I'm crazy

Chapter 125 Ancestor

Chapter 125 Ancestor
And the reason why Kerwin Andrew and other blood races are so "abnormal"...

The Forest of Darkness is a very huge forest, even though human technology has developed to the present level, it cannot be damaged in the slightest.

The profit-seeking businessmen took a fancy to the value of this forest, and regardless of the rumors from the Middle Ages to the present, they wanted to cut it down or transform it into a tourist attraction.

But without exception!

All the people who entered the Dark Night Forest all died without exception, and those bosses and businessmen who entered the Dark Night Forest died in a miserable state.

Even the most advanced surveillance technology equipment can't enter it, at most it's just hovering on the edge.

Some people think that this is the 21st century, how could such a thing happen, it must be man-made.

Then, naturally, it will end in the same way as the predecessors.

Over time, the Forest of Dark Night has become a forbidden zone, a forbidden zone that humans cannot touch.

In the depths of the huge forest stands an ancient castle, anyone who is here will definitely recognize it, this castle is the largest in the Middle Ages.

I don't know how much more precious than the Lofer Castle, which has now become a precious antiquity.

Bloody roses wrapped around the walls of the castle, and the spreading blood gave the castle a dangerous aura.

Not to mention that there are no people around here, and it is a classic scene in horror movies.

Push open the pure black doors decorated with roses and reverse crosses, and in the deepest part is an elegant and luxurious room.

The pure artificial Persian carpet covers the entire room, and the extremely soft touch can make people step on it as if they are stepping on a cloud.

Not to mention the gorgeous chandelier hanging above the sky and the books that occupy almost one-third of the entire room, they are obviously not the products of today.

But the first attention of all people entering this room is definitely not these.

It was the black coffin placed in the center of the room.

Roses twine around the coffin, and an inverted cross rises from the middle of the coffin. The dark and beautiful shape seems to suppress the existence in the coffin forever under the abyss.

Extremely dangerous fluctuations faintly seeped out from the coffin, causing Brady Albert, who was guarding outside, to directly change back to his original form.

When Lin Yuan woke up from a deep sleep, he was in a coffin.

With a slight movement of the almost pale slender fingers, the black coffin moved away soundlessly.

Lin Yuan came out of the coffin and felt the familiar formation fluctuation, which was clearly her divine power fluctuation.

In the distant and obscure memory, there seems to be something about her in this plane.

It seems that I don't know how many tens of thousands of years ago. Of course, the flow speed of the world in the prehistoric and small planes is different. On a whim, she let a clone come to this plane.

Then the doppelgänger avatar casually played as a blood ancestor.

When she recalled her avatar after recalling it, she naturally learned what the avatar had experienced in this plane.

Lin Yuan walked out of the room.

The door opened obediently and silently by itself.


Brady Albert knelt down on one knee respectfully, with his white-gloved right hand placed meticulously on his chest, showing an extremely pious and respectful attitude.

Facing the king who gave him life, the king he has served for a thousand years, and the king he has been waiting for a thousand years.

Albert was undoubtedly a little excited.

But after following the king for thousands of years, the complexion of the more and more elegant gentleman has not changed at all.

"Get up!"

Lin Yuan said lightly, the moment he saw Albert, his memory became clearer.

Although the Chaos Demon God didn't mention amnesia, he had memories from countless epochs, many of which were dark and repeated fights, and it would take a little time to dig out those long-standing memories.

Albert stood up, standing out in a well-tailored tuxedo.

Not to mention the light blonde hair and silver pupils that are extremely rare among blood races. Putting it outside, every minute is the rhythm of an international superstar.

"Wang, do you need a meal?"

Albert bowed slightly and asked respectfully.

He has been accompanying the sleeping king in the castle, but the human world is changing with each passing day. In order to know in time so that the king can serve better when he wakes up, he will go to the human world from time to time.

In the past few years, he deliberately went to study for a doctorate in housekeeping, all in preparation for Wang's waking up.

Lin Yuan who didn't know how long she slept said to Albert, "Get ready."

When Albert went to prepare dinner, Lin Yuan wandered around the castle at will. The castle is very big. It is obviously a medieval building. I don’t know how many years ago, but it looks very new, there is nothing traces of damage.

It seems that Albert has spent a lot of effort during the years when she was asleep.

There are many roses and roses planted in the castle, and of course there are many green pines that she likes.

The three are harmonious and have a touch of uniqueness. They exist in the old castle very well, and the flowers bloom very well.

There is a swing next to the rose, Lin Yuan remembers that Albert saw it in the human world, and made one for her when he came back.

Although she seldom plays, Albert understands her mind, and the swing is very comfortable, so even though she seldom plays, she often sleeps on it.

Lin Yuan sat down on the swing, and wanted to sleep again while sitting.

She just woke up and still needs a lot of sleep to recover her powers.

Kunlun Mirror: [...Master, you want to be lazy again, and you still find excuses...]

"My lord, dinner is ready."

When Lin Yuan was about to fall asleep, Albert appeared. After struggling for a while between eating and sleeping, Lin Yuan finally chose to eat.

You can sleep at any time, and the food will not taste good once it is cold.

Albert prepared a lot, including both Chinese and Western styles.

Generally speaking, Lin Yuan is not picky about food.

As long as it is food, she likes it, not limited to Chinese food, but in this small plane, there are more types and richer types of Chinese food.

Seeing Wang eating happily, Albert's mood gradually relaxed a little.

King's taste has not changed for thousands of years.

No one except Albert knew that the king was not a creature like a blood race at all.

He still remembered the first time he met the king, when he was only ten years old, because his silver eyes were regarded as ominous by the family, and they were the carrier of demons.

It was the king who saved him.

It was not as simple as giving him a shelter, Wang really saved his whole being.

From then on, he followed the king and became her "believer".

Serve his god devoutly.

Later, on a whim, Wang unified the blood clan and became the first ancestor. He managed the blood clan together with the high-level blood clan selected by Wang.

However, as a dark creature, he is not a child, and there are very few places that need to be managed. Unless necessary, he stays by the king's side, waiting for the king to wake up.

As the most devout believer of the gods, apart from full of faith, Albert has no other feelings for the king.

For him, serving the king is his lifelong mission and honor.

 Thank you little angel hgq for the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket, and thank you little angel Mingyue Qingfeng for the tickets *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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