourself! You hurt yourself, and others will not feel the slightest pain! In the future, you will meet a girl who is more suitable for you, I hope next time not Thinking about how easy it is to be deceived this time, you must keep your eyes open to see whether this woman’s heart is dark, and then decide whether to continue with your choice!” “Why? Why do you still have to leave? Are you going? Where?" "Elbe, do you think that if I did something like this, would your family still agree with me being with you?" "They can't influence my choice!"

"But they are still your family! Elbe, don't try to escape, you can't escape! And this time, the decision to leave has nothing to do with your family. This is my own decision! I did something like that , I will never allow myself to dream of a love that is as perfect as yours again! Maybe only self-exile will give me the courage to live, otherwise I will just stay by your side, and I will only live day and night Guilt! I'm not that strong, but I have to live! Let me go and let me live!" "Staying by my side makes you so sad? Don't you even have the courage to live?" "Yes !"

A word of affirmation made Cheng Yibei lose all the power of words.He lowered his head silently, making Zhong Qing feel like the air in the whole world was instantly frozen.She clenched her fist tightly and forced herself not to turn her head to look at Cheng Yibei behind her. Just when she thought Cheng Yibei didn't want to talk to her anymore, she was about to leave, but Cheng Yibei said again: " Where are you going?" "Where are you going? It doesn't matter anymore. I just want to find a place without you, and live my life quietly! Maybe I will accept An Yilun, but if his family disagrees, then I will continue to wander, anyway... Anyway, I have always been alone in this world, and I have long been used to it. Maybe I will fall in love with someone, even if it is not love, I will marry it, at least I am not lonely But Cheng Yibei, you are the person I want to forget the most in this world, as long as I forget you, no matter what the road ahead, I will be very happy!" Zhong Qing's words hurt fiercely broke Cheng Yibei's heart.Cheng Yibei put his hand on his forehead, leaned back on the back of the chair, his throat rolled violently, and said coldly: "Get out!" Zhong Qing nodded silently, and then walked away without looking back opened.She was afraid that if she turned around, she would be reluctant... Yi Bei, maybe our understanding from the very beginning was wrong.If you didn't know me that day, didn't buy me, didn't give me hope, didn't make me completely lose myself, maybe we wouldn't be what we are now.But the culprit that finally led to our current situation is still me!If I don't take revenge, if I don't use you, if I keep hiding the truth, we'll still be together, right?However, when hatred blinds the eyes, everything becomes clouds, even my love for you is completely blinded.So, sorry, sorry!
The door of the church fell heavily, cutting off the ice and snow outside... Zhong Qing walked alone on the deserted road under the heavy snow, her tears had already frozen into ice, and she couldn't shed a tear anymore, and her heart couldn't bear it anymore. Bit by bit, it was frozen and completely closed in the city of Shang in the bottom of my heart.She only knows how to walk forward mechanically, and she doesn't know where the road under her feet leads to.

The headlights in front of her shone blindingly, and the car slammed to a stop in front of Zhong Qing. Zhong Qing had no time to react, and she fell to the ground with her knees bent. looking ahead.

An Yilun hurriedly got out of the car and walked to her side, and held Zhong Qing's hand tightly, but realized that her hand was almost frozen, so he quickly touched her face again, and did the same. cold.He hurriedly took off his windbreaker and wrapped it tightly around Zhong Qing's body, and said, "Qingqing, where have you been? Why can't you make a call?" Zhong Qing didn't seem to hear it, and remained expressionless. Stare ahead.Only then did An Yilun realize that something was wrong with her, and he frowned slightly, thinking that she might have gone to see Cheng Yibei, otherwise, how could it have become like this?He didn't ask any more questions, but just picked up Zhong Qing and put her on the passenger seat, then he turned around and sat in the driver's seat, and drove back to his villa.

He carried Zhong Qing all the way down, put her on the bed, covered her with a thick quilt, and heated the room to an extreme, and then waited sleeplessly by Zhong Qing's bed all night.

The next day when Zhong Qing woke up, she acted as if nothing had happened. She ate her breakfast quietly, read the newspaper quietly, and watered the flowers and plants in the yard with a water bottle. Set yourself free.But things are always limited. When she stops, she will sit in a chair and be in a daze silently.

When An Yilun came back from the outside, he saw Zhong Qing sitting on the wicker chair in the greenhouse, soaking in the sun, dazed.He stood on the path in the garden and watched for a long time, finally sighed and walked over, took out the contents of the briefcase and put it in front of Zhong Qing, saying: "This is your ID card, passport, air ticket, etc. There is a bank card. I have already contacted the school in Paris. You can go to the school and study at any time." Zhong Qing took the things, looked up at An Yilun, and said with a smile: "Thank you You! I feel embarrassed for being busy with my affairs these days! But I may not come back in the future, and it is a bit impossible to trouble you! In order to repay you for taking care of me these days, It can be regarded as a practical meal for me, I will cook this lunch!" "Okay! Your craftsmanship is so good, it would be a pity if you don't try it! I will help you!" " Good!" Zhong Qing stood up with a smile, walked into the kitchen, washed her hands and started cooking.

But this meal is destined to be a not-so-tasty meal.An Yilun was washing the vegetables, but when he looked up, he saw Zhong Qing laying the seasoning in a daze, and said quickly, "That's sugar! It's not salt!" Zhong Qing quickly withdrew her hand, smiled apologetically, and said : "I almost made a mistake!" Then he reached for the salt.But after a while, the vinegar was used as soy sauce again, and the whole dish tasted like vinegar, so sour that I lost my teeth!After sitting down for a meal, it is still a hearty meal, but there are not many dishes that can be eaten.

Zhong Qing looked at a table of food that had been spoiled by herself, and looked at An Yilun apologetically, and said, "I'm so sorry, I wanted to show off my skills and cook a meal that would impress you!" "This meal It's just... I'm already very impressed!" An Yilun said with a smile, "However, although some seasonings are misplaced, the food made in another way should have a different flavor, right? Let's take them as a special taste change Cooking, there are always many things to try in life, if you don’t try it, how will you know it’s not going to be good? I’ll be the first to do it!” Saying this, she began to taste the dishes made by Zhong Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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