I'm crazy

Chapter 174 Update

Chapter 174 Update
Lin Yuan turned on the computer, then opened the document, and after spending a while in front of the computer, he closed the computer again.

I want to sleep a bit, I don’t want to write, let’s sleep first and then talk.

So, hard-pressed readers opened the Fengyue Literature website day after day, glanced at their bookshelves, and there was no update!

If I don't believe in evil, I open the "high above" "Devil God" on the bookshelf, but I still don't see the new chapter.

Still don't believe in evil, refresh!Refresh again!

In the end, the grievances stared wide-eyed, looked at the details of the book with tears in their eyes, and closed the website with a "snap" desperately.

And Lin Yuan, who was sleeping comfortably, just woke up, and the editor Se Se also just sent a message.

Edit: Great, a film and television company said they want the copyright of your "Emperor".

Abyss: Which one?
Sese was sitting on the office chair with a heartbeat, and it was so rare that Da Da sent it as soon as she sent it.

She quickly sent the company name: Zhaohui Film and Television Co., Ltd.


Lin Yuan, who had never heard of it, started searching directly.

From the results of the search, it can be seen that this film and television company is very good, rich and powerful, the quality of the films it makes is high, and it has also won many stars and big-name directors.

Abyss: What does the website say?
Sese thought about the attitude of the website, and sent a few lines.

Sese: The attitude of the website is to hope that you agree.

After all, this is a good thing and a best of both worlds.

The website can get income and fame, and the author can also get copyright fees and attention.

Although with the current status of the abyss, there is no need for these things at all.

It is not like a thousand years ago, the author is a completely disadvantaged group.

The copyright of the works of the authors of the Interstellar Age is entirely in the hands of the authors themselves. If the authors do not want to, they will not be sold.

Moreover, the author of his own work has a lot of rights. Once the adaptation is not satisfactory, the author has the right to let the film and television editor re-adapt.

Therefore, in the interstellar era, it is rare to buy copyrights that are beyond recognition. Generally, they are relatively restored, and even some film and television adaptations are very good.

The laws on copyright in the Interstellar Age are very complete, and there are very few pirated copies. The copyright protection of authors is very complete, and their interests are well maintained.

Therefore, not to mention the website, Sese is also very much looking forward to the adaptation of Abyss's novel.

Moreover, Zhaohui Film and Television is also a leading enterprise in the film and television industry in the third Samsung Province. If the quality of the films is not high, it is above the passing line.

Lin Yuan thought about it, and it's not like this happened before. When she serialized her first novel, a film and television company approached her.

But those film and television companies were not very good, and they didn't even pass the level of her editing, so they kept falling behind.

And as her status rose, copyright contracts were sent over like snowflakes.

But at that time, she didn't have this idea, so she refused.


Abyss: Okay, but I want absolute rights.

Including the adaptation and the selection of actors, let her have a look.

Thousands of years ago, the author did not have such qualifications, and the sale of the copyright had nothing to do with the author.

But it's clearly different now.

She should exercise her power reasonably. Although it is a bit troublesome, she is also responsible for her own works.

After all, she didn't want her work to be altered so beyond recognition that even her own mother couldn't recognize it, although no one would have the guts to do so.


Sese jumped up from the chair excitedly, startling Bei Meng who was sleeping on the table.

"Thurse, what's wrong with you?"

Bei Meng was sleepy and a little irritable, after all, no one would be in a good mood if he just fell asleep and was woken up.

Sese immediately stood still, raised her hand towards Bei Meng and bent her wrist like a beckoning cat, and said guiltily: "Sorry! Beibei, it's okay, you continue to sleep."

After watching Bei Meng get down on the ground again, Sese took a piece of paper, stood on tiptoes, and walked lightly towards the office of editor-in-chief Xia Yuan.

"Knock down."

"Come in."

Seeing that it was Thurse, Xia Yuan understood.

"What, do you regret it?"

Her subordinates should have thought about it.

Sese was surprised: "Regret, what regret?"

Xia Yuan pressed his forehead, "It's okay, what do you want from me?"

Se Se recovered, unable to hide her excitement, "Editor-in-Chief, Abyss agrees! Editor-in-Chief!"

Xia Yuan, who didn't sleep all night last night, wasn't in a good mood yet, "Agree?"

"Oh, you are going to die of my editor-in-chief, which is the copyright of "Emperor". Abyss has agreed to the film and television adaptation!" Sese walked up to Xia Yuan and said to her.

"What?" This kind of shocking news made Xia Yuan confused.

Various emotions such as surprise, excitement, and doubt appeared on the expressionless face.

"Why did Shen Yuan agree?" Xia Yuan was a little confused. Didn't Shen Yuan always disagree with film and television adaptations?

Let them these high-level officials of the website have been anxious, this is simply pushing a lot of votes out!
"I don't know either." Sese hesitated and said, "However, I think Da Da suddenly became interested, right?"

After all, no one can make big decisions.

"Okay, these are not important anymore, Thurse, let me know that the meeting will be held in 10 minutes. A special team must be set up for the film and television adaptation of "Emperor". This matter is urgent."

Can't delay half a second.

If this project is done well, it will not be a problem to double the number of visits to their Fengyue Literature website.

The editor-in-chief here and some Fengyue executives attach great importance to the adaptation project of "Emperor", and they have already started work in a hurry.

After Lin Yuan had a good rest, he opened the document again, sat and stared for a while, played games for a while, and ate a few bags of snacks before officially starting to write.


Looking at the thousand words on the document, Lin Yuan stopped dancing fingers on the keyboard, these are almost enough.

It took her an hour to type a thousand words, and she was tired.

In fact, Lin Yuan's hand speed is still a bit faster, but these days he is a bit stuck, and his thinking is not very clear, so he needs to think about it.

Don't think that the Demon God Linyuan doesn't know how to read Kawen, all authors in the world are the same, they all have times when their inspiration runs out.

At this time, what is needed is to relax, rest, and find inspiration. Of course, you can't sit in front of the computer and wait.

Kunlun Mirror: [...Master, you have a good excuse. 】

After passing through so many planes, the Kunlun mirror gradually had the courage to tease its owner, Linyuan.


It's a pity, I'm still very cowardly. As soon as the word came out, Kunlun Mirror immediately "wrong": [Master, I'm sorry, I was wrong ╭(╯ε╰)╮]

"Can you still use expressions?"

Lin Yuan's slender fingers are holding a book. In the interstellar era, e-readers are used. This kind of paper book is rarely read by people, and it is also relatively expensive.

Kunlun Mirror chuckled: [I always want to improve, master. 】

"So, your progress is to use emoticons?"

(End of this chapter)

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