I'm crazy

Chapter 155 fluke

Chapter 155 fluke
Rao Xi continued to move towards a place, and what she was going to was the burial place of the demon clan - the demon tower.

The demon tower has nine floors and is a space created by ancient monsters. It doesn't look that big from the outside, but in fact the demon tower is very large inside.

The nine-story demon tower is filled with the bodies of dead demon beasts from the demon race, and those monsters with powerful demon power. Ordinary monsters are not eligible to enter the demon tower after death.

Because the monster bone of the monster can protect the monster clan.

The stronger the monster bone, the stronger the protection power for the monster clan.

It's a pity that the target this time is the monster bone of the monster clan.

The nine-story demon tower stood in the center of the demon clan, but it was a pity that she was not a strong Yuanzun, so of course, she was stopped before she entered the core area.

Rao Xi looked at the monsters that surrounded her, and said with a good feeling about herself: "It seems that I won't die here."

As a loyal admirer of his sister, Rao Xian nodded coquettishly: "Yes, sister, Yaozu is so good, we won't die."

The monsters who heard their conversation were speechless for a while, why didn't they know when their group would recover?
At this time, the monsters surrounding Rao Xi all separated, and a person, no, a humanoid monster appeared in front of Rao Xi.

It seems that she is very old, her eyes are deep and vicissitudes, not because of her appearance, the appearance of the Yaozu is in her prime until she dies, it is just a feeling of pity, she knows at a glance that it should be the wisdom of the Yaozu.

"Little girl, what are you doing here at my Yaozu Yaota?"

Rao Xi looked at the young monster in front of him, and said sincerely, "I want a monster bone."

"What did you say? Human, you are so brave, you dare to open your mouth to ask for my monster bones!"

The monsters glared at each other, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

Rao Xi was very calm. When she said this, she kept looking at the young monster in front of her.

Ji Yin waved his hands to signal the monsters, and the monsters immediately stopped being aggressive, which shows the status of this person in the monster clan.

"Okay, I promise you, but the bones of my monster clan are not given away for nothing."

Of course, Rao Xi knows that there is no free lunch in this world, "You say, as long as I can accept it."

Ji Yin let the monsters surrounding Rao Xi disperse, turned around and motioned to Rao Xi for her to follow him.

Rao Xi followed Ji Yin and walked forward, and saw a very simple house, but it was very big.

"Drink tea."

Ji Yin poured good tea for Rao Xi, took a sip himself and said, "I quite like human things, and these tea leaves were brought from humans for me by the beasts in the clan."

Rao Xi said seriously: "Your hobbies are very good."

Ji Yin laughed loudly, "You are quite an interesting little girl."

Putting down the teacup after speaking, "I can let you take a demon bone, but I want you to promise one thing."

"You say."

"When you aspire to the great road in the future, you need to protect my monster race for thousands of years."

"it is good."


"Great Elder, can that little girl really do that?"

"This is the instruction of the demon god."

Rao Xian was a little puzzled holding the bone sword in his hand. Even if he was only a four-year-old child, he knew how difficult it would be to escape from the monster clan, let alone take the monster bone from someone else.

"Sister, why is it so easy?"

Rao Xi stroked Rao's limp hair, smiled and said, "I don't know either!"

[Master, is this the protagonist's halo? 】

"Not all, that Ji Yin is a wise man, he should know something. After all, the monster race has been declining over the years, and it is a good plan to exchange a bone sword for ten thousand years of stability."

【Oh. 】

Kunlun Mirror seemed to understand but did not understand, Lin Yuan did not continue to explain.

In the end, it's a pity that this little girl can understand it by herself, she is too lazy to care so much, she is very tired!

In this way, the extremely dangerous shadow forest in the Yuanwu Continent was passed, and Rao Xi and Rao Xian continued to move forward, heading for the land of exile.

But something happened along the way.

"Senior, can you condense the entity?"

Rao Xi looked at Lin Yuan who came out of Mingyin with some surprise, and even walked around in a circle.

"Enough, am I a monkey?"

Rao Xi giggled, "Of course not, I'm just too surprised."

Compared with the emptiness of the soul body, the body of the senior is so beautiful!
No, it should look better.

Even Rao Xian, a four-year-old child, was fascinated by Lin Yuan's appearance and stood there dumbfounded, with the same expression as the spirit fox in his arms, as if struck by lightning.

Rao Xi secretly sighed, no matter how many times I watched it, it was a shocking existence, and the demeanor of the senior was absolutely unparalleled in the world.

"I'm hungry."

After staying in the shadow for so many days, and leaving the small space with a soul body, Lin Yuan really misses food a little these days.

Rao Xi immediately said: "I happen to be hungry too, let's go to rest first."

Glancing at the uninhabited mountains with a radius of hundreds of miles, they continued to walk forward for a while, found a suitable place, and then took out kitchen utensils and other things, and started cooking.

"Let me see your sword skills later."

Originally, the meal was good, but suddenly such a sentence came out, and Rao Xi almost couldn't hold the bowl in his hand.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Sister, are you okay?"

Rao looked worriedly at Rao Xi, who coughed and waved her hand to signal that she was fine.

Yeah, it's okay now, something will happen next...

Rao Xi looked at the rice in the bowl, and now she felt that the delicious food was tasteless.

Rao Xi was forced to mourn in silence for the next time, and Dan Fengyan, who was already quite elegant, almost squeezed a few tears.

Lin Yuan's wicked smile made Rao Xi, who was secretly watching her expression, tremble even more, oh my god!Why is she still alive? !
Regret thought of what happened after the senior wanted to see her swordsmanship on a whim in the small space, and felt that she was useless.


It's a pity that I fell to the ground for the one hundred and first time! ...

At the beginning, he looked at his sister very worriedly, hoping that Lin Yuan would be lighter, and now Rao Xian was sitting very calmly, holding a fox and roasting the fire, watching her sister's miserable appearance very leisurely.

"Get up, are you so wasteful these days?"

The indifferent and clear voice reached Rao Xi's ears, Rao Xi stretched her limbs and completely collapsed on the ground, kill her!
Can she lie down like this without getting up?

Obviously, no!

Unless she wants to be punished more severely!

Rao Xi picked up Mingyin, and a gulu got up from the ground. She had already lost all her face in front of her seniors, and she didn't have any burden!
Lin Yuan looked at Rao Xi with some disgust, she was wronged!
Rao Xi charged forward for the one hundred and second time, and she didn't use reckless force. Rao Xi thought clearly about strategy and so on.

It's a pity that it doesn't work at all against the seniors...

And the senior didn't kill her easily with one move, but teased her, making her think that she could win and laugh at the senior every time, but the senior killed all her hopes with another move!
But no matter what, you still have to work hard, because this is a fight, not a joke!

So Rao Xi held Ming Yin, with solemn eyes and tense body, and went towards the "opponent" in front of him!


Unfortunately, after a quarter of an hour, Rao fell to the ground for the one hundred and third time...

What a fucking life!

Rao Xi, who fell on the ground, silently thought of...

 Thanks to little angel Mingyue Qingfeng and little angel Lingyuan for their tickets *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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