I'm crazy

Chapter 167 Sweet Pet

Chapter 167 Sweet Pet
Running all the way to the backstage like this, Xia Yizhu saw Shi Hua at first sight.

In the crowd, he is always the most dazzling.

At this time, Shi Hua also raised his head, just in time to meet Xia Yizhu's gaze, and there seemed to be some emotion flashing in his eyes.

The senior who pulled her over directly pulled her onto a chair and began to play with her hair.

"Sister." Xia Yizhu called out.

Wu Yu hurriedly explained the reason to Xia Yizhu at this moment.

The program they prepared was a piano performance between Shihua and a girl, but by coincidence, when it was about to arrive, the girl suddenly felt unwell and could no longer play at all.

But it's impossible for the show to be ruined, and it won't go on.

While Wu Yuluo was rubbing his cheeks, Shi Hua said that he had a solution.

So this way is her?

Xia Yizhu pointed at himself, Wu Yu nodded and said embarrassedly: "Sister, this time, I beg you, we really can't find anyone we can use."

Xia Yizhu hesitated: "Senior sister, there's no need to do this, I can help, but I'm not sure if I can understand the piece you played."

If this screwed up the show, she would die of guilt.

Shi Hua, who sat quietly on the chair, said, "The starry sky."

"Huh?" Xia Yizhu's face blushed quietly.

"Yes, this song is called Starry Sky." Wu Yu explained to Xia Yizhu for Shi Hua, who was less talkative.

starry sky.

She did know the piece, but how did he know?

Shi Hua didn't speak any more, and it was impossible for Xia Yizhu to ask him. The two subsequent performers sat quietly without any further conversation, but there was an inexplicably unusual atmosphere in the air.

Qian Xiao concentrated on watching, and Gao Ling next to him was about to say a few more words out of habit.

"Why are you so serious?" Didn't you watch the welcome party several times?In particular, Qian Xiao took her to the school next door to see it a few times.

Qian Xiaotou didn't return, "What do you know, the next program will be Shi Hua's program."

Gao Ling asked curiously, "Xiao Xiao, isn't your partner jealous?"

Qian Xiao smiled, obviously the same smile as usual, but Gao Ling inexplicably saw sweetness in it.

"Appropriate eating mistakes are conducive to increasing feelings. Besides, I have a sense of proportion, and he also knows that I am just watching."

Gao Ling rolled her eyes, the sour smell of love!
It's a pity that the people who should be watching didn't see the white eyes. Qian Xiao was still staring at the front, which made Gao Ling feel a lot more depressed.

Wen Nan is still looking at the book in his hand under such a warm atmosphere, he is worthy of being a top student.

Lin Yuan, who was sitting next to Wen Nan, was extremely bored, eating a pack of snacks and taking a look at the stage along the way.

She has crossed an unknown number of planes, and Lin Yuan has also seen many performances, and the level of university really can't make her interested.

So only Qian Xiao and Gao Ling were watching the show seriously, Wen Nan was accompanying them, and Lin Yuan came over because he was bored for a while.

Who knows that it is more boring here, it is better to sleep at home.

The host came up again.

"Dear students, the next program is the piano ensemble, the track "Starry Sky", performers: Shi Hua from the Department of Computer Science and Xia Yizhu from the Department of Chinese. Welcome!"

Knowing everyone's expectations, the host didn't say too much this time, and finished the show cleanly.

"Ah! It's the school's program, it's finally the school's program!"

"That's right! I knew the news in advance and I was waiting to die!"

Most of the girls below became excited, and some people were asking who Xia Yizhu was and why they hadn't heard of it.

Some people wondered, "Hey, I remember that the one who performed with Shi Hua was not a senior sister? Why did you change?"

The light blue light was switched on, and the students slowly fell silent as they watched the people on the stage and the piano.

Shi Hua was dressed in a white suit, like a noble prince, sitting on a pure black piano chair, opposite Xia Yizhu was wearing a black dress, elegant and charming, in front of her was a pure white piano.

The simple black and white two colors are the ultimate aesthetic feeling and quite impactful contrast.

In the silent environment, even the lights seemed to have lost their effect. The next moment, the beautiful melody of the piano sounded in everyone's ears, and almost most of them were addicted to it.

Of course, this does not include Lin Yuan.

She was thinking about a great question, when will this party end?
Fortunately, Shihua's program was already at the back. After the piano solo was over, the welcome party officially ended after performing three more programs.

"Oh, it's over!" Qian Xiao stretched, still a little bit reluctant.

Gao Ling slapped her on the back of the head, "Go! I'm starving to death."

The welcome party lasted for almost three hours, and the dinner he had had was almost digested, so Gao Ling was in a hurry to eat now.

Wen Nan smiled at the side and said, "Then let's go for supper."

Lin Yuan said at this time: "Let's go, our driver is here to pick me up."

The three of them also saw the car at the gate of the campus, and waved to Lin Yuan, "Well, be careful on the road!"


The driver got out of the car and opened the door for Lin Yuan, "Miss, are you going home now?"

"Go back."

The driver of Yu’s family has been driving for Yu’s family for more than ten years, and his skills are very good. Lin Yuan slowly closed her eyes at a suitable speed. She was a little sleepy. It would take more than an hour to get home from school, so she can take a nap first. Sleep.

"Miss, here we are."

The driver's voice woke up Lin Yuan who was sleeping.


This sleep was a bit comfortable. Lin Yuan just opened her eyes, but there was still a faint mist in them, and she wanted to continue to sleep for a while.

As soon as this thought came to her, she saw Mother Yu's figure from the car window, so she had no choice but to open the car door and get out.

"Thanks for your hard work." Mother Yu said with a smile to the driver.

"Madam, you are welcome."

Seeing the driver driving the car away, Yu's mother hurriedly took Lin Yuan's hand, and said as she walked, "You came back today just in time, your mother and I just made your favorite food."

Lin Yuan was a little uncomfortable, but seeing Yu's mother's happy expression, she still held back the feeling of discomfort.

After changing my shoes and washing up, I went to the restaurant to have a late dinner.

When Linyuan arrived, Yu's father and Yu's mother were waiting for her.

"Eat more, you will lose weight."

Lin Yuan glanced at his body that hadn't changed at all, and silently picked up the pork belly that Yu's mother had put into the bowl for her with the chopsticks.

There is a kind of thinness, which is that your mother thinks you are thin.

After going through the previous planes, she was already very clear.

At this time, absolutely cannot refute your mother's authority, otherwise...

The "consequence" is that the demon god Linyuan will feel a headache.

Father Yu didn't speak, but silently used the serving chopsticks to pick up something for Lin Yuan, seeing that his bowl was about to pile up vegetables as high as a hill.

Lin Yuan said: "Dad, Mom, you guys can eat too, don't bother to pick it up for me."

If this continues, she will have enough to eat tonight.

She has not forgotten that she is now a human body, and her diet must be moderate.

(End of this chapter)

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