I'm crazy

Chapter 127 Ancestor

Chapter 127 Ancestor
Before Julie could figure it out, she slapped her again.

Julie didn't resist, and resisting would only make herself worse, and the gain outweighed the loss. She accepted it obediently without making a sound.

"Bitch! Bah!"

The man cursed again.

Julie watched the man out of the corner of her eye, trying to find out.

When she saw the heart, her eyes widened immediately, and she stared in disbelief at the place she stabbed with the knife just now.

But after a while, the place where there was a hole just now is now intact!
How is this going!

What the hell are they?

The man waiting behind said impatiently: "That's enough, just suck it dry, I'm starving to death."

The man in front of Julie had an obscene and disgusting look on his face, "Being obedient can make you feel better, what a bitch who doesn't know what to do!"

After speaking, he roared to the sky, fangs suddenly grew out, his eyes turned dark blood red, and he looked more like a monster.

Julie's pupils shrank suddenly, and her heart stopped beating suddenly.


Really monster!

Julie had given up hope for her life.

It is impossible for any simple human to deal with monsters with supernatural powers!

Oh!If you can, find it in Hollywood.

Julie closed her eyes.

Clearly knowing that she shouldn't fantasize about it, but at this moment, she is inevitably like the heroine in the movie, fantasizing about whether there will be a hero descending from the sky to save her.

Unfortunately, life is often not a movie.

Julie thought of the money she finally saved at home, and she could still wear the newly bought dress!
Sisi hadn’t been fed yet, so she managed to save it and told it that she was its new owner from now on, but she abandoned it again. Without her, can a kitten that is only a few months old survive? ?
Some people say that in the face of life and death, some people can't think of anything.

But Julie is obviously not that kind of person. She thinks a lot, and the more she thinks about it, the more she regrets it, and the more uncomfortable she feels.

She waited for death to come.


She has thought so much, why...it seems...not...dead?

Does it take so long for monsters to kill?
Julie asked herself, as if there was no need?
In addition to the need to create an atmosphere for the protagonist's appearance in the movie, it seems...it should be...it's easy for monsters with supernatural powers to kill humans, right?

Julie opened her eyes.

I didn't see the two men just now.

Instead, I saw an angel...

no, not an angel...

Although the appearance is so perfect, inexplicably, Julie feels that the person in front of her is definitely not an angel...

It was as if... a demon that came out of the abyss disguised itself as a human and came to her.

The person in front of him was wearing a pure black dress that was darker than the night sky. The simple style had nothing but reversed crosses and roses embroidered on the cuffs.

But it fits perfectly on her.

The pale to almost transparent complexion seemed to have never been exposed to the sun, and under the slender eyelashes were black pupils that were darker than the clothes. Looking into it, one couldn't help but doubt whether one would drop one's soul into it.

She stood quietly in front of her like that, the corners of her mouth were curved like a smile that wasn't a smile, as if she was watching her joke, and she seemed to never care what happened here, but when she took a closer look, it seemed that there was nothing Same expression.

"Have you seen enough?"

Lin Yuan stared at her persistently, and seemed to be a foolish Julie said.

At first I thought it was just bullying between human beings.

But the two "humans" who didn't know what species they were just now suddenly "transformed" like a disease, which made her feel a familiar connection.

They seem to have blood clan things on them...

Since I can't think of what's going on for the time being, then don't think about it, there is a more straightforward solution.

Lin Yuan stepped forward and said indifferently, "Kneel down."

The two of them were wondering how this person appeared suddenly, and why they didn't feel it, when they heard the woman who appeared suddenly asked them to kneel down.

The man who had just slapped Julie just now was about to step forward and slap the death-seeking woman in front of him like a pattern, but at the next moment, there was a sudden force that made them bend down.

There was only a "bang", and the two of them had already knelt on the ground, their heads lowered tightly, touching the ground.

The two struggled desperately to get up, putting their hands on the ground, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move even an inch.

The self-satisfied power of the past is useless in front of this woman.

They even felt that as the extent of their struggle strengthened, they were even backlashed by their own strength.

Lin Yuan stretched out his pale to transparent fingertips and tapped them in the air, and the random and condensed power entered the minds of the two of them.

Soul search!

She didn't have so many "leisurely" interrogations, not to mention wasting her time and energy, and the information obtained during the interrogation may not be correct.

Searching for the soul is so easy and relaxing.

It can be guaranteed that the soul-searched object will not resist, and the information obtained is 100% correct.

Obtained some incredible things from the two people's memories, Lin Yuan moved his fingertips slightly, and the memory he retrieved from the soul search turned into a spar, heading towards the castle.

Albert is very capable, and the matter can be solved perfectly by leaving it to him, without her needing to come forward.

The Kunlun mirror suddenly felt a little worried, the owner is getting lazy!This is how to do?
Then I thought again, to the master, this seems... never to be a... thing?

After all, as the master of the demon god, it is only natural for him to be served, so of course he doesn't need to work himself out.

Thinking about it this way, the sudden and inexplicable worry disappeared without a trace.

Julie didn't realize it until she heard the person in front of her speak. This was not her hallucination, there was a real person standing in front of her.

Although after what happened just now, she was no longer sure whether the person in front of her was a human being, but she could feel that her crisis was resolved.

Julie stood up, lifted her skirt and performed a standard aristocratic etiquette.

Although her family's fiefdom and title no longer exist due to various reasons, the aristocratic upbringing she received since childhood is deeply buried in her bones.

Although it has almost never been used for more than two decades, Julie has never forgotten it.

The real aristocracy is not the wealth and power of money, but the charisma from the inside out created by rich knowledge and upbringing.

The true nobility is not in birth, but in breeding.
"Thank you for your help."

Julie knew that it was the person in front of him who saved him, even though the peerless person in front of him really didn't seem like the person who could save her from two men.

"Is there anything Julie can do for you?"

Knowing and repaying kindness is one of the principles of their family.

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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